Oh my. This is the president of the United States.

You are entitled to your opinion. Change isn't made by doing nothing, Martin Luther King showed us that.
It's funny how some people lament that we need a viable 3rd party, and with the same breath disparages anyone who DOES vote 3rd party!
But that's exactly what you're doing with your vote - nothing. And then trying very hard to claim virtue from it. It's not commendable, it's lazy at best.
I never claimed virtue, you projected it. I simply stated who I voted for and why. I'm sorry that that upsets you. I will not shy away from my choices nor should you.
There was another choice.

You certainly have the right to have no impact on the Presidential election. Just understand the moral high ground you're trying to claim by doing so doesn't mean shit.
Go back to just using this emoji: 🤣
Good for you!

I didn't vote for President in 2016 because Hillary and Trump were trash candidates. I should have sat out 2020 too, instead of voting for Biden, who I thought would be better than he turned out to be. Lesson learned! I will not be voting for either Trump or Biden this year. I'll either vote 3rd party or nothing. I have voted 3rd party before.

Don't listen to anyone who tries to tell you you are "throwing your vote away" if you don't vote D or R. Anyone who votes their conscience is NEVER throwing their vote away! In fact, the ones who are throwing their vote away are the ones who vote for a candidate they don't like, because he/she is "less worse" than the other.

My vote is precious to me, and I guess I value it more than most people do.
My favorite part about your/my view is the response or following conversation is always 100% the same.

Me/You/Clarinda/Alaskan/Others- "I'm not a fan of either candidate but I do like this 3rd option so I will vote for him/her."

Red/Blue person with no nuance-" OMG you are so F'ing stupid for voting for that guy, now here's why you should vote exactly how I am going to"
I never claimed virtue, you projected it. I simply stated who I voted for and why. I'm sorry that that upsets you. I will not shy away from my choices nor should you.
LOL - you've bantered it around many times as a signal that you consider yourself to be above the fray. I'm simply letting you know that it doesn't fool everyone.
My favorite part about your/my view is the response or following conversation is always 100% the same.

Me/You/Clarinda/Alaskan/Others- "I'm not a fan of either candidate but I do like this 3rd option so I will vote for him/her."

Red/Blue person with no nuance-" OMG you are so F'ing stupid for voting for that guy, now here's why you should vote exactly how I am going to"
That's a very simpleminded way to look at it. The point I'm making is that if someone is really against Trump being President again they will vote for the only candidate who has a chance to beat Trump. Otherwise they are tacitly supporting him despite what they say.

As the old saying goes "actions speak louder than words".
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That's a very simpleminded way to look at it. The point I'm making is that if someone is really against Trump being President again they will vote for the only candidate who has a chance to beat Trump. Otherwise they are tacitly supporting him despite what they say.

As the old saying goes "actions speak louder than words".
I don't like either but if forced to vote between the two I'm going to vote Trump is that okay?
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Of course it's OK. It simply identifies you as a Trump supporter.
Ok we are on the same page. My main point is I don't like either option. I do not want my vote helping either win. So based off that I will use my vote accordingly.
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Where did I say there was one?

But there would never be one if nobody ever votes third party.

Or maybe that's what you want.
You didn't, that's why I asked. You are admitting to using your vote on a candidate with no viability.

And your argument makes no sense - there needs to be a viable candidate as a 3rd party to get people to vote that way. Suggesting people vote for a non-viable candidate in hopes of that somehow creating a viable 3rd party candidate in the future is absurd.

I would love to have a zero party system. I've been a critic of the two party system ever since I have been able to vote. I've never been a member of either party. I do recognize, however, that we have a two party system and it is designed to prevent a viable 3rd party. It's terrible and corrupt, imo. It's also not changing because a few people decide to vote for a candidate that has no chance of winning. That means choosing one of the candidates who can win.
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My favorite part about your/my view is the response or following conversation is always 100% the same.

Me/You/Clarinda/Alaskan/Others- "I'm not a fan of either candidate but I do like this 3rd option so I will vote for him/her."

Red/Blue person with no nuance-" OMG you are so F'ing stupid for voting for that guy, now here's why you should vote exactly how I am going to"
Actually, it’s extremely rare that anyone from the right criticizes a third party vote. It’s primarily the liberals. They are convinced a third party vote takes a vote away from their side. This makes zero sense when it comes to Republicans or former Republicans voting 3rd party. Their vote would have been for the R candidate. It takes away a vote. It’s greedy to also expect to get a +1 vote for their side. Instead of appreciating some of us moving away from voting R, they’d rather ridicule our decisions. It’s been stated previously, but that sentiment actually pushes people away. It doesn’t matter how many times it’s been explained.

Personally, I can’t vote R anymore. I also struggle casting a vote for D policies. So either I vote for a 3rd party or choose to not vote at all. I don’t see voting 3rd party as a waste. If enough have the courage to do so, it might actually have an impact and encourage change.

For the record, I voted Johnson in 2016 and Biden in 2020. No regrets and I don’t GAF if the left doesn’t like it.
Actually, it’s extremely rare that anyone from the right criticizes a third party vote. It’s primarily the liberals. They are convinced a third party vote takes a vote away from their side. This makes zero sense when it comes to Republicans or former Republicans voting 3rd party. Their vote would have been for the R candidate. It takes away a vote. It’s greedy to also expect to get a +1 vote for their side. Instead of appreciating some of us moving away from voting R, they’d rather ridicule our decisions. It’s been stated previously, but that sentiment actually pushes people away. It doesn’t matter how many times it’s been explained.

Personally, I can’t vote R anymore. I also struggle casting a vote for D policies. So either I vote for a 3rd party or choose to not vote at all. I don’t see voting 3rd party as a waste. If enough have the courage to do so, it might actually have an impact and encourage change.

For the record, I voted Johnson in 2016 and Biden in 2020. No regrets and I don’t GAF if the left doesn’t like it.
LOL - try telling that to the George H.W. Bush supporters.

The angst regarding 3rd party votes in this years elections is that they give Trump a better chance of regaining the WH. For everyone who says they do not want to see him back in office they should vote for the other viable candidate. Otherwise you are providing tacit support for Trump and should own it.
LOL - try telling that to the George H.W. Bush supporters.

The angst regarding 3rd party votes in this years elections is that they give Trump a better chance of regaining the WH. For everyone who says they do not want to see him back in office they should vote for the other viable candidate. Otherwise you are providing tacit support for Trump and should own it.
Let's play ball here. I do not want either to be president what should I do?
Choose the least objectionable. The one you think will bring the least harm to the country.
So I should use my vote basically on the thought of "eh well this guy sucks the least"?

What if I actually like that 3rd options ideas?
Actually, it’s extremely rare that anyone from the right criticizes a third party vote. It’s primarily the liberals. They are convinced a third party vote takes a vote away from their side. This makes zero sense when it comes to Republicans or former Republicans voting 3rd party. Their vote would have been for the R candidate. It takes away a vote. It’s greedy to also expect to get a +1 vote for their side. Instead of appreciating some of us moving away from voting R, they’d rather ridicule our decisions. It’s been stated previously, but that sentiment actually pushes people away. It doesn’t matter how many times it’s been explained.

Personally, I can’t vote R anymore. I also struggle casting a vote for D policies. So either I vote for a 3rd party or choose to not vote at all. I don’t see voting 3rd party as a waste. If enough have the courage to do so, it might actually have an impact and encourage change.

For the record, I voted Johnson in 2016 and Biden in 2020. No regrets and I don’t GAF if the left doesn’t like it.
Here! Hear!
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I would love to have a zero party system. I've been a critic of the two party system ever since I have been able to vote. I've never been a member of either party. I do recognize, however, that we have a two party system and it is designed to prevent a viable 3rd party.
I agree with this.
Yes. The 3rd party candidate has no chance to win. Sometimes what you want and what is available to you are two different things.
If Gary had drawn 5% or more of the vote, would you have considered that a huge success? At one point Gary was polling over 10%; however, he lost momentum at the end as I think too many people got cold feet and fell back in line with the 2 party options.

I honestly believed he had a chance of finally breaking the 5% barrier. I did not feel that momentum in 2020.
So I should use my vote basically on the thought of "eh well this guy sucks the least"?

What if I actually like that 3rd options ideas?
Oh no..... can't throw your vote away on a 3rd party candidate. You have to wait until there is a "viable" 3rd party candidate. Or so I'm told.

Of course, the only way there will ever be a viable 3rd party candidate is if people will vote 3rd party...which they are told not to do because there are no viable 3rd Party candidates...because people are told not to vote 3rd party...because.......

HawkeyeShawn's post said it best.
Oh no..... can't throw your vote away on a 3rd party candidate. You have to wait until there is a "viable" 3rd party candidate. Or so I'm told.

Of course, the only way there will ever be a viable 3rd party candidate is if people will vote 3rd party...which they are told not to do because there are no viable 3rd Party candidates...because people are told not to vote 3rd party...because.......

HawkeyeShawn's post said it best.
Wait so you're telling me if people got together and voted 3rd party that maybe just maybe this 3rd party may become viable in the future?
I want to vote 3rd party but I keep getting told I can't because there isn't a viable 3rd party.
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Wait so you're telling me if people got together and voted 3rd party that maybe just maybe this 3rd party may become viable in the future?
I want to vote 3rd party but I keep getting told I can't because there isn't a viable 3rd party.

You can only vote D or R. Even if both candidates would do significant harm to this country, you must still vote for one of them. Nobody else.
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I agree with this.

If Gary had drawn 5% or more of the vote, would you have considered that a huge success? At one point Gary was polling over 10%; however, he lost momentum at the end as I think too many people got cold feet and fell back in line with the 2 party options.

I honestly believed he had a chance of finally breaking the 5% barrier. I did not feel that momentum in 2020.
No, not a success at all. Simply someone who has no chance trying to get more money.
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Oh no..... can't throw your vote away on a 3rd party candidate. You have to wait until there is a "viable" 3rd party candidate. Or so I'm told.

Of course, the only way there will ever be a viable 3rd party candidate is if people will vote 3rd party...which they are told not to do because there are no viable 3rd Party candidates...because people are told not to vote 3rd party...because.......

HawkeyeShawn's post said it best.
You can throw your vote away on a 3rd party candidate. It's just dumb to do so.

Voting for a 3rd party candidate won't make a viable one appear. That's foolish.
Wait so you're telling me if people got together and voted 3rd party that maybe just maybe this 3rd party may become viable in the future?
I want to vote 3rd party but I keep getting told I can't because there isn't a viable 3rd party.
Again, this is foolish thinking. There has to be a viable candidate that people feel is worthy of their vote. You voting for one that isn't viable won't make that happen. I'm not sure it can happen with the way our election laws are structured. If you really want to get other viable candidates start supporting elected officials who will push for that. If there are any.

In the meantime you will likely have to hold your nose and vote for viable candidates that you may not completely support.
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You can throw your vote away on a 3rd party candidate. It's just dumb to do so.

Voting for a 3rd party candidate won't make a viable one appear. That's foolish.
And viable 3rd parties just don't appear out of nowhere. That's foolish.

It's lemmings like you that ensure a viable 3rd party never exists. You can continue to vote the way you are told to, and I'll continue to vote my conscience.

I won't convince you otherwise, nor will you convince me. No further discussion between us needed.