Oh my. This is the president of the United States.

And viable 3rd parties just don't appear out of nowhere. That's foolish.

It's lemmings like you that ensure a viable 3rd party never exists. You can continue to vote the way you are told to, and I'll continue to vote my conscience.

I won't convince you otherwise, nor will you convince me. No further discussion between us needed.
Depends on what the polls say. If your preferred candidate has a real shot go ahead and vote for them. But if their support is a rounding error you're probably throwing your vote away.

And on a personal note, my congressional district was decided by 6 votes. That's less people than I have in my immediate family. Your vote has power. With any power it has to be valued and used wisely.
Depends on what the polls say. If your preferred candidate has a real shot go ahead and vote for them. But if their support is a rounding error you're probably throwing your vote away.

And on a personal note, my congressional district was decided by 6 votes. That's less people than I have in my immediate family. Your vote has power. With any power it has to be valued and used wisely.
I always get a kick out people telling people how to vote. Or worse yet, shaming them if they don’t listen to you.

You do you and STFU.
You're logic is sound in perfect or even close to perfect world, it really is...but the older I got and closer I looked, it's not even above average. And when you have someone like Trump taking a stranglehold over a major party, I don't give a shit which one, then you do whatever you can to keep him and his ilk out of power.
So, in short just one more thing to despise Trump for.
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I never said ahead...I said to the stage. If people don't vote 3rd party because they don't think they're viable, then let's make them viable, get them funding, get them on the debate stage.

And yes, I'd prefer zero parties, but I feel we have a better chance of more than zero.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I've at least put some thought into it so don't label me essentially a closet Trump supporter because I made a different choice than Hillary and Donald.
So what are you expecting with 5% of the popular vote? What happens when they get to "the stage"?
Your argument fails when you start talking about funding being the key to validity. Again, Ross Perot had ample funding and almost 19% of the vote but couldn't become viable. How do you expect someone else to magically make the leap to validity if they are part of a "party".

I'm still interested in your thoughts on whether it's only the libertarian party that can succeed or if you think any 3rd party, say the Green Party, could make that leap?
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Really what happened was he wanted to make a quip but knows he is just as fall on his face as be funny so he turned and walked away.

Look at seconds 12 through 15. It's like watching s guy who is shitfaced try to respond but he knows the alcohol won't let him.put together a sentence so he just stays silent.
We've all been there. You are having a great time, one to many turns into 3, usually while sitting down, someone says something you want to respond to and your mouth doesn't immediately fire. You have that moment of o shit... I really want to say something but now im.late, probably too hammered to really articulate what it was you were going to say, so you just pass and DGAF.

Campfire is notorious for this.

That's him, but he is "sober".

*Might be a good night for a campfire.