Oliver Martin Updates: Dec 27: Will not play (Shoulder injury). Is 5th on Depth Chart.

KF: Martin will play Saturday if cleared
Might be a stupid question, but is the NCAA required to make a decision on this before the season starts or is it possible that they could drag their feet a few weeks into the season?
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Might be a stupid question, but is the NCAA required to make a decision on this before the season starts or is it possible that they could drag their feet a few weeks into the season?
Miami had a would be starter that hasn't had a ruling yet so the backup played against florida
Edit: I might have the teams flip flopped here idk completely remember
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Appreciate the love guys but I’ve been refreshing the past 48 hours just like the rest of us. On a different post titled “I wish the NCAA would hurry the F up!” Or something I asked one of OM’s buddies and they said it was “Pretty much a done deal that he’d get immediate eligibility” but that was just through the grapevine so I’m not putting my neck out there on this one. My assumption is that he’ll be cleared to play but who knows
Appreciate the love guys but I’ve been refreshing the past 48 hours just like the rest of us. On a different post titled “I wish the NCAA would hurry the F up!” Or something I asked one of OM’s buddies and they said it was “Pretty much a done deal that he’d get immediate eligibility” but that was just through the grapevine so I’m not putting my neck out there on this one. My assumption is that he’ll be cleared to play but who knows
can you please explain why you have "party" and "420" in your profile name?

Here's a new nugget to chew on: The Hawkeyes are preparing as if he'll be eligible.

The story, from HawkCentral:

Iowa Hawkeyes 'hope to hear something this week' on Oliver Martin

Dargan Southard,
Hawk Central
Published 1:41 p.m. CT Aug. 27, 2019 Updated 2:46 p.m. CT Aug. 27, 2019

IOWA CITY, Ia. — Another media availability, another non-update on Oliver Martin's eligibility status.

The Hawkeyes are still waiting on a ruling about whether Martin will be immediately eligible, Iowa coach Kirk Ferentz said at Tuesday's opening-week news conference. It's the same answer Ferentz provided when asked about the situation at media day Aug. 9.

"We hope to hear something this week," Ferentz said Tuesday.

By now, the eligibility details are known. Martin, the former Iowa City West and Michigan wide receiver, transferred to Iowa this summer and is petitioning for immediate eligibility. The Martin family has hired an attorney to help streamline the process.

"The biggest thing all of us would hope for is some consistency," Ferentz said regarding transfers.

The Hawkeyes are preparing as if he'll be eligible. From Iowa fans to those directly invested in the program, everyone is anxiously awaiting a ruling.

"If we get the green light, he'll be in there (Week 1)," Ferentz said.

But for now, the wait continues.


This is not accurate. Sainristil was an EE and passed Martin this past spring. This was reported by every single Michigan source before OM even transfered.

With that said, Sainristil is a true freshman and what was being reported was it was going to be something like a 60/40 split in snaps at the slot to start the season....which is why Harbaugh was calling both of them starters....Martin didn't need the 1st guy up to get hurt or tired to see the field. However, it certainly isnt unreasonable if Martin felt like Iowa was a better situation football wiise because the guy in front of him was younger and chances were he would start to get more of the percentage of snaps as he gained experience.

Nobody had Sainristil passing Martin in the slot this spring. None. The only ones putting Sainristil to start in the spring were not comparing him to Martin. Martin practiced both slot and outside before transferring this spring.
Nobody had Sainristil passing Martin in the slot this spring. None. The only ones putting Sainristil to start in the spring were not comparing him to Martin. Martin practiced both slot and outside before transferring this spring.
Sorry if I missed it somewhere above, but any true/real insights on why Martin transferred? Was it just because his Michigan position coach left? I would think there has to be more to it because, to be fair, either way (if he stays at Michigan or goes to Iowa) he is getting a new position coach.

Iowa reporters asked Oliver these questions and he respectfully declined to comment.

So there has only been speculation on the reasons.

Sorry if I missed it somewhere above, but any true/real insights on why Martin transferred? Was it just because his Michigan position coach left? I would think there has to be more to it because, to be fair, either way (if he stays at Michigan or goes to Iowa) he is getting a new position coach.

Iowa reporters asked Oliver these questions and he respectfully declined to comment.

So there has only been speculation on the reasons.


Coach departures is still a waiver criteria. I just don't know if it pertains to position and coordinators.
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Coach departures is still a waiver criteria. I just don't know if it pertains to position and coordinators.
this whole transfer business is nuts. no wonder KF continually comments about ti.

remember when a grad transfer had to transfer to a school that offered a graduate degree that his current school did not offer? that's become a joke, too.

i wonder if Russell Wilson ever got that graduate degree from Wisconsin? LOL

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