Liv4GOD- You are determined to make Folkstyle rule apply to Freestlye. Stalling is not even mentioned in the entire rulebook for either FS or GR. This is where you are trying to force a concept of 1 sport/discipline into the other. Think of it this way....Tennis and Pickleball or Badmittion are virtually the same thing, with different equipment, right? However, the rules are very different. If you are watching the Olympics and watch water polo and handball...they are virtually the same thing, just in water, vs a court. But the rules are different.
FS and GR DO NOT HAVE STALLING.... Passive is not an interchangeable word for stalling.... it is defined by the rulebook as being "Lack of scoring Points." If there are no points, then by rights, they are both Passive, however you cannot warn for passive on both wrestlers simultaneously. Which is why you go tit for tat.
What I think you would be better of discussing, is how you would like to change the international rules to have a Folkstyle component for stalling.... and that would be a fair argument of an opinion for yourself.
I encourage every single coach to attend an officials meeting when they a coach myself, it completely opened my eyes on what officials were looking for, how the criteria is defined, etc. I swear it has made me better as a coach.... Also, it makes it easier to speak intelligently to other coaches, parents, etc, when they don't understand exactly what is going on, or why parents, wrestlers, etc. think they got "screwed"
Also, it gives ground to stand on, when parents scream "he is stalling" 😜🤪