On today's episode of what would you, as a parent, do?


HB Legend
Oct 20, 2002
Logged into my son's school Chromebook today to check his report card (straight As btw), and saw this (FYI: My son's account is the womp womp):


After some discussion, it turns out it's one of his classmates who we know the family very well. Tell the parents, school or no one? I was going to tell you more about the parents, but I'll hold off other than to say they're not white, but Hispanic. This kid's screen name was Fets Luck before this.
Logged into my son's school Chromebook today to check his report card (straight As btw), and saw this (FYI: My son's account is the womp womp):


After some discussion, it turns out it's one of his classmates who we know the family very well. Tell the parents, school or no one? I was going to tell you more about the parents, but I'll hold off other than to say they're not white, but Hispanic. This kid's screen name was Fets Luck before this.
Logged into my son's school Chromebook today to check his report card (straight As btw), and saw this (FYI: My son's account is the womp womp):


After some discussion, it turns out it's one of his classmates who we know the family very well. Tell the parents, school or no one? I was going to tell you more about the parents, but I'll hold off other than to say they're not white, but Hispanic. This kid's screen name was Fets Luck before this.
Talk to mom and dad.
Logged into my son's school Chromebook today to check his report card (straight As btw), and saw this (FYI: My son's account is the womp womp):


After some discussion, it turns out it's one of his classmates who we know the family very well. Tell the parents, school or no one? I was going to tell you more about the parents, but I'll hold off other than to say they're not white, but Hispanic. This kid's screen name was Fets Luck before this.
Is his classmate black?
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Logged into my son's school Chromebook today to check his report card (straight As btw), and saw this (FYI: My son's account is the womp womp):

After some discussion, it turns out it's one of his classmates who we know the family very well. Tell the parents, school or no one? I was going to tell you more about the parents, but I'll hold off other than to say they're not white, but Hispanic. This kid's screen name was Fets Luck before this.

You should slap your kid and ask him how he got 2nd place to a racist beaner. (J.K.)

I'd probably wouldn't tell the parents. It's not really your place.

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How olds the kid?
You do know kids make up totally random words that mean the same thing these words mean right? I mean your kid is womp womp, that’s another made up term just like mid and acoustic and on and on.
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They may have helped him set up that screen name.

I'd not mention it although you could anonymously email the school principal.
They are also very active in their church...Mrs. Alaska just told me the wife would deny it and make excuses (her boy is a big sweetie who would never) and I'm not really certain how the dad would respond.
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Logged into my son's school Chromebook today to check his report card (straight As btw), and saw this (FYI: My son's account is the womp womp):


After some discussion, it turns out it's one of his classmates who we know the family very well. Tell the parents, school or no one? I was going to tell you more about the parents, but I'll hold off other than to say they're not white, but Hispanic. This kid's screen name was Fets Luck before this.
If your son recognizes that it's racist and stupid, I'd let it alone. Your son is your issue and this other kid learned it from somewhere.
Logged into my son's school Chromebook today to check his report card (straight As btw), and saw this (FYI: My son's account is the womp womp):


After some discussion, it turns out it's one of his classmates who we know the family very well. Tell the parents, school or no one? I was going to tell you more about the parents, but I'll hold off other than to say they're not white, but Hispanic. This kid's screen name was Fets Luck before this.
What exactly is that screen from? Is from an application that’s part of the school’s curriculum? If so, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with reporting it to the school, but I have to ask, why didn’t the school catch it? If it’s from some kind of online game, I suppose you could still report it but I do t really see the school being able to do anything, unless it’s a private school. They have a lot of authority when it come to behavior if students off campus.
What exactly is that screen from? Is from an application that’s part of the school’s curriculum? If so, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with reporting it to the school, but I have to ask, why didn’t the school catch it? If it’s from some kind of online game, I suppose you could still report it but I do t really see the school being able to do anything, unless it’s a private school. They have a lot of authority when it come to behavior if students off campus.
It's a scholastic program/game called Blooket:

Blooket is a web-based learning platform that uses games to help students review concepts and participate in formative assessments. Teachers can create their own games or use pre-made ones. Students can participate individually or in teams, and the game's rules and visual themes make it feel like a game
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It's a scholastic program/game called Blooket:

Blooket is a web-based learning platform that uses games to help students review concepts and participate in formative assessments. Teachers can create their own games or use pre-made ones. Students can participate individually or in teams, and the game's rules and visual themes make it feel like a game
In that case, it’s certainly something that should at least be brought to the teacher’s attention, but I still don’t understand why the teacher didn’t catch it, especially since he’s in first place.
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As a principal, I deal with this more than you can imagine. If you do anything, contact the other parent, only if you know them and feel like they would take it seriously.

Kids just don’t make these words up. They know exactly what they mean. I had a 3rd grade kid tell me the other day that he learned the ‘n’ word at home. When I called home to tell the parents that their kid admitted to saying the word multiple times, there was no shock or anger. I can’t fix that.

Kids know what they are typing. I’ve had to deal with ‘womp, womp’ this year several times. This is being used to make fun of kids. Like, your parents got a divorce, womp, womp. It’s not exactly bad, but it’s not good either.
I'm just glad you clarified which one was your son. If this was a school assignment, the teacher should be able to see all of the screen names. Maybe just send a message to the teacher and let them know about it and let him/her deal with it.
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Logged into my son's school Chromebook today to check his report card (straight As btw), and saw this (FYI: My son's account is the womp womp):


After some discussion, it turns out it's one of his classmates who we know the family very well. Tell the parents, school or no one? I was going to tell you more about the parents, but I'll hold off other than to say they're not white, but Hispanic. This kid's screen name was Fets Luck before this.
report that shit.
Silence is complicity. Even kids brought into this world and raised terribly by racist POS parents need to learn that outside of their little racist cocoon that this type of shit don’t fly and there are real life consequences to being a bag of racist shit. Some manage to emerge better people when they finally leave home, many do not unfortunately.
It wouldn't even necessarily have to be a one on one conversation with the kid. It may be more appropriate to have one with the entire class about what is appropriate and what isn't. Specifically that moving a few letters around on word or phrases that are hateful to try to slide something past them isn't going to be tolerated.
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That’s a tough one; but if you know that parents well, I’d go to them first and school next if they don’t do shit. If he thinks he’s being funny, he needs to learn some consequences.

That said, kids are dumb and the kid may not think this is a racist thing. I just googled it out of curiosity and apparently it is/was a popular thing on Tic Toc that I don’t quite understand as I don’t have tic toc so can’t watch it. Seems to me it would certainly be racist; but very little surprises me these days on the dumb shit kids come up with

I will say just notify admin and leave it. Sometimes kids like being edge lords.

I’ve seen similar stuff in big text groups. I’ll be honest I talked to my kid about it but I don’t think you can change the other kids.
Kid is being "edgy" as stated by others. If you wanna be a Karen and comment on it to the teacher go ahead, but I'd personally walk away from it.