Pew Pew Pew Allen Texas-Mall

I mostly agree with this post, except for the very end.

I would say the common denominator is a person willing to destroy multiple lives. It’s not just mass shootings; there are a ton of examples all around us of people using words or acting in ways that simply are not normal. That are not the actions of people who act with love and respect towards others. We live in a society full of hate, with a constant urge to fight, that doesn’t respect/fear consequences. It permeates everything. EVERYTHING.

I don’t think it’s as simple as saying “we need to do more about mental health”, either. I mean, we DO need to do more, but are we going to start institutionalizing everyone who seems a little off? I would absolutely argue that it’s emotional health. Something is happening (we all have our ideas of the root cause) that there is little empathy in way too many places. So am I against gun control?? No, I wouldn’t say that. Try something. I just have my doubts that it would do much of anything.

But I do think these threads full of emotional tirades pointing the finger at one side are missing the much greater point, and show a complete lack of understanding the human psyche. It’s ignoring the flashing signs all around that something is VERY WRONG in this country, and mass shootings are just one of many ways that it’s being acted on.

Oh, and AR-15’s would not fall under an assault weapons ban, correct?

Sorry for the ramblings.
Good post
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Even if the Democrats had a veto proof majority and the will to go crazy on gun laws, would it matter?

The real issue is the current interpretation of the 2nd amendment. It's hard to imagine the amendment itself ever actually changing.

The only plausible scenario would be a new interpretation under a new supreme court.
No other western nation comes close to our shooting deaths as a percentage of population. Not close.
It doesn’t matter how much our population is, it matters how big of a percentage are shooting up the place.
Guns are flooding the market and are being used to perform the purpose for which they are produced.
Guns are used to kill.
Well the point I tried to make poorly is there are more guns and people. So naturally our society is going to have more mass shootings. I don't find the issue is society has changed so much. Just have more dumb and off people with the ability to get a mass killing device without too much hassle.
The Democrats have never had a filibuster proof majority to do any of this. Biden already issued EOs he can. Stop both sidsing this. It isn't remotely true or accurate.
They did the first 2 years under Obama
They did the first 2 years under Obama
So it's the Democrats fault that the Republicans do nothing but clutch their pearls and lie? I'd have to look at that but I don't think they did. 3 months it looks like. Again, thus isn't a both sides issue. One lies, obstructs and projects.

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So it's the Democrats fault that the Republicans do nothing but cluth their pearls and lie? I'd have to look at that but I don't think they did. 3 months it looks like. Again, thus isn't a both sides issue. One lies, obstructs and projects.

They had about 14 weeks. That doesn't change anything I've said. Always the Democrats having to do EVERYTHING. The Republicans never held accountable or blamed.
So it's the Democrats fault that the Republicans do nothing but cluth their pearls and lie? I'd have to look at that but I don't think they did. 3 months it looks like. Again, thus isn't a both sides issue. One lies, obstructs and projects.

They had it just long enough to make people think we'd be getting a public option with the ACA
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Sorry I didn’t nail every one of them 😂😂😂😂
Didn’t ask for them all (or any, really), but one would have helped bolster your BS position as a board moderate/independent. I just posed a question, and you failed to answer.
It would have helped bolster your BS position as a board moderate/independent.

Hey leave him alone he's an adult in the room unlike those rascals in Washington. If there were adults in the room maybe some things would get done like compromises and stuff. A nation is like a bird, it needs a right and left wing to fly
Listen, this is america. If little girls with their faces blown off or brains on th sidewalk are the price we have to pay for grown men to play with guns then that’s just the way it is.
Wont someone think about the gun nuts? They might have to find a different way to feel manly if we try to protect children instead.
Yea the two independents caucaused with the Democrats
I've explained this many times. The Democrats only had 60 votes for about 3 or 4 months. Al Franken's win was contested for several months and he wasn't sworn in until July 7, 2009. Ted Kennedy missed 261 of 270 votes in 2009 because he was battling terminal cancer and spent most of his final months in Massachusetts receiving treatment. He died on August 25 and it wasn't until September 24 that his temporary replacement, Paul Kirk, was sworn in.

At that point the Democrats finally had 60 votes, but it only lasted until February 4 because Republican Scott Brown flipped the seat by defeating Martha Coakley in the special election to replace Kennedy.
I agree that there is a deeper issue than access to guns, but it's not one that we can do something about quickly. Gun control is something that can be enacted quickly and broadly that will, at least, take some of the tragedy away from the society ills that will take much longer to rectify (if ever).

I also bristle at the claims of "gun control won't have any effect". Data clearly shows they do have a positive effect. What we also know is that looser gun control laws have a very negative effect.

AR-15s were illegal under the Assault Weapons Ban.
OK, I wasn’t sure about the AR-15’s, hence why I posed it as a question. Since they’re semi-automatic, I just wasn’t sure where they fell in the scope of potentially being banned or not.
It wasn't a legislative priority for pretty obvious reasons. Why haven't Republicans even paid lip service to gun control? If we're going to do this dumb shit.
Didn’t they help pass comprehensive gun reform last year?
Listen, this is america. If little girls with their faces blown off or brains on th sidewalk are the price we have to pay for grown men to play with guns then that’s just the way it is.
Wont someone think about the gun nuts? They might have to find a different way to feel manly if we try to protect children instead.
I haven’t seen the 20 million democrats who own guns turn them in?
There were 12 mass shootings in 2009, in 2023 there have been 190 as of May 3rd.

That's nice, but that is *all people,* and to Republicans, thanks largely to mostly having heavily gerrymandered districts, the only people who matter are *likely primary voters:*

This poll indicates that essentially the GOP leaning voters in this country are equivalent to an organized criminal enterprise. That and being extremely stupid and ignorant.