Pew Pew Pew Allen Texas-Mall

Appears the cop brained him, which would have taken massive balls and skill if just armed with a pistol. Given how heavily armed that guy was, cop probably saved a lot of lives.
Yes... by pure happenstance of the unrelated call for police he was there very quickly. I wonder how long it would have taken the cops to get there otherwise or for a good guy with a gun to step up and stop it...

Non white (x)

Not AR type rifle ( )

We can make it a 2 out of 3 now

Will have a history of crimes

Will be illegal

Gang related or affiliated
Wait, I thought you were talking about a .9mm earlier.

I don't know shit about guns, so what is this?

Has the shooter been ID’d yet?

No but per WFAA Ch 8 in Dallas he’s a heavyset dude in his 30’s who the neighbors say lives with his family in NE Dallas - probably just south of the Lake Highlands area and was a loner who seemed just a bit “off” and often dressed in all black like he was a security guard.
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It made a lot more sense to me after seeing this thread.

Gotta say, that is kinda what I expected. Carry on.
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No but per WFAA Ch 8 in Dallas he’s a heavyset dude in his 30’s who the neighbors say lives with his family in NE Dallas - probably just south of the Lake Highlands area and was a loner who seemed just a bit “off” and often dressed in all black like he was a security guard.
Between his “outfit” selection for the day, and him rolling up in a dodge charger…that description seems to check out.
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It made a lot more sense to me after seeing this thread.

Haha, you love that. #shittytenderpic
Good find and a great read. I have never seen such a simple, straight forward enunciation of the Militia context set out by the framers.
I would like to have a chance to vote for this guy. Maybe somewhere down the road.

The whole basis of this toxic out of control gun culture is based upon court rulings that ignore the obvious context of the 2nd amendment. A grade school student would interpret the text more accurately than our own ethically compromised SCOTUS many of whom claim to be scholars of the original intent of the Constitution. They’re not but we sit idly by as if we have no control over them. They should be removed, every damn one of them and maybe we start over. I’d rather have AI controlled Court decisions.
I don’t need talking points, I need to know what we are doing about.

The border isn’t a security crisis. It’s a humanitarian crisis driven by our failure to create laws that effectively deal with immigration. Immigration is an economic problem. People come looking for work. We have a labor shortage. Perfect match if we would address the problem. Instead of creating laws that address immigration our leaders prefer to use it as a cudgel to beat each other over the head with.

And this is a both sides problem.
I don’t need talking points, I need to know what we are doing about.

The border isn’t a security crisis. It’s a humanitarian crisis driven by our failure to create laws that effectively deal with immigration. Immigration is an economic problem. People come looking for work. We have a labor shortage. Perfect match if we would address the problem. Instead of creating laws that address immigration our leaders prefer to use it as a cudgel to beat each other over the head with.

And this is a both sides problem.
We are monitoring it at the TX state legislature

This thread is a perfect example of why nothing will change. We can’t even have a semi-civil conversation about kids, innocent people getting killed more frequently. And if we can’t, there is no way our bought politicians are ever going to get anything done.

There is no one reason why people go on mass shooting sprees, but the overwhelming common denominator is the method of choice which is guns.
I mostly agree with this post, except for the very end.

I would say the common denominator is a person willing to destroy multiple lives. It’s not just mass shootings; there are a ton of examples all around us of people using words or acting in ways that simply are not normal. That are not the actions of people who act with love and respect towards others. We live in a society full of hate, with a constant urge to fight, that doesn’t respect/fear consequences. It permeates everything. EVERYTHING.

I don’t think it’s as simple as saying “we need to do more about mental health”, either. I mean, we DO need to do more, but are we going to start institutionalizing everyone who seems a little off? I would absolutely argue that it’s emotional health. Something is happening (we all have our ideas of the root cause) that there is little empathy in way too many places. So am I against gun control?? No, I wouldn’t say that. Try something. I just have my doubts that it would do much of anything.

But I do think these threads full of emotional tirades pointing the finger at one side are missing the much greater point, and show a complete lack of understanding the human psyche. It’s ignoring the flashing signs all around that something is VERY WRONG in this country, and mass shootings are just one of many ways that it’s being acted on.

Oh, and AR-15’s would not fall under an assault weapons ban, correct?

Sorry for the ramblings.
I mostly agree with this post, except for the very end.

I would say the common denominator is a person willing to destroy multiple lives. It’s not just mass shootings; there are a ton of examples all around us of people using words or acting in ways that simply are not normal. That are not the actions of people who act with love and respect towards others. We live in a society full of hate, with a constant urge to fight, that doesn’t respect/fear consequences. It permeates everything. EVERYTHING.

I don’t think it’s as simple as saying “we need to do more about mental health”, either. I mean, we DO need to do more, but are we going to start institutionalizing everyone who seems a little off? I would absolutely argue that it’s emotional health. Something is happening (we all have our ideas of the root cause) that there is little empathy in way too many places. So am I against gun control?? No, I wouldn’t say that. Try something. I just have my doubts that it would do much of anything.

But I do think these threads full of emotional tirades pointing the finger at one side are missing the much greater point, and show a complete lack of understanding the human psyche. It’s ignoring the flashing signs all around that something is VERY WRONG in this country, and mass shootings are just one of many ways that it’s being acted on.

Oh, and AR-15’s would not fall under an assault weapons ban, correct?

Sorry for the ramblings.
Republicans cut mental health and refuse to act on common gun reforms. THEY are the problem based on their actions or inactions.
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Democrats have had the numbers and ability to pass a bunch of laws the last twenty years. That gun reform hasn’t been acted on falls on them too.

I won’t argue the point about mental health. I agree.
The Democrats have never had a filibuster proof majority to do any of this. Biden already issued EOs he can. Stop both sidsing this. It isn't remotely true or accurate.
What in the ever living eff?
High caliber?????? .223 isn’t high caliber. There’s-a disconnect between reality and what people think. I feel like we need to have mental health care for all, government paid, at least counseling. Maybe parenting classes should be mandatory? There have always been guns. Again, my grandpa’s generation walked downtown carrying there .22s and buying ammo to go to the edge of town and hunt rabbits. Values have changed. As a whole, fearing God, fearing embarrassing yourself and family, morals in general; have given way to whatever I feel like I deserve I deserve, if I don’t get it, it’s others fault, there is no God.
I mostly agree with this post, except for the very end.

I would say the common denominator is a person willing to destroy multiple lives. It’s not just mass shootings; there are a ton of examples all around us of people using words or acting in ways that simply are not normal. That are not the actions of people who act with love and respect towards others. We live in a society full of hate, with a constant urge to fight, that doesn’t respect/fear consequences. It permeates everything. EVERYTHING.

I don’t think it’s as simple as saying “we need to do more about mental health”, either. I mean, we DO need to do more, but are we going to start institutionalizing everyone who seems a little off? I would absolutely argue that it’s emotional health. Something is happening (we all have our ideas of the root cause) that there is little empathy in way too many places. So am I against gun control?? No, I wouldn’t say that. Try something. I just have my doubts that it would do much of anything.

But I do think these threads full of emotional tirades pointing the finger at one side are missing the much greater point, and show a complete lack of understanding the human psyche. It’s ignoring the flashing signs all around that something is VERY WRONG in this country, and mass shootings are just one of many ways that it’s being acted on.

Oh, and AR-15’s would not fall under an assault weapons ban, correct?

Sorry for the ramblings.
Thank you, appreciate the response. Completely agree that emotional health is a common denominator. I think ‘just’ addressing mental health alone won’t make a significant difference. I probably should have said I have an issue with the tool being used in these mass casualty events.

We can’t, as a culture, agree that this is a problem that both sides agree to have civil conversation about.
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I mostly agree with this post, except for the very end.

I would say the common denominator is a person willing to destroy multiple lives. It’s not just mass shootings; there are a ton of examples all around us of people using words or acting in ways that simply are not normal. That are not the actions of people who act with love and respect towards others. We live in a society full of hate, with a constant urge to fight, that doesn’t respect/fear consequences. It permeates everything. EVERYTHING.

I don’t think it’s as simple as saying “we need to do more about mental health”, either. I mean, we DO need to do more, but are we going to start institutionalizing everyone who seems a little off? I would absolutely argue that it’s emotional health. Something is happening (we all have our ideas of the root cause) that there is little empathy in way too many places. So am I against gun control?? No, I wouldn’t say that. Try something. I just have my doubts that it would do much of anything.

But I do think these threads full of emotional tirades pointing the finger at one side are missing the much greater point, and show a complete lack of understanding the human psyche. It’s ignoring the flashing signs all around that something is VERY WRONG in this country, and mass shootings are just one of many ways that it’s being acted on.

Oh, and AR-15’s would not fall under an assault weapons ban, correct?

Sorry for the ramblings.
I can agree with much of this. I think most/all of the mass shooters are a little off but in no way are mentally ill. And that’s not to say mental illness isn’t an issue in this country. It certainly is. We simply have a large number of people who are disaffected from society and look at violence as an appropriate means of expressing their anger. These people exist and they have always existed in society. I’m not sure what you do about them But I do think if we limited their ability to access guns we would reduce their ability to act on their impulses.

I think it’s also important to focus on gun violence in general. The streets of our large cities would be much safer if we limited access to guns.
I mostly agree with this post, except for the very end.

I would say the common denominator is a person willing to destroy multiple lives. It’s not just mass shootings; there are a ton of examples all around us of people using words or acting in ways that simply are not normal. That are not the actions of people who act with love and respect towards others. We live in a society full of hate, with a constant urge to fight, that doesn’t respect/fear consequences. It permeates everything. EVERYTHING.

I don’t think it’s as simple as saying “we need to do more about mental health”, either. I mean, we DO need to do more, but are we going to start institutionalizing everyone who seems a little off? I would absolutely argue that it’s emotional health. Something is happening (we all have our ideas of the root cause) that there is little empathy in way too many places. So am I against gun control?? No, I wouldn’t say that. Try something. I just have my doubts that it would do much of anything.

But I do think these threads full of emotional tirades pointing the finger at one side are missing the much greater point, and show a complete lack of understanding the human psyche. It’s ignoring the flashing signs all around that something is VERY WRONG in this country, and mass shootings are just one of many ways that it’s being acted on.

Oh, and AR-15’s would not fall under an assault weapons ban, correct?

Sorry for the ramblings.
I agree that there is a deeper issue than access to guns, but it's not one that we can do something about quickly. Gun control is something that can be enacted quickly and broadly that will, at least, take some of the tragedy away from the society ills that will take much longer to rectify (if ever).

I also bristle at the claims of "gun control won't have any effect". Data clearly shows they do have a positive effect. What we also know is that looser gun control laws have a very negative effect.

AR-15s were illegal under the Assault Weapons Ban.
I would say the common denominator is a person willing to destroy multiple lives.
If this is the case then wouldn't it behoove us as responsible individuals whom respect human life to make it as difficult as possible for such person's to procure the most common tools that are used to carry out the destruction of multiple lives in these scenarios?
High caliber?????? .223 isn’t high caliber. There’s-a disconnect between reality and what people think. I feel like we need to have mental health care for all, government paid, at least counseling. Maybe parenting classes should be mandatory? There have always been guns. Again, my grandpa’s generation walked downtown carrying there .22s and buying ammo to go to the edge of town and hunt rabbits. Values have changed. As a whole, fearing God, fearing embarrassing yourself and family, morals in general; have given way to whatever I feel like I deserve I deserve, if I don’t get it, it’s others fault, there is no God.
Personally I don't think values have changed as near as much as we think. There are a lot more of us since your Grandpa hunted rabbits. There is 4 times as many of us now. As a society we are just going to produce more individuals that are off.
Most of our problem is big math. 400 million guns and 400 million people are going to naturally have more multi shooter incident. Than say a country back 50's with half as many people and guns.
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Personally I don't think values have changed as near as much as we think. There are a lot more of us since your Grandpa hunted rabbits. There is 4 times as many of us now. As a society we are just going to produce more individuals that are off.
Most of our problem is big math. 400 million guns and 400 million people are going to naturally have more multi shooter incident. Than say a country back 50's with half as many people and guns.
No other western nation comes close to our shooting deaths as a percentage of population. Not close.
It doesn’t matter how much our population is, it matters how big of a percentage are shooting up the place.
Guns are flooding the market and are being used to perform the purpose for which they are produced.
Guns are used to kill.