Pew Pew Pew Allen Texas-Mall

You are losing the argument.

tired. This schtick is tired. You go first, wah, wah, ..,
Well for a party who is as passionate and angry over a subject I sure don’t see any accountability from the gun owners who are Democrats. I would love for you to lead by example, but for some reason the party doesn’t? You would remove roughly 25 million firearms in the United States, which would have an impact on gun violence. No laws needed just a party to take action on something. For 25 years the members of your party could have an impact and yet they haven’t. Why?????
I don’t need talking points, I need to know what we are doing about.

The border isn’t a security crisis. It’s a humanitarian crisis driven by our failure to create laws that effectively deal with immigration. Immigration is an economic problem. People come looking for work. We have a labor shortage. Perfect match if we would address the problem. Instead of creating laws that address immigration our leaders prefer to use it as a cudgel to beat each other over the head with.

And this is a both sides problem.
Secure the boarder. Let’s keep it simple
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No you don't. It's easier for libs to blame the gun, republicans, and the NRA. You don't want to have to get to the root cause of the shootings, because it would mean having a tough conversation and for some of you it would require looking in the mirror, or more importantly admitting you are wrong.

Well for a party who is as passionate and angry over a subject I sure don’t see any accountability from the gun owners who are Democrats. I would love for you to lead by example, but for some reason the party doesn’t? You would remove roughly 25 million firearms in the United States, which would have an impact on gun violence. No laws needed just a party to take action on something. For 25 years the members of your party could have an impact and yet they haven’t. Why?????
You aren’t a serious person.
So apparently this guy is was not very bright. An Hispanic guy was affiliated with groups of people who hated him.

So we can agree that the Democrats had a filibuster proof majority, but only for a short time. Why didn’t they do an assault weapons ban during that time frame?
You sure are a black/white, no gray area guy.
I would not agree to treatment under your care in a health emergency.
You see no wiggle room.
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So apparently this guy is was not very bright. An Hispanic guy was affiliated with groups of people who hated him.

There are a fair amount of neo nazi / white supremacy followers of Hispanic background. There is the reason the question exists if you are Caucasian Non Hispanic. Proud Boys was lead by one, though sadly Enrique Tarrio is in jail for sedition.
Look in the mirror even if you hate the sight of your pathetic self. Might wanna do some soul searching. Wade through the dogshit and be honest with yourself.
Not at. Actually had a great day on the water today with my boys, found some prespawn bass and even a few accidental walleye today. I see you're still spewing away on here after your bender last night though. Carry on.
What the **** you mean you clown. You have been getting everything wrong all 12 pages including not believing MSNBC. I could give a crap who he is. You guys are the ones stuck on making it an illegal alien cartel guy. Deal with it and stop showing your ass.
What have I been getting wrong specifically? Name one post where I alluded to him being an illegal or involved with the cartel?

The msnbc was a shot to those who constantly bemoan Fox News as a source on here
You have no self awareness, do you? Read the quoted posts. You’re making yourself look absolutely clueless. I’m not the one that needs to focus on being “well thought out.”
Just because you don’t agree with what I said doesn’t make it false
Did I not want to have an honest discussion about guns in the beginning of the thread?
Is finger pointing on legislation and suggesting all on the left relinquish their guns considered being serious? Sounds more like being a partisan hack. If you want to have serious conversation, you should start. You never even answered when I asked what you believe the “root cause” is. Nothing you have offered here is remotely akin to that. What hard questions are you asking and people are refusing to answer? Take your own advice, and look in the mirror.
Is finger pointing on legislation and suggesting all on the left relinquish their guns considered being serious? Sounds more like being a partisan hack. What hard questions are you asking and people are refusing to answer? Take your own advice, and look in the mirror.
I did give some suggestions at the beginning, and only 1-2 posters responded in kind. The majority including you resorted to lol emojis and name calling:

I want to have that discussion and have no issue looking in the mirror. Hit me with what you believe is the “root cause,” as well as solutions going forward. What are people wrong about? Knowing how simple you are, and the fact you use “cause” singularly…this should be a great read


That’s from you
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Well for a party who is as passionate and angry over a subject I sure don’t see any accountability from the gun owners who are Democrats. I would love for you to lead by example, but for some reason the party doesn’t? You would remove roughly 25 million firearms in the United States, which would have an impact on gun violence. No laws needed just a party to take action on something. For 25 years the members of your party could have an impact and yet they haven’t. Why?????

Would you admit the second is a top 2 or 3 issue - agenda item for Rs? Every time a dem mentions gun control the Rs whip their base into a frenzy saying they are coming for your guns, constitution, blah , blah. The Ds know it’s a losing proposition. Any real common sense gun law changes will have to come from the Rs. Why wont the Rs do this?