Pew Pew Pew Allen Texas-Mall

I've explained this many times. The Democrats only had 60 votes for about 3 or 4 months. Al Franken's win was contested for several months and he wasn't sworn in until July 7, 2009. Ted Kennedy missed 261 of 270 votes in 2009 because he was battling terminal cancer and spent most of his final months in Massachusetts receiving treatment. He died on August 25 and it wasn't until September 24 that his temporary replacement, Paul Kirk, was sworn in.

At that point the Democrats finally had 60 votes, but it only lasted until February 4 because Republican Scott Brown flipped the seat by defeating Martha Coakley in the special election to replace Kennedy.
So we can agree that the Democrats had a filibuster proof majority, but only for a short time. Why didn’t they do an assault weapons ban during that time frame?
And, because you swallow their black/white narrative, and cannot remotely comprehend that abortions for those miscarrying are medically necessary, you'll let those women die to pigeonhole everything into the GOP narratives.
Blah blah blah and derp.
So we can agree that the Democrats had a filibuster proof majority, but only for a short time. Why didn’t they do an assault weapons ban during that time frame?
During that timeframe we were losing 6 digit jobs per month and the legislative priority was negotiating the ACA. This was in the first and second years of his first term, before his presidency coincided with an increase in these shootings. Fort Hood was 2009 on a military base. Newtown was 2013.
During that timeframe we were losing 6 digit jobs per month and the legislative priority was negotiating the ACA. This was in the first and second years of his first term, before his presidency coincided with an increase in these shootings. Fort Hood was 2009 on a military base. Newtown was 2013.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2009— -- The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said today.

"As President Obama indicated during the campaign, there are just a few gun-related changes that we would like to make, and among them would be to reinstitute the ban on the sale of assault weapons," Holder told reporters.

During that timeframe we were losing 6 digit jobs per month and the legislative priority was negotiating the ACA. This was in the first and second years of his first term, before his presidency coincided with an increase in these shootings. Fort Hood was 2009 on a military base. Newtown was 2013.
Incredible the BS they spew to justify supporting awful, treasonous filth for candidates.
tougher sentences for crimes involving guns, including life in prison,
get control of the border
more people committed to mental health institutions
any credible threats made carry a mandatory 10 year sentence
ban social media for kids under 18
Great start.

Going to need more funding. Tax hike?
Your betters…
I asked a question and made a couple of observations. You followed up with a comment that’s a throw away, intended to deflect, and a completely inaccurate representation of reality. When pressed, you don’t even attempt to back it up…not that you could.

Oh look, you did it here again. As I said earlier…bitch made.
I want something done, but we have to look at the core reasons why, not just put a bandaid on a dissecting Aorta
Then why are you spending your time arguing about the Democrats not doing anything 14 years ago when they had the majority for a few months? You laid out what changes you think need to be made, spend your time defending your proposal not blaming others.

What is the one thing that all mass shooters have in common? I think that's where we need to start.
I asked a question and made a couple of observations. You followed up with a comment that’s a throw away, intended to deflect, and a completely inaccurate representation of reality. When pressed, you don’t even attempt to back it up…not that you could.

Oh look, you did it here again. As I said earlier…bitch made.
Why are you so desperate for my validation?
Then why are you spending your time arguing about the Democrats not doing anything 14 years ago when they had the majority for a few months? You laid out what changes you think need to be made, spend your time defending your proposal not blaming others.

What is the one thing that all mass shooters have in common? I think that's where we need to start.
I was responding to Chis saying the Democrats never had a filibuster proof majority and can you say the same thing to the other liberals on here about blaming others.

Guns are the common denominator, now why in the past 25 years have people resorted to violence more frequently?
Funny coming from somebody who clearly doesn’t want to have a honest discussion on the subject
The sad reality of the proposed assault weapons ban is that it’s going to need to go a lot further to take a real dent out of the gun violence we see in the United States. And a bill like that will never pass. So, we basically are what we are.
I was responding to Chis saying the Democrats never had a filibuster proof majority and can you say the same thing to the other liberals on here about blaming others.

Guns are the common denominator, now why in the past 25 years have people resorted to violence more frequently?
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I was responding to Chis saying the Democrats never had a filibuster proof majority and can you say the same thing to the other liberals on here about blaming others.

Guns are the common denominator, now why in the past 25 years have people resorted to violence more frequently?
I'm not sure why people have resorted to violence more frequently in the past 25 years, in general everyone seems pretty angry anymore. Anger combined with a weapon that can kill many in a few seconds is a bad combination. It seems to me we could make a quicker impact eliminating those kinds of weapons then trying to solve the reasons why people are so angry. That doesn't mean we shouldn't do both. We need to "slow the bleeding" first.