Pew Pew Pew Allen Texas-Mall

I did give some suggestions at the beginning, and only 1-2 posters responded in kind. The majority including you resorted to lol emojis and name calling:

I want to have that discussion and have no issue looking in the mirror. Hit me with what you believe is the “root cause,” as well as solutions going forward. What are people wrong about? Knowing how simple you are, and the fact you use “cause” singularly…this should be a great read


That’s from you
And what was your response?

Btw, that’s not name calling…or laughing emojis.
Is finger pointing on legislation and suggesting all on the left relinquish their guns considered being serious? Sounds more like being a partisan hack. If you want to have serious conversation, you should start. You never even answered when I asked what you believe the “root cause” is. Nothing you have offered here is remotely akin to that. What hard questions are you asking and people are refusing to answer? Take your own advice, and look in the mirror.
Only blaming republicans, guns, and the NRA on the evil in this world isn’t being a partisan hack?
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Would you admit the second is a top 2 or 3 issue - agenda item for Rs? Every time a dem mentions gun control the Rs whip their base into a frenzy saying they are coming for your guns, constitution, blah , blah. The Ds know it’s a losing proposition. Any real common sense gun law changes will have to come from the Rs. Why wont the Rs do this?
What did they do last year?
And what was your response?

Btw, that’s not name calling…or laughing emojis.
Sorry I forgot insinuating you are stupid, feel better now, why don t you save us the time and put my response out there so I can address it
Sorry I forgot insinuating you are stupid, feel better now, why don t you save us the time and put my response out there so I can address it
The question has already been asked of you, it’s your turn to provide a response. That’s how these things work.
The question has already been asked of you, it’s your turn to provide a response. That’s how these things work.
Well I mentioned tougher sentences for gun crimes and credible threats, getting kids away from social media, and providing more mental health solutions. Is that the one?
If you want to call me a partisan hack fine, but keep in mind the context as to why I responded that way. Can you agree that I have been at least willing to listen and engage those who sincerely wanted too?
Can’t comment on “listening,” but agree you have engaged. I’m sure your sincere about political blame shifting.
Well I mentioned tougher sentences for gun crimes and credible threats, getting kids away from social media, and providing more mental health solutions. Is that the one?
Combined, are those what you considered a “root cause” (the actual question asked)?
Well for a party who is as passionate and angry over a subject I sure don’t see any accountability from the gun owners who are Democrats. I would love for you to lead by example, but for some reason the party doesn’t? You would remove roughly 25 million firearms in the United States, which would have an impact on gun violence. No laws needed just a party to take action on something. For 25 years the members of your party could have an impact and yet they haven’t. Why?????
You just can’t give that bone up. You could lead by example.
Lol, make sure you identify the political affiliation of your next caregiver
I have a long term relationship with our care givers. Go ahead, lead by example. What cha got?
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You just can’t give that bone up. You could lead by example.

I have a long term relationship with our care givers. Go ahead, lead by example. What cha got?
I am not the one who wants to ban assault weapons, prevent them from falling in the wrong hands yes.

Do you think I should ask the political affiliation of those I care for? It is kind of dumb to base your decision on whether I can provide competent care based on an anonymous message board and me who probably disagrees with you 99 percent of the time. I can assure you the care I provide is not what you think it is
The whole basis of this toxic out of control gun culture is based upon court rulings that ignore the obvious context of the 2nd amendment. A grade school student would interpret the text more accurately than our own ethically compromised SCOTUS many of whom claim to be scholars of the original intent of the Constitution. They’re not but we sit idly by as if we have no control over them. They should be removed, every damn one of them and maybe we start over. I’d rather have AI controlled Court decisions.
The 2nd Amendment has been correctly interpreted sorry you missed that.
I am not the one who wants to ban assault weapons, prevent them from falling in the wrong hands yes.

Do you think I should ask the political affiliation of those I care for? It is kind of dumb to base your decision on whether I can provide competent care based on an anonymous message board and me who probably disagrees with you 99 percent of the time. I can assure you the care I provide is not what you think it is
I would not expect you to think outside the box in a dangerous situation regarding my care. You have an unwavering ability to only think in black/white as well as a dogged determination to demand answers without providing any when asked.
So, no. I would likely drag myself down the road to another care giver.
Combined, are those what you considered a “root cause” (the actual question asked)?
there are many root causes which I believe have an impact.

How we raise our kids today is very different than when I was raised. I don't think kids learn how to lose with grace and be a better person for it.

I think kids growing up with no father makes a huge impact

I think the decimation of the nuclear family (specifically) spending quality time with your kids

As a Christian I would be remiss in saying that the lack of belief in the country that has been trending upward is not good. Something has to take the spot where God was in this country and a lot of times it is not good. Consider the fact that 85% of mass shooters are not Christian and the majority are agnostic or atheist.

lack of mental healthcare is lacking in this country (yes I realize republicans shoulder a lot of the blame)

our justice system is horrible, like I referenced the other day on a hiker who got stabbed by a man who was charged, with assault, armed robbery, and kidnapping and only got 16 months

going back to the family, a lot of kids don't know the difference between right and wrong, and when they do something wrong they are not properly disciplined by their parents.

Kids do not belong on social media and parents need to realize it.
I would not expect you to think outside the box in a dangerous situation regarding my care. You have an unwavering ability to only think in black/white as well as a dogged determination to demand answers without providing any when asked.
So, no. I would likely drag myself down the road to another care giver.
well when shit hits the fan, doctors love working with me and yes that includes thinking outside the box
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there are many root causes which I believe have an impact.

How we raise our kids today is very different than when I was raised. I don't think kids learn how to lose with grace and be a better person for it.

I think kids growing up with no father makes a huge impact

I think the decimation of the nuclear family (specifically) spending quality time with your kids

As a Christian I would be remiss in saying that the lack of belief in the country that has been trending upward is not good. Something has to take the spot where God was in this country and a lot of times it is not good. Consider the fact that 85% of mass shooters are not Christian and the majority are agnostic or atheist.

lack of mental healthcare is lacking in this country (yes I realize republicans shoulder a lot of the blame)

our justice system is horrible, like I referenced the other day on a hiker who got stabbed by a man who was charged, with assault, armed robbery, and kidnapping and only got 16 months

going back to the family, a lot of kids don't know the difference between right and wrong, and when they do something wrong they are not properly disciplined by their parents.

Kids do not belong on social media and parents need to realize it.

Hi, I think its 1950 Leave it to Beaver.

Might as well wrote that, saved us some time.
there are many root causes which I believe have an impact.

How we raise our kids today is very different than when I was raised. I don't think kids learn how to lose with grace and be a better person for it.

I think kids growing up with no father makes a huge impact

I think the decimation of the nuclear family (specifically) spending quality time with your kids

As a Christian I would be remiss in saying that the lack of belief in the country that has been trending upward is not good. Something has to take the spot where God was in this country and a lot of times it is not good. Consider the fact that 85% of mass shooters are not Christian and the majority are agnostic or atheist.

lack of mental healthcare is lacking in this country (yes I realize republicans shoulder a lot of the blame)

our justice system is horrible, like I referenced the other day on a hiker who got stabbed by a man who was charged, with assault, armed robbery, and kidnapping and only got 16 months

going back to the family, a lot of kids don't know the difference between right and wrong, and when they do something wrong they are not properly disciplined by their parents.

Kids do not belong on social media and parents need to realize it.
You never mentioned guns.
You never mentioned the legal drug pushers creating addicts via TV ads.
Other western countries have the same issues you mentioned.
What makes them different than the USA?
Hi, I think its 1950 Leave it to Beaver.

Might as well wrote that, saved us some time.
this is why you can't talk reasonably on here. You found nothing whatsoever in my responses that mad you pause and made you think you know there is some truth to what he is saying
there are many root causes which I believe have an impact.

How we raise our kids today is very different than when I was raised. I don't think kids learn how to lose with grace and be a better person for it.

I think kids growing up with no father makes a huge impact

I think the decimation of the nuclear family (specifically) spending quality time with your kids

As a Christian I would be remiss in saying that the lack of belief in the country that has been trending upward is not good. Something has to take the spot where God was in this country and a lot of times it is not good. Consider the fact that 85% of mass shooters are not Christian and the majority are agnostic or atheist.

lack of mental healthcare is lacking in this country (yes I realize republicans shoulder a lot of the blame)

our justice system is horrible, like I referenced the other day on a hiker who got stabbed by a man who was charged, with assault, armed robbery, and kidnapping and only got 16 months

going back to the family, a lot of kids don't know the difference between right and wrong, and when they do something wrong they are not properly disciplined by their parents.

Kids do not belong on social media and parents need to realize it.
I like this post a lot.

Btw, is there always this much hostility here?
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