Pew Pew Pew Allen Texas-Mall

Only blaming republicans, guns, and the NRA on the evil in this world isn’t being a partisan hack?
No…but blaming mass shootings on do nothing Republicans is pretty easy to do. Guns before humans from the party of life. Hypocrites.
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I am not the one who wants to ban assault weapons, prevent them from falling in the wrong hands yes.

Do you think I should ask the political affiliation of those I care for? It is kind of dumb to base your decision on whether I can provide competent care based on an anonymous message board and me who probably disagrees with you 99 percent of the time. I can assure you the care I provide is not what you think it is
Your first sentence says all I need to know. I would think an RN would tire of having to treat kids who have had holes blown through them by assault rifles. Maybe you don’t.
No…but blaming mass shootings on do nothing Republicans is pretty easy to do. Guns before humans from the party of life. Hypocrites.
what about the people who pull the trigger Tom? That seems to get lost on a lot of you
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Your first sentence says all I need to know. I would think an RN would tire of having to treat kids who have had holes blown through them by assault rifles. Maybe you don’t.
and the fact that you and others just want to gloss over the shooter and the reasons why they do this is all I need to know
The D’s have been the only ones with a filibuster proof senate majority the last 20 years.

I never said “only” the D’s had a chance. That is you just making shit up as per usual.
Sure. Tell us about any time that your side even voiced thoughts about getting guns under control.

this is your post # 509. What does it mean?
And the ‘pubs did what when given the chance? Jeez.
Pubs didn’t promise to do it….D’s have and had the chance and didn’t.
Not at. Actually had a great day on the water today with my boys, found some prespawn bass and even a few accidental walleye today. I see you're still spewing away on here after your bender last night though. Carry on.
are your boys as brick shit dumb as you?
there are many root causes which I believe have an impact.

How we raise our kids today is very different than when I was raised. I don't think kids learn how to lose with grace and be a better person for it.

I think kids growing up with no father makes a huge impact

I think the decimation of the nuclear family (specifically) spending quality time with your kids

As a Christian I would be remiss in saying that the lack of belief in the country that has been trending upward is not good. Something has to take the spot where God was in this country and a lot of times it is not good. Consider the fact that 85% of mass shooters are not Christian and the majority are agnostic or atheist.

lack of mental healthcare is lacking in this country (yes I realize republicans shoulder a lot of the blame)

our justice system is horrible, like I referenced the other day on a hiker who got stabbed by a man who was charged, with assault, armed robbery, and kidnapping and only got 16 months

going back to the family, a lot of kids don't know the difference between right and wrong, and when they do something wrong they are not properly disciplined by their parents.

Kids do not belong on social media and parents need to realize it.
Some of those may be contributing factors, but none of them are issues the government is going to quickly fix or be able to fix at all. If someone comes in with dangerous high blood pressure due to bad health habits, do you refuse to treat the blood pressure until the person starts living a healthy lifestyle? Wouldn't you address those issues after treating the life threatening situation?
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Some of those may be contributing factors, but none of them are issues the government is going to quickly fix or be able to fix at all. If someone comes in with dangerous high blood pressure due to bad health habits, do you refuse to treat the blood pressure until the person starts living a healthy lifestyle? Wouldn't you address those issues after treating the life threatening situation?
I have already said that there are people who shouldn't have access to guns and we should do what we can to stop them from obtaining them
RN I completely respect your position on responsible ownership of hunting weapons or a handgun for personal protection but I confess I just don’t understand why anyone needs an AR15 or an AK47.
You can’t deer hunt with them. Or elk hunt or pheasant hunt ip in the Dakotas.

They are expressly made to kill large numbers of the enemy in hostile settings. A school in Nashville ain’t it. Neither is an outlet mall that attracts families and shoppers in a suburb of a major American city.
This man had training as a security guard that enabled him to acquire the skills to use this weapon. He grew up in a fairly decent neighborhood where people had homes and steady jobs, and went to a high school that was certainly not in Dallas’s hard core high crime area.
(My kid’s high school and summer league baseball teams used to play over at Bryan Adams HS pretty regularly. We went to the games and weren’t in fear for our safety.) Something went very wrong with this person - much like the young woman in Nashville.
It’s one thing to own these weapons but it’s a horrific step to actually use them to murder innocent strangers.

I’m just glad that cop stopped him before more people died. He had to know he was likely to die. The question is what pushed him over the edge.
RN I completely respect your position on responsible ownership of hunting weapons or a handgun for personal protection but I confess I just don’t understand why anyone needs an AR15 or an AK47.
You can’t deer hunt with them. Or elk hunt or pheasant hunt ip in the Dakotas.

They are expressly made to kill large numbers of the enemy in hostile settings. A school in Nashville ain’t it. Neither is an outlet mall that attracts families and shoppers in a suburb of a major American city.
This man had training as a security guard that enabled him to acquire the skills to use this weapon. He grew up in a fairly decent neighborhood where people had homes and steady jobs, and went to a high school that was certainly not in Dallas’s hard core high crime area.
(My kid’s high school and summer league baseball teams used to play over at Bryan Adams HS pretty regularly. We went to the games and weren’t in fear for our safety.) Something went very wrong with this person - much like the young woman in Nashville.
It’s one thing to own these weapons but it’s a horrific step to actually use them to murder innocent strangers.

I’m just glad that cop stopped him before more people died. He had to know he was likely to die. The question is what pushed him over the edge.
Wondering if he had a manifesto and will we get to read it?
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RN I completely respect your position on responsible ownership of hunting weapons or a handgun for personal protection but I confess I just don’t understand why anyone needs an AR15 or an AK47.
You can’t deer hunt with them. Or elk hunt or pheasant hunt ip in the Dakotas.

They are expressly made to kill large numbers of the enemy in hostile settings. A school in Nashville ain’t it. Neither is an outlet mall that attracts families and shoppers in a suburb of a major American city.
This man had training as a security guard that enabled him to acquire the skills to use this weapon. He grew up in a fairly decent neighborhood where people had homes and steady jobs, and went to a high school that was certainly not in Dallas’s hard core high crime area.
(My kid’s high school and summer league baseball teams used to play over at Bryan Adams HS pretty regularly. We went to the games and weren’t in fear for our safety.) Something went very wrong with this person - much like the young woman in Nashville.
It’s one thing to own these weapons but it’s a horrific step to actually use them to murder innocent strangers.

I’m just glad that cop stopped him before more people died. He had to know he was likely to die. The question is what pushed him over the edge.
Then why do you vote for people who want people to be able to own automatic weapons?
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I don't need anyone explaining their opinion of the 2nd Amendment.
Sure, sport. You didn’t read the link and your interpretation of the second follows a familiar theme taught to you by peeps with a controlling agenda.
You are being controlled by those who use you to promote hate and murder.
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