Pew Pew Pew Allen Texas-Mall

It's always good to fuxk up the basic steps of posting a message when calling someone else dumb... Guessing the screens a little blurry after rage posting for about 24 hrs straight?
Oh. It’s you again. I thought I smelled something.

Your poor kids never stood a chance.
Oh. It’s you again. I thought I smelled something.

Your poor kids never stood a chance.
You wanna know why you shouldn’t get a gun, it is because you are so hateful and evil. Why bring someone’s kids into this?? Just disgusting behavior
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You wanna know why you shouldn’t get a gun, it is because you are so hateful and evil. Why bring someone’s kids into this?? Just disgusting behavior
Because he’s a pile of shit and gets what he deserves. And I don’t need a gun nor want one. It’s phony fantasy that people need a gun to protect themselves at all times.

And you want to call me hateful and evil? Look at these ****ers who vote for little to no gun laws. I had a family friend killed in Columbine. So step off. This topic makes me angry and I don’t give a **** what you think.
Because he’s a pile of shit and gets what he deserves. And I don’t need a gun nor want one. It’s phony fantasy that people need a gun to protect themselves at all times.

And you want to call me hateful and evil? Look at these ****ers who vote for little to no gun laws. I had a family friend killed in Columbine. So step off. This topic makes me angry and I don’t give a **** what you think.
Clearly you are on the no gun list. If I’m making a list, that is.
Oh. It’s you again. I thought I smelled something.

Your poor kids never stood a chance.
Cool, talking shit about people's kids. I'm actually blessed beyond my wildest dreams and couldn't be prouder of what great humans they are. Add that to the list of things to hate about me.
there are many root causes which I believe have an impact.

How we raise our kids today is very different than when I was raised. I don't think kids learn how to lose with grace and be a better person for it.

I think kids growing up with no father makes a huge impact

I think the decimation of the nuclear family (specifically) spending quality time with your kids

As a Christian I would be remiss in saying that the lack of belief in the country that has been trending upward is not good. Something has to take the spot where God was in this country and a lot of times it is not good. Consider the fact that 85% of mass shooters are not Christian and the majority are agnostic or atheist.

lack of mental healthcare is lacking in this country (yes I realize republicans shoulder a lot of the blame)

our justice system is horrible, like I referenced the other day on a hiker who got stabbed by a man who was charged, with assault, armed robbery, and kidnapping and only got 16 months

going back to the family, a lot of kids don't know the difference between right and wrong, and when they do something wrong they are not properly disciplined by their parents.

Kids do not belong on social media and parents need to realize it.
Appreciate the well thought out answer.

A couple of counterpoints/other considerations:

Large peak in gun deaths (numbers similar to what we have seen in recent years) seen from 1986-1996, then a significant drop off from 1996-2014.

50% increase in gun deaths in the past two years alone…and the trendline does not look good. That’s not generational change.

Studies show, nation to nation, the more secular a society, the lower the homicide rate.

Median age of mass shooters is 32. Since social media is relatively new, not much adolescent exposure to the socials for most shooters. As adults? Sure, but are you wanting to regulate it for those 18+? How do you explain the previous peak of gun deaths in the 90’s with zero social media?

I don’t dismiss home, societal, and social media components, but since you didn’t list guns, gun culture, and/or ease of access to guns…am I to assume you don’t think they play a role in any of this?
Appreciate the well thought out answer.

A couple of counterpoints/other considerations:

Large peak in gun deaths (numbers similar to what we have seen in recent years) seen from 1986-1996, then a significant drop off from 1996-2014.

50% increase in gun deaths in the past two years alone…and the trendline does not look good. That’s not generational change.

Studies show, nation to nation, the more secular a society, the lower the homicide rate.

Median age of mass shooters is 32. Since social media is relatively new, not much adolescent exposure to the socials for most shooters. As adults? Sure, but are you wanting to regulate it for those 18+? How do you explain the previous peak of gun deaths in the 90’s with zero social media?

I don’t dismiss home, societal, and social media components, but since you didn’t list guns, gun culture, and/or ease of access to guns…am I to assume you don’t think they play a role in any of this?
Truly amazing how guns apparently have nothing to do with gun violence.
Did you just wake up from your day bender? Don’t wear the britches you pissed in tomorrow.
Kinda hard for me to wear them now if I'm going to piss in them tmrw, don't you think?

Let me guess, you spent all day on here pissing yourself, bouncing from one name to another?
Kinda hard for me to wear them now if I'm going to piss in them tmrw, don't you think?

Let me guess, you spent all day on here pissing yourself, bouncing from one name to another?
Boy that went right over your head. 2 Time Trump voter really showing out here.

My God. You really are the lowest common denominator.
There are a fair amount of neo nazi / white supremacy followers of Hispanic background. There is the reason the question exists if you are Caucasian Non Hispanic. Proud Boys was lead by one, though sadly Enrique Tarrio is in jail for sedition.
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Appreciate the well thought out answer.

A couple of counterpoints/other considerations:

Large peak in gun deaths (numbers similar to what we have seen in recent years) seen from 1986-1996, then a significant drop off from 1996-2014.

50% increase in gun deaths in the past two years alone…and the trendline does not look good. That’s not generational change.

Studies show, nation to nation, the more secular a society, the lower the homicide rate.

Median age of mass shooters is 32. Since social media is relatively new, not much adolescent exposure to the socials for most shooters. As adults? Sure, but are you wanting to regulate it for those 18+? How do you explain the previous peak of gun deaths in the 90’s with zero social media?

I don’t dismiss home, societal, and social media components, but since you didn’t list guns, gun culture, and/or ease of access to guns…am I to assume you don’t think they play a role in any of this?
Well said, Boogie.