Players meeting with media today, July 16. Cade, on the Tim Lester Offense: "We’re starting from scratch. Nothing is the same. "

Given Cade’s past two years, I’m skeptical that he can stay healthy for even half a season. Hope Sullivan can be ready to go and at least be adequate at QB.
Cade was playing hurt last season and that was a mistake by KF.

And ACL injuries have no correlation to players who are chronically injured.

It's only the quad injury that could give one reason to be a bit skittish
That the offense is “starting from scratch” is the best thing I have read on here in a long time.

The prior offense needs to be tossed into a scrap heap with VCRs, dust busters, and Nebraska Starter jackets.
What's sad about all the issues we had with the offense, is that it didn't have to be completely scratch - there were things that could have been fixed without having to start from scratch. But Kirk was unable or unwilling to recognize that at least some change was needed, or to let BF attempt any changes.
Cade was playing hurt last season and that was a mistake by KF.

And ACL injuries have no correlation to players who are chronically injured.

It's only the quad injury that could give one reason to be a bit skittish
Cade playing hurt was the first indication we should have had that Iowa had no confidence in the QBs behind him.
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Yes sir. Iowa is a very "old" team this year and it should be beneficial. That's why you keep hearing people say Iowa is a CFP contender.

We're lucky some of the guys didn't enter the transfer portal to get paid.
I think a lot of guys didn’t enter the transfer portal, and did indeed get paid.

Iowa might not live the mansion OSU lives in, but they have a house in that neighborhood.