dolt.Most of our current problems started with Reagan. What a fake POS
dolt.Most of our current problems started with Reagan. What a fake POS
Reagan wouldn’t like Putin at all so don’t even try to go there, Nat.
You think he’d be a big Putin fan right now?
It’s ok if you’re a dolt. Don’t need to announce it. We knowdolt.
Not for America hating, putin loving assholes like northern.Supporting Ukraine puts America first 100%.
Why the U.S. Has the Most to Gain From Supporting Ukraine
Supporting Ukraine is not just an act of charity, it is in our self-interest, write Jeffrey Sonnenfeld and Steven
You really need to change your avatar. Having an American Flag in it is gross.I just called and told him to put America first and to NOT support the proposed financial package.
That’s not how this works and you know it. They need weapons. You know that too.Tom,
Ukraine is running out of manpower. When are you heading over to help?
Because you are stupid if you don't.Provide one good legitimate reason why and I’ll give it some thought.
Another pro-Russia Republican. What the hell happened to this party. No way did I ever think Republicans would be on the same side as Russia. Ever.Majority of this money ends up with Blackrock, which then funnels the money to the Dems…so I’ll pass. I prefer to make my own spending decisions, and not rely on the govt
Another pro-Russia Republican. What the hell happened to this party. No way did I ever think Republicans would be on the same side as Russia. Ever.
That’s not how this works and you know it. They need weapons. You know that too.
No it's not. It's calling a spade a spade.This is garbage propaganda by you.
It would probably help a lot if the "recruits" knew they had the support of the free world covering their backside, especially the US. Do you disagree with that, and if so, why?As the war grinds on, Ukraine needs more troops. Not everyone is ready to enlist
They/We are not on anyone but Ukraine's side in this.Another pro-Russia Republican. What the hell happened to this party. No way did I ever think Republicans would be on the same side as Russia. Ever.
Give it some serious thought, and soon. Memorial Day is only 3 months away.
Then we definitely need to stop supporting them and give Ukraine over to Russia. I'm sure this will all work out well. It's too bad that supporting democracy was hard and we had to give up.Ukraine’s army is running out of men to recruit, and time to win
Ukraine’s army is running out of men to recruit, and time to win
Victory may be in sight for Vladimir
Mike Dick won't listen to any average citizen....
Fair, but we should also articulate a goal or end game for NOT sending aid. If/when Ukraine falls under Russian occupation, then what? What happens when the next former Soviet state falls under Russian occupation?I'd be for them getting aid if there was a definite articulate end-goal or endgame announced by Biden or the Administration.
No, let's not do that. Have you read the Senate Bill? It's a virtual slush fund, and should be called the MIC welfare bill. If the US wants Russia to lose, the US can put a stop to it for a fraction of the cost. When the US gets serious about national security, controlling our own borders needs to come first.
It’s called voting. We don’t have to deal with this garbage when we have a strong president. But now we get to keep sending money to Ukraine, who just happens to pay hunter millions. But carry on demsSince when did you get to make your own decisions on how to spend tax money?
Their average soldier age is 40+
The keyword he is AVERAGE. That means somewhere in Ukraine there is 60+ year old men with their boots on the ground. When Ukraine's average soldier age is 74 do we keep sending money?
I'd be for them getting aid if there was a definite articulate end-goal or endgame announced by Biden or the Administration.
I prefer $ to stay here but for instance if they said Ukraine needs this $ to keep them afloat for a couple months while we enter negotiations then I'd send it in a heartbeat.
They just keep saying they need $ to beat Putin. Without other countries physically putting soldiers in Ukraine or missiles launched at the Kremlin it is just not going to happen. Whatever sort of deal was entertained at the beginning needs revisited.
Honest question.
Almost 500,000 dead since the start.
The average age of a Ukrainian soldier if 43.
What's the end goal?
How much should "we" sacrifice in this war?
Not sure but that's why I think you need to revisit negotiations hopefully sooner than later.Fair, but we should also articulate a goal or end game for NOT sending aid. If/when Ukraine falls under Russian occupation, then what? What happens when the next former Soviet state falls under Russian occupation?
Beat up any women yet today, Vlad?Tom,
Ukraine is running out of manpower. When are you heading over to help?
The goal is to defeat Putin.
$500 billion+ seems fair.
The American military budget is $790 billion PER YEAR.
No matter the cost in human lives?
Lots of speculation there. Ever hear the phrase "throwing good money after bad"? How long should we keep sending money that we have to borrow and pay interest on? When do we get some accountability? What's the plan?Huh?
Letting Putin roll over Ukraine could cost more. And if he attacks Poland, Romania or another NATO country, America would have to get involved.
It could end in nuclear war.
So you got nothing, just Q shit, huh? I was hoping I didn’t have to pay for Kimmy’s private schools here in Iowa.It’s called voting. We don’t have to deal with this garbage when we have a strong president. But now we get to keep sending money to Ukraine, who just happens to pay hunter millions. But carry on dems