Poll: Do you believe Biden is mentally fit for an additional 4-year term?

Do you believe Biden is mentally fit for an additional term?

  • Yes

  • No

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I only chose yes because I think he is more mentally fit than the current projected opposition.
I chose yes because with Biden it’s apparent he’s surrounded himself with a good team. I think the buck stops with him, but he has experienced people in his administration.

The only other person who matters in this discussion - Trump - listens only to whoever is kissing his ass this second, and had no agenda beyond what Fox and Friends said that morning.

So for those of you shitting on Biden, I’d ask if you’re mentally fit to cast a vote this November.
These are literally the choices. Down the middle bland bureaucracy or set the world on fire.
It's possible, I have not heard too much about this. But how is this any different than the smoke that goes with Biden and Hunter in Ukraine? It seems most democrats totally dismiss this.

I am willing to change my thoughts about trump if the evidence against him is strong.
The difference is Jared was the lead Mideast negotiator during Trumps term. Hunter was simply trading on Joe’s name and Joe was VP. Trump had total authorization authority.
Also it appears Hunter’s crap was small potatoes compared to what Qatar and the Saudi’s business dealings with Trump and Jared.
His age isn’t disqualifying. It’s his temperament. Personality disorder, authoritarian streak, and criminal tendencies.
I am more concerned the way the democrats act as far as being authoritarian. They are forcing lots of policy on the country and world and are more focused on fulfilling their global goals than they are being concerned about Americans.

They have taken steps to restrict our freedom of speech and firearms.

I have seen trump limit trans rights, but I see this as a way of protecting children, not Authoritarian.

Are you concerned about the dems actions?
I think Biden is not fit to run the country now, much less in 5 years.

Trump appears mentally capable right now, but ideally we would never run a candidate of his age.

Just because you dont agree with their ideas does not mean they aren't capable. I very much disagree with Trudeau, but he is still a capable leader.
I see your point but I’d use a different term than capable.
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Yep. It’s my opinion you can’t be serious. 😉
Is your opinion that Kamala Harris is calling the shots?

I don’t think we’ve had a Vice President actively involved in policy decisions since Dick Cheney. I think she’s about as opposite from him as can be from a decision making standpoint.
Is your opinion that Kamala Harris is calling the shots?

I don’t think we’ve had a Vice President actively involved in policy decisions since Dick Cheney. I think she’s about as opposite from him as can be from a decision making standpoint.
We haven’t, you’re correct.
And actually I do doubt Harris is consulted much on anything - and if she were it would not be public knowledge.
As of now 37% of the board voted "Yes" that he is mentally fit however 54% of those votes agreed with the post below, simply due to being the option opposite of Trump.
I only chose yes because I think he is more mentally fit than the current projected opposition.

That drops the true vote to 17% of this board believes Biden is mentally competent... 17%
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I am more concerned the way the democrats act as far as being authoritarian. They are forcing lots of policy on the country and world and are more focused on fulfilling their global goals than they are being concerned about Americans.

They have taken steps to restrict our freedom of speech and firearms.

I have seen trump limit trans rights, but I see this as a way of protecting children, not Authoritarian.

Are you concerned about the dems actions?
How many elections have the Democrats tried to overturn? How many democratic candidates said they want to be a dictator for one day. Btw, anyone that has gotten that power has never given it up.
As far as freedom of speech u are allowed to say whatever u want . But u don’t get freedom from consequences. That being others no longer wanting to do business with u. Or going to jail for threatening violence etc etc. As far as guns an inconvenience isn’t an infringement. If putting a couple more restrictions in place keeps stupid and dangerous people from owning firearms that isn’t a bad thing. We have 400 million guns in this country. They aren’t going away. Any type of mass confiscation is infeasible.
Shirley, you CAN’T be serious.
I am serious and don't call me Shirley.

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So if Biden is not all with it, do you think kamala is calling the shots? If not, do you think Americans deserve to know who is really running the country?
I keep being told that it's the deep state and that Trump actually won the election and is really running the country, but you can't blame him for inflation because that is Joe Biden's fault, because Q. Do your own research.


I hope 82 doesn't have kids
Ah, yes, the "in comparison" method. Good grief. So the real answer is no. Let's just face it, we're going to have someone not mentally up to the task for the next 4 years, one with seemingly good intentions and one without.

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No, the answer is yes, I am confident he can get through the 4 years with sound mind.
No, the answer is yes, I am confident he can get through the 4 years with sound mind.
How on earth can you type that with a straight face? Please tell me you're not like the January 6th deniers who only look at the videos that support their narrative while refusing to look at any that refute it? Please tell me that is not also you.
It likes a memo went out:

“Fair or not, you can't unring the bell,” said David Axelrod, the former strategist for Barack Obama who has emerged as one of the Democratic Party's leading figures warning about how voters view Mr. Biden's age.


“What you do is attack. Change the subject. You can’t unring the bell,” Begala said. “I think Biden made it worse, no question about it.”
How on earth can you type that with a straight face? Please tell me you're not like the January 6th deniers who only look at the videos that support their narrative while refusing to look at any that refute it? Please tell me that is not also you.
I'm not a Jan 6 denier.
I'm good with concluding that he's not fit for another term. That's more so that the expectations for the presidency should be high, rather than that I think Biden is too weak physically or diminished mentally. He's old, he definitely is weaker physically and diminished mentally, but the presidency isn't a one man show, so I'm not all that concerned about another Biden term. But we should expect a lot more from the president, but we don't.

Said another way, he's unfit in terms of what we should expect in a president but fit in terms of meeting the minimum requirements to keep the show going.
I'm good with concluding that he's not fit for another term. That's more so that the expectations for the presidency should be high, rather than that I think Biden is too weak physically or diminished mentally. He's old, he definitely is weaker physically and diminished mentally, but the presidency isn't a one man show, so I'm not all that concerned about another Biden term. But we should expect a lot more from the president, but we don't.

Said another way, he's unfit in terms of what we should expect in a president but fit in terms of meeting the minimum requirements to keep the show going.
Good post.
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Can you elaborate on this line of thinking? Do you think he has the mental capacity to be making day to day decisions as a president? Do you trust Biden to sit down with Iran, Russia, or China to negotiate on behalf of the usa?

Biden may not set down with those 3 autocratic led countries. trump sat with russia and n. korea and none of us have any idea what was said or discussed, no record for the American people.
Biden is surrounded by competent...ish...people. Trump is the drum major of the idiot parade.
Kind of my point in another discussion on this. For the first time in my voting life I've really wanted to know more about the Presidents staff and advisors. These are the people who are likely making the majority (not all) of the decisions; especially if the President is having a bad day.

How are they going to keep this charade up for 4.5 more years? It's got to be exhausting. Hopefully, some really smart people are working behind the scenes to get Biden to retire and bring in someone fresh and young. That'd be awesome!
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