I moved on from the scandal 2-3 years ago. PSU has some guilt in the whole affair, but to me less than the charity Sandusky ran, the local prosecutors office who deemed the evidence as insufficient, and the state AG (who swept the whole thing under the rug until he became governor, and then faked outrage). So to me, PSU comes in 4th most culpable among institutions/offices. Then when you view the people at PSU, JoePa was probably the 4th or 5th most culpable in not stopping the harm that came to the university and children. That's just my opinion. I'd put McCreary, the AD, the security chief above him for sure. McCreary should have stopped whatever was happening immediately, and the AD and security guy were the real coverup guys. Joe should have asked more questions, but he didn't. That is on him. So when I view the entirety of the matter, MANY people who were sworn to protect children failed them for reasons both tied and not tied to football and/or PSU. Some of the reasons were politicial and not altruistic (PSU board members, charity board members and supporters, state AG, local elected prosecutor, etc). It was a complete fubar.