Rashee Rice might be in some trouble

Well, he was obviously speeding but there's not enough there to say he was street racing. If he takes his punishment and pays his fines and settles the impending lawsuit then he should be ok to play next year I would think. On the other hand, if he's an a-hole about it who knows. He may not get anything or he may end up in jail. His call I guess.
The DOT will have all sorts of video of the race and likely the aftermath. Plus this dash video will be used. Hiding guns and drugs??? Lots more to learn about here.
Well, he was obviously speeding but there's not enough there to say he was street racing. If he takes his punishment and pays his fines and settles the impending lawsuit then he should be ok to play next year I would think. On the other hand, if he's an a-hole about it who knows. He may not get anything or he may end up in jail. His call I guess.

Hit & run…
The whole guns and other things in back they took is highly disturbing. It amazes me these athletes who make it to the promise land still want to try to play gangsta. To me stud professional NFL/NBA/MLB player > playing drug gangster as far as community street cred, but some want that tough guy role I guess.
stupid is as stupid does. How do these type of folks get drivers licenses without learning you can't leave the scene of an accident.
The whole guns and other things in back they took is highly disturbing. It amazes me these athletes who make it to the promise land still want to try to play gangsta. To me stud professional NFL/NBA/MLB player > playing drug gangster as far as community street cred, but some want that tough guy role I guess.
Just asking, but is having a car load of guns illegal in Texas?
The DOT will have all sorts of video of the race and likely the aftermath. Plus this dash video will be used. Hiding guns and drugs??? Lots more to learn about here.
I'm not so sure about video footage. There might be some from commercial properties or other cars, but if he was on Loop 12 there aren't cameras. According to the Texas DOT site cameras are mainly on the interstates. I didn't see any on the major state highways.
stupid is as stupid does. How do these type of folks get drivers licenses without learning you can't leave the scene of an accident.
Maybe they don’t have licenses, can probably kiss his NFL status goodbye and earn some jail time. Loser jeopardizing innocent people’s lives. What makes these dudes think they aren’t going to get busted! Drugs, guns, under the influence? Years ago open container was legal in Texas. Don’t mess with Texas.
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I'm a Chiefs fan and I'm fine with whatever punishment he receives no matter how severe.

What pisses me off the most is just how stupid he is. Running from the scene? Does he really think even the dumbest of cops wouldn't be able to figure out he was involved?
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Do they not have a leaving the scene law? Shocked he wasn’t charged with that. Felony in many states if there are injuries.
Does he have an agent or lawyer advising him? Why in TF is he at a nightclub? He should have been handing out rolls at the local soup kitchen.
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Chiefs fan here- Cut his ass, and do it yesterday.

Note to NFL- Show this to every rookie on every team on their first day of camp.
As a fellow chief fan, I concur... cut him now.

The NFL has been very proactive in educating the rookies on how to conduct themselves and who to surround themselves with in the rookie symposium... I believe they have been doing it for a few decades and attendance is mandatory.
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Thing is... another team will just pick him up. They always do. He'd have to screw up with a second team before he likely losses all interest.
Chiefs fan here- Cut his ass, and do it yesterday.

Note to NFL- Show this to every rookie on every team on their first day of camp.
They already do this, tell the rookie's a bunch of stories of guys that through it away being immature. Doesn't matter same shit happens every year.
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