Realignment rumors

🤣🤣🤣🤣 ... typical cowardly Hawk schedule thinking
How about
Notre Dame

Imagine those losses each year
Nah, but I’d be willing to swap out IL/NW for UO/UW from this pod alignment…

In a perfect world kick Nub out and bring Cal in, then match up the core rivalries into pods...

IowaMichigan StateNotre DameOregon
MinnesotaOhio StateStanfordPurdue
NorthwesternPenn StateUCLARutgers

9 conference games per year; four from your pod every year and rotating from the other three pods.

Home-and-Away model only for those teams in your pod.
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They really did ...complete lack of vision on behalf of their leadership.

Now they are a 4th conference and their members are earning minimum wage compared to the B1G/SEC.
Per this blog:

The financial numbers for the 2022 fiscal year are in for each of the Power Five collegiate athletic conferences, thanks to a report from the USA Today’s Steve Berkowitz.

Here’s what each Power 5 conference distributed to its league members in revenue for the latest fiscal year, according to Berkowitz:

  • Big Ten: $58.8 million.
  • SEC: $49.9 million.
  • Big 12: $42-$44.9 million.
  • ACC: $37.9-$41.3 million.
  • Pac-12: $37 million.
All ranting aside, let's assume the ACC folds. Here's where I think teams end up and what those conferences look like (long post ensuing):

Boston College- Big 12
Clemson- SEC
Duke- B10
Florida State- SEC
Georgia Tech- SEC
Louisville- Big 12
Miami- SEC
North Carolina- B10
North Carolina State- Big 12
Pittsburgh- B10
Syracuse- B10
Virginia- B10
Virginia Tech- Big 12
Wake Forest- Big 12

Big 12-
Oklahoma State
Texas Tech
Arizona State*

Iowa State
Kansas State
West Virginia
Virginia Tech*
Wake Forest*
North Carolina State*
Boston College*

Big Ten-
Penn State
Ohio State
Michigan State
North Carolina*

Notre Dame

South Carolina
Georgia Tech*
Florida State*

Texas A&M
Mississippi State

Bonus- MWC:
Boise State
Utah State
Colorado State
Air Force
New Mexico
New Mexico State*

Fresno State
San Jose State
San Diego State
Washington State*
Oregon State*

I can explain scheduling in another post.......

P.S. Once again, you're welcome, America.

I don't think the Big 12 would take BC or Wake.
All ranting aside, let's assume the ACC folds. Here's where I think teams end up and what those conferences look like (long post ensuing):

Boston College- Big 12
Clemson- SEC
Duke- B10
Florida State- SEC
Georgia Tech- SEC
Louisville- Big 12
Miami- SEC
North Carolina- B10
North Carolina State- Big 12
Pittsburgh- B10
Syracuse- B10
Virginia- B10
Virginia Tech- Big 12
Wake Forest- Big 12

Big 12-
Oklahoma State
Texas Tech
Arizona State*

Iowa State
Kansas State
West Virginia
Virginia Tech*
Wake Forest*
North Carolina State*
Boston College*

Big Ten-
Penn State
Ohio State
Michigan State
North Carolina*

Notre Dame

South Carolina
Georgia Tech*
Florida State*

Texas A&M
Mississippi State

Bonus- MWC:
Boise State
Utah State
Colorado State
Air Force
New Mexico
New Mexico State*

Fresno State
San Jose State
San Diego State
Washington State*
Oregon State*

I can explain scheduling in another post.......

P.S. Once again, you're welcome, America.

Most of these make no sense and are only geographically based, which isn't a factor at all.
Most of these make no sense and are only geographically based, which isn't a factor at all.
It's not my fault it makes no sense to you. :)

But hey if you don't want it to happen (the above....because it IS what happens despite you crying about geography ;)), then try harder to keep the conferences/commissioners/NCAA from going down this batshit crazy path they're dead set on............:D
It's not my fault it makes no sense to you. :)

But hey if you don't want it to happen (the above....because it IS what happens despite you crying about geography ;)), then try harder to keep the conferences/commissioners/NCAA from going down this batshit crazy path they're dead set on............:D
Normally, you're pretty good. But i have no clue what you wrote, as it doesn't make sense.

The Big 10 aint adding Pitt, they already have every TV set in Pennsylvania thanks to Penn State. Pitt adds nothing and only dilutes the pool for other schools, so they would never approve adding a school that takes away money. Same thing with Georgia Tech to the SEC.

The Big 10 is more likely to add Miami than Pitt
Normally, you're pretty good. But i have no clue what you wrote, as it doesn't make sense.

The Big 10 aint adding Pitt, they already have every TV set in Pennsylvania thanks to Penn State. Pitt adds nothing and only dilutes the pool for other schools, so they would never approve adding a school that takes away money. Same thing with Georgia Tech to the SEC.

The Big 10 is more likely to add Miami than Pitt
The B10 could have had Syracuse and Pitt when they added Rutgers and Maryland. Honestly, they’re about the same in prestige to me. Syracuse and Pitt would have also been pushed to the bottom third of the B10 as well.
The schools the BIG would want to add goes in this order

1. Notre Dame- for obvious reasons
2. UNC- AAU school with solid football and top 5 basketball recognition. Everyone in the world knows the interlocking NC symbol. Active alumni base Growing state very good talent pool in both football and basketball.
3. Florida State- applying for AAU status also brand recognition in a state that many BIG alumni live. Deep deep talent pool, very decorated athletic history.
4. UVA- AAU school in a growing state with very good talent. Very active alumni base great in basketball could be very good in football.
5. Oregon- Expands the footprint out west plus solid name branding
6. Washington- same as Oregon
7. Miami(FL)- Actually the school set up fits into the North more than the south. This school has been there before in Football and is solid in basketball. Very fertile recruiting and like FSU many BIG alumni live in FL
8. Clemson- Would be sitting there because the SEC will not pick them up. Smaller school with a solid following but Clemson suffers from being a smaller school that has done very well in multiple sports and is not in a major tv market. The BIG may take them just to have a school dead in SEC country
9. Utah- for some reason they just fit in the BIG
10. GTech- AAU school with great academics. Not sure how much $$$$$ they bring to the table to the BIG
11. TCU- Academic fit, big TV market, gets the BIG into Texas.
The schools the BIG would want to add goes in this order

1. Notre Dame- for obvious reasons
2. UNC- AAU school with solid football and top 5 basketball recognition. Everyone in the world knows the interlocking NC symbol. Active alumni base Growing state very good talent pool in both football and basketball.
3. Florida State- applying for AAU status also brand recognition in a state that many BIG alumni live. Deep deep talent pool, very decorated athletic history.
4. UVA- AAU school in a growing state with very good talent. Very active alumni base great in basketball could be very good in football.
5. Oregon- Expands the footprint out west plus solid name branding
6. Washington- same as Oregon
7. Miami(FL)- Actually the school set up fits into the North more than the south. This school has been there before in Football and is solid in basketball. Very fertile recruiting and like FSU many BIG alumni live in FL
8. Clemson- Would be sitting there because the SEC will not pick them up. Smaller school with a solid following but Clemson suffers from being a smaller school that has done very well in multiple sports and is not in a major tv market. The BIG may take them just to have a school dead in SEC country
9. Utah- for some reason they just fit in the BIG
10. GTech- AAU school with great academics. Not sure how much $$$$$ they bring to the table to the BIG
11. TCU- Academic fit, big TV market, gets the BIG into Texas.
How did we get the B1G commissioner to start posting here?
I do think that "if" the BIG, SEC, PAC and Big 12 expand further it could be wild. I do think and everyone thinks that the most vulnerable conferences are the PAC and ACC. But are we not going to have a major football conference west of the great plains????? I could be very wrong here but I think the BIG waits for the ACC to blow up and if that does happen here is what that fallout could look like

SEC- will go after some of the same ACC schools that the BIG wants but I do think schools like UNC, UVA, FSU, Miami would prefer the BIG for $$$$ alone. So look for NC state and Va Tech to go SEC. Those two were part of the magnif 7 so they must know they have a landing spot. After that I could see Duke and Louisville as a possible candidate for the SEC. Maybe they go after Clemson but South Carolina will pitch a major fit which may prevent this from happening. Plus I do think that if the BIG wants Clemson it's on like Donkey Kong.

Big 12- So saying the ACC tanks the Big 12 will go hard after Miami, Pitt(for the backyard brawl with WVU) G Tech, Syracuse. If Clemson is left alone the Big 12 would move heaven and earth to get them. But I do think whats left over from the ACC falling apart would be these schools. I do see them going west and not getting Colorado but rather Colorado St.( I just think for some reason the PAC survives). And possibly Air Force to help with Western Expansion. Schools like Memphis , ECU , USF(if they do not get Miami) are all contenders for Big 12 expansion. If that does not happen I am not sure that the Big 12 would pursue Wake Forest and Boston College I think they will be in the "New" AAC

PAC- Will get San Diego State , Fresno State (to try and fill the loss of USC, UCLA) They will Also go after UNLV( PAC headquarters are there so that makes sense plus a great market for the PAC). From there I see the PAC moving East to get into the Central Time zone(which it desperately needs), so SMU, UTSA, Tulsa, Rice all could be players in this game. Some people have said that even Tulane could be on that list but that's a really far stretch. I see them picking apart the MTN West a ton for teams but they will be selective because other than the two Cali teams they do not want schools that are already in the PAC footprint. So SMU, and the Texas/OK schools make a lot of sense. I do not see them pursuing New Mexico or New Mexico St, just not enough juice for the squeeze there. UTEP even though its a Texas school is out in no mans land but if you want to target Mexico with college football you could go there and get those teams but I am not sure. I just see the PAC getting San Diego St , Fresno st. SMU, UNLV with maybe UTSA and Tulsa.

Now this will alter the MTN West and AAC which conference realignment always does. But look for the AAC to be more east coast and the MTN West to grab schools like UTEP, NM State, Sam Houston State,Texas State and there are a few others out that way that are moving from FCS to FBS that would be grabbed. The AAC would of course raid the sunbelt and perhaps reinstate UCONN and Grab Army

Again this is an opinion and I think some of what we have seen supports some of this and some of it is out of my a**. But anyway in conclusion

BIG adds UNC, UVA, ND, FSU, if not ND then Clemson
SEC adds NC St, V Tech, Duke, Lville
PAC Adds San Diego St, Fresno St, UNLV, SMU(with an outside chance of UTSA, Tulsa)
Big 12 adds Pitt, Syracuse, G Tech, Miami, Clemson if BIG does not take them Air Force , Colorado St, Boise st
AAC adds Boston College, Wake Forest, UCONN, Army, ODU, GA State.
MTN West to grab UTEP, NM State, North Texas, Rice, Texas State, Sam Houston State, Eastern Washington
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At the end of the day, Notre Dame remains the ultimate target for any expansion. If they decide to join prior to the ACC implodes, they will certainly want to bring a longtime rival with them ...Stanford most likely. Once you add those two and the obvious next Pac-12 targets (Oregon & Washington) I think the B1G will be officially done with expansion. 20 members is the limit.

Here's how it would play out for setting up divisions/pods...

IllinoisIndianaNotre DameMaryland
MinnesotaMichigan StateStanfordPenn State
WisconsinOhio StateUSCWashington

This keeps almost all primary rivalries intact...sorry IN/PU

*9-game conference schedule is a must; 4 gms vs schools in your div/pod every year, 5 gms vs one of the other divs/pods but not home-n-home ...just rotate divs/pods every year, so no more than 2 years between playing any conference member. Best (only?) way to do it.
The schools don’t jump out at you, but I’m guessing there is about 100% chance the Big XII would jump all over expanding into those markets.

Why would the Big 12 care about markets? We don't have a conference TV network to push signups for. The Big 12 needs passionate fanbases. Nobody goes to Wake or BC games and nobody watches them on TV. That's bad for the Big 12.
I do think that "if" the BIG, SEC, PAC and Big 12 expand further it could be wild. I do think and everyone thinks that the most vulnerable conferences are the PAC and ACC. But are we not going to have a major football conference west of the great plains????? I could be very wrong here but I think the BIG waits for the ACC to blow up and if that does happen here is what that fallout could look like

SEC- will go after some of the same ACC schools that the BIG wants but I do think schools like UNC, UVA, FSU, Miami would prefer the BIG for $$$$ alone. So look for NC state and Va Tech to go SEC. Those two were part of the magnif 7 so they must know they have a landing spot. After that I could see Duke and Louisville as a possible candidate for the SEC. Maybe they go after Clemson but South Carolina will pitch a major fit which may prevent this from happening. Plus I do think that if the BIG wants Clemson it's on like Donkey Kong.

Big 12- So saying the ACC tanks the Big 12 will go hard after Miami, Pitt(for the backyard brawl with WVU) G Tech, Syracuse. If Clemson is left alone the Big 12 would move heaven and earth to get them. But I do think whats left over from the ACC falling apart would be these schools. I do see them going west and not getting Colorado but rather Colorado St.( I just think for some reason the PAC survives). And possibly Air Force to help with Western Expansion. Schools like Memphis , ECU , USF(if they do not get Miami) are all contenders for Big 12 expansion. If that does not happen I am not sure that the Big 12 would pursue Wake Forest and Boston College I think they will be in the "New" AAC

PAC- Will get San Diego State , Fresno State (to try and fill the loss of USC, UCLA) They will Also go after UNLV( PAC headquarters are there so that makes sense plus a great market for the PAC). From there I see the PAC moving East to get into the Central Time zone(which it desperately needs), so SMU, UTSA, Tulsa, Rice all could be players in this game. Some people have said that even Tulane could be on that list but that's a really far stretch. I see them picking apart the MTN West a ton for teams but they will be selective because other than the two Cali teams they do not want schools that are already in the PAC footprint. So SMU, and the Texas/OK schools make a lot of sense. I do not see them pursuing New Mexico or New Mexico St, just not enough juice for the squeeze there. UTEP even though its a Texas school is out in no mans land but if you want to target Mexico with college football you could go there and get those teams but I am not sure. I just see the PAC getting San Diego St , Fresno st. SMU, UNLV with maybe UTSA and Tulsa.

Now this will alter the MTN West and AAC which conference realignment always does. But look for the AAC to be more east coast and the MTN West to grab schools like UTEP, NM State, Sam Houston State,Texas State and there are a few others out that way that are moving from FCS to FBS that would be grabbed. The AAC would of course raid the sunbelt and perhaps reinstate UCONN and Grab Army

Again this is an opinion and I think some of what we have seen supports some of this and some of it is out of my a**. But anyway in conclusion

BIG adds UNC, UVA, ND, FSU, if not ND then Clemson
SEC adds NC St, V Tech, Duke, Lville
PAC Adds San Diego St, Fresno St, UNLV, SMU(with an outside chance of UTSA, Tulsa)
Big 12 adds Pitt, Syracuse, G Tech, Miami, Clemson if BIG does not take them Air Force , Colorado St, Boise st
AAC adds Boston College, Wake Forest, UCONN, Army, ODU, GA State.
MTN West to grab UTEP, NM State, North Texas, Rice, Texas State, Sam Houston State, Eastern Washington
Thank you for agreeing with my layout. :)
Normally, you're pretty good. (I have no clue what you wrote, because that doesn't make sense to me...........................;)) But i have no clue what you wrote, as it doesn't make sense. (Again....not my fault.)

The Big 10 aint adding Pitt (Sure they are.), they already have every TV set in Pennsylvania thanks to Penn State. Pitt adds nothing and only dilutes the pool for other schools (Good. Hopefully that affects Ohio State and Michigan in the process, because f*** those guys. :D) , so they would never approve adding a school that takes away money. Same thing with Georgia Tech to the SEC.

The Big 10 is more likely to add Miami than Pitt
The Big Ten (and CFB) is more likely to do what I said, because that's what ends up happening............

Any posts suggesting somebody knows is going to happen, are not smart.

That said, the bar for being the smartest post is not a high one, so maybe it is?
He didn’t say that. He said if. And he laid out a pretty thoughtful plan. You’re correct, none of us have any idea as they all play this super close to the vest, just saying I liked his thoughts.

I mean this is all moot, because I don't believe the ACC is going anywhere until 2036.

But honestly, markets don't drive Big 12 revenue because we don't get extra money from cable just for having teams in that market. In order for the Big 12 to demand greater TV revenue, we need people to watch the games. BC and Wake don't help that and I don't think that's debatable at all.
🤣🤣🤣🤣 ... typical cowardly Hawk schedule thinking
How about
Notre Dame

Imagine those losses each year

Phil you definitely win the award for most jealous rival fan committed to a rivals message board! I’d think it would embarrass you, I know it would me….

But it really is gratifying and flattering to us! 🥰
I mean this is all moot, because I don't believe the ACC is going anywhere until 2036.

But honestly, markets don't drive Big 12 revenue because we don't get extra money from cable just for having teams in that market. In order for the Big 12 to demand greater TV revenue, we need people to watch the games. BC and Wake don't help that and I don't think that's debatable at all.
That’s not because they don’t want big markets. It’s because they can’t get them. Of course they’d love to have them. Cincinnati and UCF are two bad seasons away from being completely uninteresting. Then you’re stuck with them. I don’t think that’s debatable, so I guess we’re at an impasse.

I will agree that you’re a good poster, and you probably believe that too. You might be the only Cyclone poster on here I don’t have on ignore.
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And I am kinda shocked how pay for play has helped Iowa football level the playing field. It was not that long ago when people thought Iowa football was going to fall far behind because we did not have any collectives up and running. And now? Our offense has added a star QB, a star TE, a star WR, a star LB and additions to the offensive line, all because of the SWARM collective.
In truth we may have caught a heel of a break with a QB, and NFL talent TE leaving Michigan, and a 5 star WR buried on the bench at OSU all at the same time. We'll see where this goes and the future.....
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In truth we may have caught a heel of a break with a QB, and NFL talent TE leaving Michigan, and a 5 star WR buried on the bench at OSU all at the same time. We'll see where this goes and the future.....
I don't think that this year is all that different. There will always be exceptional talent at the blue bloods looking for a chance to play. They have 4 and 5 star talent buried up and down the rosters every year, particularly at the skill positions where Iowa typically struggles to recruit. The only question is where they end up.
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I don't think that this year is all that different. There will always be exceptional talent at the blue bloods looking for a chance to play. They have 4 and 5 star talent buried up and down the rosters every year, particularly at the skill positions where Iowa typically struggles to recruit. The only question is where they end up.
That’s true, but I don’t think you could say McNamara and All were buried talent(I doubt you are referring to those two.) Brown, sure, but the other two are about as proven as you can get from a blue blood. This is likely not going to happen much in the future.

I get what you’re saying, though. We will gladly take the the skill players who are buried at Michigan and OSU going forward.
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That’s true, but I don’t think you could say McNamara and All were buried talent(I doubt you are referring to those two.) Brown, sure, but the other two are about as proven as you can get from a blue blood. This is likely not going to happen much in the future.

I get what you’re saying, though. We will gladly take the the skill players who are buried at Michigan and OSU going forward.
But McNamara was in fact stuck behind McCarthy with his only chance to play being an injury to the starter. With respect to All, I believe there was a falling out between him and the staff. If the Iowa offense can be counted on for one thing it's production at the tight end position and he already had a relationship with Cade making the transition easy.
The current ACC revolt is more about unequal revenue sharing, as the FSU AD stated, rather than the unlikely break up of the conference. But, for giggles, here we go.

ACC - schools that could have problems

Boston College - Lets face it, New England/NY cares nothing about college FB. College BB yes, not FB.
Syracuse: Pitt: Louisville: Money drain. Big 12 will not offer. Large markets mean nothing if no one watches. Iowa and Nebraska are perfect examples - small populations and rural but good viewership.
Wake Forrest: Georgia Tech: Duke: same. However, Yormark - the commish - loves BB and the Big 12 is already the strongest BB conference so he may offer Duke regardless of their poor FB numbers. Kansas, Duke, Baylor, Houston, UWV, Arizona, NC st. - wIcked BB conference.

Miami could possibly have difficulty if Florida is successful in resisting the possibility of three SEC teams in their state. I think FSU gets an SEC offer. Miami is iffy.

The second War Between the States (BIG vs. SEC) will start over Virginia and North Carolina, the two best properties on the board. My guess will be close. The two Athletic Directors will probably want SEC for the excitement and recruiting - The Presidents/Chancellors will want the BIG for the academic prestige. If they are smart, they will go to the SEC and saddle up with South Carolina, Clemson, Georgia, Florida, and FSU, rather then Rutgers, Maryland, and Penn St - not even close.
South Carolina is a small state. Can USC fight off a membership offer to Clemson? Who knows, but it will be discussed.
Virginia Tech and North Carolina State - These two schools will not be offered by the BIG and they could be passed up by the SEC, there is not much there, comparatively, for either conference. If they are passed by the SEC, the Big 12 will offer and form a nice little pod with West Virginia and Cinncy.
So the ACC schools that are experiencing the 'wet ass hour' are BC, Syracuse, Pitt, Louisville, WF, Duke?, and Georgia Tech. My guess is that Clemson and Miami find a way in the SEC, but it is not a given. Some resistance.
The Big 12 takes VT and NCst. and then moves West and takes Colorado and Arizona coming up to 16 schools. These 4 schools hold their own as far as the Big 12 distribution numbers are concerned. Way short for the SEC and BIG.
As far as the BIG and the West goes, I can see Oregon and Washington stumbling into the BIG some how. Cal and Stanford - who the hell knows, they bring little and belong on their own planet - like the whole Bay Area. They don't give a sht.
In truth, anyone's guess about all of this is as good as...anyone's.
Next up - editing. Who will be shown the door in the BIG and SEC, or be forced into a reduced share by the big dogs. It's coming.
The current ACC revolt is more about unequal revenue sharing, as the FSU AD stated, rather than the unlikely break up of the conference. But, for giggles, here we go.

ACC - schools that could have problems

Boston College - Lets face it, New England/NY cares nothing about college FB. College BB yes, not FB.
Syracuse: Pitt: Louisville: Money drain. Big 12 will not offer. Large markets mean nothing if no one watches. Iowa and Nebraska are perfect examples - small populations and rural but good viewership.
Wake Forrest: Georgia Tech: Duke: same. However, Yormark - the commish - loves BB and the Big 12 is already the strongest BB conference so he may offer Duke regardless of their poor FB numbers. Kansas, Duke, Baylor, Houston, UWV, Arizona, NC st. - wIcked BB conference.

Miami could possibly have difficulty if Florida is successful in resisting the possibility of three SEC teams in their state. I think FSU gets an SEC offer. Miami is iffy.

The second War Between the States (BIG vs. SEC) will start over Virginia and North Carolina, the two best properties on the board. My guess will be close. The two Athletic Directors will probably want SEC for the excitement and recruiting - The Presidents/Chancellors will want the BIG for the academic prestige. If they are smart, they will go to the SEC and saddle up with South Carolina, Clemson, Georgia, Florida, and FSU, rather then Rutgers, Maryland, and Penn St - not even close.
South Carolina is a small state. Can USC fight off a membership offer to Clemson? Who knows, but it will be discussed.
Virginia Tech and North Carolina State - These two schools will not be offered by the BIG and they could be passed up by the SEC, there is not much there, comparatively, for either conference. If they are passed by the SEC, the Big 12 will offer and form a nice little pod with West Virginia and Cinncy.
So the ACC schools that are experiencing the 'wet ass hour' are BC, Syracuse, Pitt, Louisville, WF, Duke?, and Georgia Tech. My guess is that Clemson and Miami find a way in the SEC, but it is not a given. Some resistance.
The Big 12 takes VT and NCst. and then moves West and takes Colorado and Arizona coming up to 16 schools. These 4 schools hold their own as far as the Big 12 distribution numbers are concerned. Way short for the SEC and BIG.
As far as the BIG and the West goes, I can see Oregon and Washington stumbling into the BIG some how. Cal and Stanford - who the hell knows, they bring little and belong on their own planet - like the whole Bay Area. They don't give a sht.
In truth, anyone's guess about all of this is as good as...anyone's.
Next up - editing. Who will be shown the door in the BIG and SEC, or be forced into a reduced share by the big dogs. It's coming.
So basically what I said....... ;)

Btw, I think the Big 12 basically sees the writing on the wall, and is trying to establish themselves as the premiere basketball conference in the country.

They were recently in talks with UConn for f*** sake.

If the Big 12 got UConn for mens and women's basketball?..........(even though it makes no sense from UConn's perspective)
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The schools the BIG would want to add goes in this order

1. Notre Dame- for obvious reasons
2. UNC- AAU school with solid football and top 5 basketball recognition. Everyone in the world knows the interlocking NC symbol. Active alumni base Growing state very good talent pool in both football and basketball.
3. Florida State- applying for AAU status also brand recognition in a state that many BIG alumni live. Deep deep talent pool, very decorated athletic history.
4. UVA- AAU school in a growing state with very good talent. Very active alumni base great in basketball could be very good in football.
5. Oregon- Expands the footprint out west plus solid name branding
6. Washington- same as Oregon
7. Miami(FL)- Actually the school set up fits into the North more than the south. This school has been there before in Football and is solid in basketball. Very fertile recruiting and like FSU many BIG alumni live in FL
8. Clemson- Would be sitting there because the SEC will not pick them up. Smaller school with a solid following but Clemson suffers from being a smaller school that has done very well in multiple sports and is not in a major tv market. The BIG may take them just to have a school dead in SEC country
9. Utah- for some reason they just fit in the BIG
10. GTech- AAU school with great academics. Not sure how much $$$$$ they bring to the table to the BIG
11. TCU- Academic fit, big TV market, gets the BIG into Texas.
Colorado is always overlooked here. In a growing state, geographically connected as a neighboring state to Nebraska, AAU member. I think they would be absolutely ahead of Miami and possibly ahead of Oregon/Washington.
But McNamara was in fact stuck behind McCarthy with his only chance to play being an injury to the starter. With respect to All, I believe there was a falling out between him and the staff. If the Iowa offense can be counted on for one thing it's production at the tight end position and he already had a relationship with Cade making the transition easy.
I guess you were referring to those two?

All was injured. The falling out was related to the injury. Healthy, he was 100% a starter.

I realize Cade was not the starter, but he is very much a proven player. He was not a guy that we are hoping can live up to high school accolades.

Joey Labas is a guy who is probably buried on the depth chart. That is nothing like what Cade was.
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Colorado is always overlooked here. In a growing state, geographically connected as a neighboring state to Nebraska, AAU member. I think they would be absolutely ahead of Miami and possibly ahead of Oregon/Washington.
Well they do not bring eyeballs and $$$$ to the BIG. But what you said is true
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I guess you were referring to those two?

All was injured. The falling out was related to the injury. Healthy, he was 100% a starter.

I realize Cade was not the starter, but he is very much a proven player. He was not a guy that we are hoping can live up to high school accolades.

Joey Labas is a guy who is probably buried on the depth chart. That is nothing like what Cade was.
Cade is absolutely a proven QB who was beaten out by a better one. That was kind of the point. Blue bloods have great talent backing up even better talent. That's what Cade was. Labas couldn't beat out players like Spencer and Padilla and has fallen to 3rd again behind the backup from Wisconsin. I think that tells us something about his level of talent. Last year Iowa had one of the weakest QB/WR groups in all of football. The portal changed all of that and will continue to provide a wealth of talent at positions of need to schools like Iowa that are often on the outside looking in when it comes to recruiting these higher quality skill players.

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