Reuters Poll: Most Americans do not support ...


HR Legend
Dec 10, 2011
Cedar Rapids -- Iowa City
religious freedom laws.

It's a poll of ~900 Americans, so without knowing all the details of their study one could question how significant the finding really is. However, I found the summary interesting nonetheless.


Well, that didn't take me long. I could have easily gone to

This post was edited on 4/9 12:42 PM by mstp1992
Originally posted by mstp1992:

I think it would be more interesting broken down by state or at least by region.
I think this would be interesting , too.
I'm no Karl Marx fan but I believe he said that "religion is the opium of the masses." Methinks this is particularly true where areas of poor/poverty are concerned. It has worked wonders for the Catholic Church in central and South America for centuries. I'm sure the areas in the US where this idea is actively supported would be the Southeastern area of the States and areas of poverty in the mid and western states. There will be some exceptions, ofcourse but I bet there is a large correlation.
Originally posted by joelbc1:

Originally posted by mstp1992:

I think it would be more interesting broken down by state or at least by region.
I think this would be interesting , too.
I'm no Karl Marx fan but I believe he said that "religion is the opium of the masses." Methinks this is particularly true where areas of poor/poverty are concerned. It has worked wonders for the Catholic Church in central and South America for centuries. I'm sure the areas in the US where this idea is actively supported would be the Southeastern area of the States and areas of poverty in the mid and western states. There will be some exceptions, ofcourse but I bet there is a large correlation.
H.L. Menchen called it the Coca-Cola Belt.