The idea that sending kids to private school for a superior education is specious at best. When you control for demographics, public schools and private schools perform similarly. When you track kids who take advantage of vouchers, they perform similarly to the cohorts they left at public schools. Multiple studies have shown that gets who utilize vouchers (under the “giving kids trapped in failing schools, kids poverty” models) perform similarly in English and slightly lower Math in private school.
Now that we have expanded the pool those results will change because we are essentially giving a subsidy to families who are already well off. We are giving vouchers to the cohort that already performs well academically. And by expanding the pool you hide the under performing kids who somehow scrape together the funds to make it in to private school.
I’ve said this before: there is not a single private school available to me in the state of Indiana that could’ve provided the well rounded, broad, and deep educational opportunities that our public school provides. It did mean that my kids went to school with kids the private school proponents consider to be undesirable or undeserving of an education (as evidenced by many in this thread)…