RFK hearing day - So do we want transparency and accountability?

My point being that maybe the reason why Bobby didn't answer the question to bunsen's liking is because he's not the one that makes that decision. As RFK stated, it's Congress that makes cuts to medicaid.
Again, yes. However, the administration has a lot of influence on that. Will he support cuts to Medicaid or will he and the administration fight for the money? Will he utilize the broad authority he has to not make obtaining funds as a state too difficult?
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I do know America is as unhealthy as it has ever been. Why would we not want to make some changes and be extra critical of the things that got us here? Food sources, drugs companies, etc.
how are you judging that?

because 100 years ago, americans' average life expectancy was 58
How much research have you personally done?
Name a scientific study that shows vaccines cause autism. Not some crackpot podcast of people spewing half truths. RFK himself is a crackpot, he "chose" to learn from a reputable scientist and then bent the information to fit a narrative that pushed his narrative and promote himself.
The research i've done is inconsequential. I am a teacher. Research is done by scientists and doctors. Please by all means cite a study that is reputable that proves your beliefs.
You watching social media and listening to crack pots that listen to the other crack pots you also listen to is confirmation bias.
He said he was going to improve Medicaid, that would be lie if they are going to cut Medicaid. That is what he kept say over and over, Trump wants him to improve medicaid and the premiums are too high ;) . He was greatly confusing Medicare, Insurance and medicaid. Medicaid patients do not pay a premium. Beyond being greatly misinformed and uneducated on the topic, he either out right lied if he knows Trump plans to cut Medicaid funding through congress, or he has no idea how to do the job. The real topic kept coming back to the expanded Medicaid, and how many individuals would lose coverage if it was cut by the federal government. He even acknowledged several would lose coverage if this would occur, and the implications of this.
Medicaid recipients do pay premiums. The maximum amount is quite low however, capped at 5% of adjusted income I believe…
Not being attune to the latest conspiracy theories does not equate to not having knowledge on a particular subject.
being oblivious to our national health situation is just stupid.

Correction doesn't happen.

political financial influence doesn't happen

Politicians are always honest if they are Democrats

I pledge allegiance to support Democrats no matter what what they say or how obvious they are wrong.

That covers it right?
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No, you just don't know as much as you think you do so it seems like lies because it doesn't fit your narrative of those that will destroy you for profit. Of course you are confused.


All of the super smart people have figured out these conspiracies. The narrative. LOL
Based on what? Obesity rates? Did you actually think about this? You know children used to drop like flies?
I pledge allegiance to the integrity of the democratic party.

What has happened to Bob Melendez and Michael Madigan is in of itself a conspiracy against all honest liberals, and all republicans like Charles Grassley who vote their conviction and are not influenced by 1.4 million dollars.
Glad you're not the one making the decisions.
Glad you are a massive minority that will fade into the annals of history similar to the refrigerator mothers theory that being cold and unemotional caused autism. There will be repercussions of all of this, what and how will be interesting to watch.
I do know America is as unhealthy as it has ever been. Why would we not want to make some changes and be extra critical of the things that got us here? Food sources, drugs companies, etc.
Sure, just put in someone who has hit drugs (illegal) hard in his life, admittedly so, is not really that smart, and had over 50 mistresses during his first marriage that caused his wife to commit suicide. Put some one in better than this idiot. Besides he will question none of this, just try to destroy the system.
I pledge allegiance to the integrity of the democratic party.

What has happened to Bob Melendez and Michael Madigan is in of itself a conspiracy against all honest liberals, and all republicans like Charles Grassley who vote their conviction and are not influenced by 1.4 million dollars.
being oblivious to our national health situation is just stupid.

Correction doesn't happen.

political financial influence doesn't happen

Politicians are always honest if they are Democrats

I pledge allegiance to support Democrats no matter what what they say or how obvious they are wrong.

That covers it right?

Did you miss your meds today?
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Sure, just put in someone who has hit drugs (illegal) hard in his life, admittedly so, is not really that smart, and had over 50 mistresses during his first marriage that caused his wife to commit suicide. Put some one in better than this idiot. Besides he will question none of this, just try to destroy the system.
The system needs changed.
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We need to confirm kennedy. The health system in the US is a disaster in nearly every possible way. It needs a massive shake up
Please tell me how you are an expert on our healthcare system? I want to know.

You say it is a disaster in nearly every way. Give us a bunch of examples and I am talking about the actual science of medicine and the care we get. I dont need to know about how crappy our private health insurance system is as it is just terrible. Medicare has an administrative cost of 3% while most private health insurance companies have admin costs of about 30% with huge salaries, etc. And they purposely try to deny and delay payments to patients and care givers.

I will wait to hear your answers and examples.
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jesus. if everyone and everything is corrupt:
why has life expectancy gone up? I know that doesn't fit aaron rogers, joe rogans, and the maga view of things.
US life expectancy
1980: 73.7
1990: 75.9
2000: 76.75
2010: 78.49
2020: 78.93
2024: 79.25
2025: trending up again.
You are asking the wrong question. What would the expectancy be if a more healthy approach were used.

M and M's for everyone!
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It's her motives that are now in question. Kinda like the rest of the healthcare industry and regulatory institutions.
What do you mean her motives. She was a Federal Public Servant as Ambassador to Austraila until 8 days ago on Jan. 20th. Do you know that? It would be wrong for her to say something but she is a private citizen now and knows more about Bobby Jr than about anybody.
I watched a couple more videos of his performance today.

I shit you not, that man is bat shit crazy. It looked like he was hooked up to some sort of remote controlled electrical shock collar and every time a question came his way, the remote button was pressed and out came the "this is what we want you to say" answer.

He should not receive a single solitary vote to confirm. Not. One.
I watched a couple more videos of his performance today.

I shit you not, that man is bat shit crazy. It looked like he was hooked up to some sort of remote controlled electrical shock collar and every time a question came his way, the remote button was pressed and out came the "this is what we want you to say" answer.

He should not receive a single solitary vote to confirm. Not. One.
Oh so we're making fun other people's uncontrollable neurological conditions now? How about you grow up just a little? Did you bully others when you were in school too?
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What do you mean her motives. She was a Federal Public Servant as Ambassador to Austraila until 8 days ago on Jan. 20th. Do you know that? It would be wrong for her to say something but she is a private citizen now and knows more about Bobby Jr than about anybody.
At the very least, she has a financial vested interest in doing what she did, that's what I mean.
Name a scientific study that shows vaccines cause autism.
The biggest issue here is that much of the science that is needed to adequately indicate safety simply doesn't exist. I'd be happy to expand on that, or you can just read through the other thread. That was my initial claim, then you jumped to autism, which is fine but that claim wasn't specifically focusing on autism.
Since you brought up autism though, this publication just came out that we were talking about in another thread:

The research i've done is inconsequential.
No it's really not, particularly if you have kids of your own. I wouldn't just blindly trust given how obviously corrupt the pharma industry has become. You should have learned your lesson during COVID that you can't just blindly trust the health authorities / regulatory institutions but I guess you missed that 4 year-long lesson.
Please by all means cite a study that is reputable that proves your beliefs.
See above, and I have (and others) have posted many, many more studies that support my position.
Based on what? Obesity rates? Did you actually think about this? You know children used to drop like flies?
I have read that an enormous amount of Medicaid spending goes to treatment of chronic diseases like diabetes and obesity related conditions.
You’re correct about infant mortality back in the day, but while that has improved dramatically we now have about a third of the country classified as obese.
He said he was going to improve Medicaid, that would be lie if they are going to cut Medicaid. That is what he kept say over and over, Trump wants him to improve medicaid and the premiums are too high ;) . He was greatly confusing Medicare, Insurance and medicaid. Medicaid patients do not pay a premium. Beyond being greatly misinformed and uneducated on the topic

From the 'greatly misinformed and uneducated' folks at

States have the option to charge premiums and to establish out of pocket spending (cost sharing) requirements for Medicaid enrollees. Out of pocket costs may include copayments, coinsurance, deductibles, and other similar charges. Maximum out of pocket costs are limited, but states can impose higher charges for targeted groups of somewhat higher income people.
Oh so we're making fun other people's uncontrollable neurological conditions now? How about you grow up just a little? Did you bully others when you were in school too?

I'm not making fun of him. Not at all. If he's got something that causes how he looks and acts...fine, that explains a lot.

I still believe he should never be confirmed for this position. He IS looney tunes.
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