A rebounding foul on a ball that bricked off the backboard? Give me a f'in break...
horriblePMac is killing us now. Forcing shit.
so fūcking bad today
Both throwing up some stupid forced BS. It's like they're in a contest.Geezus, it's the Patrick and Burton Show.
America's new favorite game show where we see who can miss more shots in a row!!!
Yup. Fouled standing still.A rebounding foul on a ball that bricked off the backboard? Give me a f'in break...
What the **** is wrong with the floor?
He must of graduated from Richmond.Nessler is as lost on the call as Dolph.
Of course that's where Iowa would get placed - on a floor above a hockey rink - when they need a floor they can rely on for sure footing to play the way they want to.my god, there's an ice sheet under this court, correct?
Buffalo Sabres play in this arena
You forgot a thud from them.Clink, clank, bonk, doink, donk, clang