This debate, if it is even worthy of being called a debate, has become tedious. If it's that important to some that Angel Reese be considered in the same light as Caitlin and she therefore she deserves to be ROY (even co-ROY), then do it. Just give it to Angel Reese. Caitlin would congratulate her, say what a great competitor she is, and move on. It won't define Caitlin one way or the other. It won't change the minds of people either. No one will say, I thought it was Caitlin, but I guess Angel Reese is the best rookie this year because she won the award that says she is.

Dumb take. Caitlin deserves it. This isn’t some participation award and the WNBA should not be rewarding delusional aggrieved racist complainers with awards that aren’t legitimately earned.

This debate, if it is even worthy of being called a debate, has become tedious. If it's that important to some that Angel Reese be considered in the same light as Caitlin and she therefore she deserves to be ROY (even co-ROY), then do it. Just give it to Angel Reese. Caitlin would congratulate her, say what a great competitor she is, and move on. It won't define Caitlin one way or the other. It won't change the minds of people either. No one will say, I thought it was Caitlin, but I guess Angel Reese is the best rookie this year because she won the award that says she is.
Then they should call it the DEI Rookie of the Year award.
Dumb take. Caitlin deserves it. This isn’t some participation award and the WNBA should not be rewarding delusional aggrieved racist complainers with awards that aren’t legitimately earned.

Of course she deserves it. That was the subtext of my post, and no other recipient of the award will change my mind.

With that, I believe Caitlin will win, handily. But if she doesn't, it won't change what people think. And it won't define her. If anything, it will inspire her. All the while with a smile on her face. We could all take that lesson from a 22 year old young woman.