Should anti-vaxx parents be charged with child neglect? (Personal story)


HR All-American
Jan 27, 2023
My anti-vaxx cousin and family (2 kids under age 8) are sick as dogs with the flu.

All are un-vaxxed and didn't get the flu shot. I tried to encourage them to get vaxxed to the max but they didn't want to.

I get the flu shot every October. I had 6 covid vaccines. No side effects. I think they all got 1 or 2 covid vaccines years ago because they were forced to.

I feel like anti-vaxx parents should get fined or deported if/when their un-vaxxed kids get sick.

What do you think?
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I take it you are not a "my body my choice" kind of guy?

I know you getting jabbed 6 times is a pride point for you but I would ask you to seriously consider what we have learned in the last 6 months to a year. The people that should be behind bars are the people that think someone should be behind bars for not wanting to be a lab rat.
I take it you are not a "my body my choice" kind of guy?

I know you getting jabbed 6 times is a pride point for you but I would ask you to seriously consider what we have learned in the last 6 months to a year. The people that should be behind bars are the people that think someone should be behind bars for not wanting to be a lab rat.

Uh, by your logic, are the kids given a choice? And he's not just talking about Covid moron

And yes
My anti-vaxx cousin and family (2 kids under age 8) are sick as dogs with the flu.

All are un-vaxxed and didn't get the flu shot. I tried to entourage them to get vaxxed to the max but they didn't want to.

I get the flu shot every October. I had 6 covid vaccines. No side effects. I think they all got 1 or 2 covid vaccines years ago because they were forced to.

I feel like anti-vaxx parents should get fined or deported if/when their un-vaxxed kids get sick.

What do you think?
If you are vaxxed, you are safe right? Why do you care?
It's not about me. It's about kids with anti-vaxx parents.
I will never forget the day, as a new first time parent, I walked into the doctor's office, exhausted, with my then 12 month( ish) old child. This is during the height of covid.

He looked me directly in the eyes and said " you want this to be covid, you do NOT want this to be RSV, at her age covid will be the sniffles for a few days".

Don't worry about the kids bro, you got lied to about a illness, that when combined with 3 other comorbidities, killed less than 1 percent of healthy young people it infected.

You should really, smoke a bowl, and go down the rabbit hole that was covid on this very board. We had a poll one time where a huge percentage of the people on here thought covid killed > 25% of the people it infected......... and those same dipshits still talk about covid like they know what the **** they are talking about.
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My anti-vaxx cousin and family (2 kids under age 8) are sick as dogs with the flu.

All are un-vaxxed and didn't get the flu shot. I tried to entourage them to get vaxxed to the max but they didn't want to.

I get the flu shot every October. I had 6 covid vaccines. No side effects. I think they all got 1 or 2 covid vaccines years ago because they were forced to.

I feel like anti-vaxx parents should get fined or deported if/when their un-vaxxed kids get sick.

What do you think?
I don't think the flu vaccine is a very good metric for this discussion.

Measles would be a more appropriate discussion point.

If your kid doesn't get a measles vaccine you are a bad parent.
I don't think the flu vaccine is a very good metric for this discussion.

Measles would be a more appropriate discussion point.

If your kid doesn't get a measles vaccine you are a bad parent.

I think anti-vaxx parent's only have their kids get ANY vaccine if they're forced to.
My anti-vaxx cousin and family (2 kids under age 8) are sick as dogs with the flu.

All are un-vaxxed and didn't get the flu shot. I tried to entourage them to get vaxxed to the max but they didn't want to.

I get the flu shot every October. I had 6 covid vaccines. No side effects. I think they all got 1 or 2 covid vaccines years ago because they were forced to.

I feel like anti-vaxx parents should get fined or deported if/when their un-vaxxed kids get sick.

What do you think?
I think you are misguided by lumping all vaccines together and thinking that objection to some vaccines automatically makes a person "anti-vax".

I also think you have no real understanding that your experience doesn't mean everyone will have the same experience.

I also think you don't understand the risk / reward factor for each vaccine, and if being vaccinated for a given vaccine prevents infection, and prevents spread.
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My anti-vaxx cousin and family (2 kids under age 8) are sick as dogs with the flu.

All are un-vaxxed and didn't get the flu shot. I tried to entourage them to get vaxxed to the max but they didn't want to.

I get the flu shot every October. I had 6 covid vaccines. No side effects. I think they all got 1 or 2 covid vaccines years ago because they were forced to.

I feel like anti-vaxx parents should get fined or deported if/when their un-vaxxed kids get sick.

What do you think?
For anyone over 5 it could be a fine set up so that if you have :
1 Covid Vax - $1,000
2 Covid Vax - $800
3 Covid Vax $500
4 Covid Vax $250
5 Covid Vax $100
6 or more Covid Vax - no fine
I missed the part where he said he wanted to deport people.... damn I love hort.

Alright bud, you go down to your local whole foods and start figuring out where those grass fed, anti gmo, hairy armpitted hippies want to go and we can start talking about where we want to send them.
My anti-vaxx cousin and family (2 kids under age 8) are sick as dogs with the flu.

All are un-vaxxed and didn't get the flu shot. I tried to entourage them to get vaxxed to the max but they didn't want to.

I get the flu shot every October. I had 6 covid vaccines. No side effects. I think they all got 1 or 2 covid vaccines years ago because they were forced to.

I feel like anti-vaxx parents should get fined or deported if/when their un-vaxxed kids get sick.

What do you think?
Lol I've never had a flu shot and also never gotten the flu. Never got a covid jab and never got severely sick with covid. I think the parents putting their kids on irreversible hormone therapy are the ones who need to be separated permanently from their children. They are a much bigger threat to the well being of their off spring than people not giving their kids annual flu shots lmfao
If a kid didn't get the flu shot and catch the flu, no (the flu shot is for a specific variant and won't protect completely from other variants)

If they haven't gotten MMR and catch one of those, then there's a good argument for yes.

When did our country become so stupid regarding vaccines? Even when my kids were young, I'd never heard of anti-vaxxers. Now it seems like they're everywhere. We're devolving.
If a kid didn't get the flu shot and catch the flu, no (the flu shot is for a specific variant and won't protect completely from other variants)

If they haven't gotten MMR and catch one of those, then there's a good argument for yes.

When did our country become so stupid regarding vaccines? Even when my kids were young, I'd never heard of anti-vaxxers. Now it seems like they're everywhere. We're devolving.
That would have been in 1986, when Ronny RayGun caved to the Pharma lobby and gave them a green light to harm as many kids as they wanted without ANY repercussions.
My anti-vaxx cousin and family (2 kids under age 8) are sick as dogs with the flu.

All are un-vaxxed and didn't get the flu shot. I tried to entourage them to get vaxxed to the max but they didn't want to.

I get the flu shot every October. I had 6 covid vaccines. No side effects. I think they all got 1 or 2 covid vaccines years ago because they were forced to.

I feel like anti-vaxx parents should get fined or deported if/when their un-vaxxed kids get sick.

What do you think?

People like you should be kept away from the public. You think you know best for everyone and those that disagree should be jailed?

The Covid vaccine does nothing for nobody except possibly the person getting the shot. So why should you have any say or count?

The flu shot is 50/50 at best.

I think you should be fined or deported.
My anti-vaxx cousin and family (2 kids under age 8) are sick as dogs with the flu.

All are un-vaxxed and didn't get the flu shot. I tried to entourage them to get vaxxed to the max but they didn't want to.

I get the flu shot every October. I had 6 covid vaccines. No side effects. I think they all got 1 or 2 covid vaccines years ago because they were forced to.

I feel like anti-vaxx parents should get fined or deported if/when their un-vaxxed kids get sick.

What do you think?
COVID and flu shots aren't vaccines, so not for those, but yeah generally kids should be vaccinated (with actual vaccines).
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I could meet OP halfway on the Flu shot. There is decades of data there and the Flu does kill.
Covid vaxx at least for children I don't get behind. The data tells you there is no need and they are the safest set of people for covid. Why risk your kid getting the 1% awful side effect of the jab when 99% tells you they are safe. At least that's what I did with mine. But its a free country and I don't particularly care what people do with their kids as long as they are not harming them emotionally or physically.
My anti-vaxx cousin and family (2 kids under age 8) are sick as dogs with the flu.

All are un-vaxxed and didn't get the flu shot. I tried to entourage them to get vaxxed to the max but they didn't want to.

I get the flu shot every October. I had 6 covid vaccines. No side effects. I think they all got 1 or 2 covid vaccines years ago because they were forced to.

I feel like anti-vaxx parents should get fined or deported if/when their un-vaxxed kids get sick.

What do you think?
OK Dr. Strangelove (or, How I Learned to Start Worrying and Love the Shot), I'll play along a bit. I'll even suspend disbelief in your seeming predication of this interesting proposed enforcement regime upon completely anecdotal information.

So as I thought about it, I remembered that like me, you too were a denizen of the DMV -- Maryland, home of NIH, no less -- and then it all made perfect sense...

1. The flu vaccine is neither recommended nor mandated for many of the youngest children, and it is not required for older children. So, of course, one must first create a federal mandate, which will otherwise go against current clinical thinking for at least some children. (Note also that there will be substantial indirect costs as makers of other existing vaccines - LYME DISEASE!! -- will no doubt seek to reap the sales benefits of broader mandates, including through government contracts with federal and state public health agencies.) Either way, it takes a lot of lobbyists to make that happen, which is great for our DMV neighbors.
2. Believe it or not, there is no national registry of flu vaccinations. There are, of course, state pediatric vaccine registries, though they generally only cover required vaccines rather than discretionary ones and are otherwise often incomplete. So, to enforce this regime, you will obviously need to award a massive government contract to create such a registry, which will surely entail hiring a number of employees to entertain the potnetial appeals from 300 million or so potential citizens who may think their particular records aren't accurate.
3. But of course, the registry just shows who's been vaccinated, and what we really want to know is who those bastards are that aren't, and more importantly, who actually got sick with the flu. So, of course, we need to have a national system (with appropriate agents) to continually compare the data to broader population registries, and to otherwise surveil, identify, report, and prosecute these ne'er do wells. Why not just hire the docs and require them to report? (But then people might not go to the doc, and do we really want that?) Perhaps a whistleblower system, with bounties?! It's going to have to be really comprehensive and fast too, since, of course, people tend to get over the flu pretty quickly. Maybe we could contract with zoom or teams, coupled with an AI bolt-on, to see who's wearing their pajamas on video calls? And a prescription claims surveillance system to see who fills antiviral Rx's!
4. Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself. First, you have to define what constitutes "getting sick"! I felt sorta tired yesterday myself, and have had to blow my nose a lot lately, though spring is in the air. But I also felt a little queezy in the stomach last night ... after i ate that big bowl of chili. That's formal rulemaking, with an economic impact analysis and all the other stuff that OMB requires, which in turn require lawyers, economists, and another small army.
5. But hell, we've made it this far, let's continue. Some people might take issue with the fine, whether due to causation, confusion, constitution, or other reasons. So we'll need ALJ's to hear appeals, and lots of them, but not ones that are too powerful, because we don't want to create any appointment clause litigation that is going to go all the way up to scotus...

All in all, this sounds like a fantastic idea Doc...
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I will never forget the day, as a new first time parent, I walked into the doctor's office, exhausted, with my then 12 month( ish) old child. This is during the height of covid.

He looked me directly in the eyes and said " you want this to be covid, you do NOT want this to be RSV, at her age covid will be the sniffles for a few days".

Don't worry about the kids bro, you got lied to about a illness, that when combined with 3 other comorbidities, killed less than 1 percent of healthy young people it infected.

You should really, smoke a bowl, and go down the rabbit hole that was covid on this very board. We had a poll one time where a huge percentage of the people on here thought covid killed > 25% of the people it infected......... and those same dipshits still talk about covid like they know what the **** they are talking about.

The first words our pediatrician spoke to me when we took our first child in for her first appointment were:

"The first thing you need to understand is that they are not pheasant under glass".

The first words our pediatrician spoke to me when we took our first child in for her first appointment were:

"The first thing you need to understand is that they are not pheasant under glass".
Pheasants under glass?

Never heard that.

This wasn't a check up, she did actually have covid that time.... and then proceeded to get RSV a fee months later.... and foot and mouth or whatever the hell that disaster is called, that was the worst IMO.
My anti-vaxx cousin and family (2 kids under age 8) are sick as dogs with the flu.

All are un-vaxxed and didn't get the flu shot. I tried to entourage them to get vaxxed to the max but they didn't want to.

I get the flu shot every October. I had 6 covid vaccines. No side effects. I think they all got 1 or 2 covid vaccines years ago because they were forced to.

I feel like anti-vaxx parents should get fined or deported if/when their un-vaxxed kids get sick.

What do you think?
Unvaccinated kids shouldn't be allowed in school. Full stop.