Should have raked - million acres burn across Texas

How long until it's revealed that climate terrorists started the whole thing?
This is a satellite view of the Texas wildfires when a cold front pushed through a couple of days ago.

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Reminds of the threads laughing at Texans during the cold snap a few years ago. Gleefully laughing at the situation because of the Governors actions/affiliations.

Anything to “score points” for your team
God's retribution for treating migrants so badly.

Jesus was probably in one of those groups - REALLY pissed God off this time...

Well if you knew anything about God you would know that’s not at all how he works.

If only they had more guns....they could probably shoot their way out of this dilemma...

Guns won’t help at all against a fire.

It's the rural poor section, yo...

Hopefully all the fires stay out of your moms basement where you live.
Reminds of the threads laughing at Texans during the cold snap a few years ago. Gleefully laughing at the situation because of the Governors actions/affiliations.

Anything to “score points” for your team

Could you explain why this thread reminds you of a different thread that contained laughing at Texans? I only read through once - and it's possible I have some on ignore - but I don't see anyone gleefully laughing at the situation.

Do you think it's possible that you have difficulty identifying and comprehending the difference between laughing at people impacted by the wildfires and mocking the lunatics that blamed prior wildfires on raking forest ground and Jewish space lasers?

I don't see anyone rejoicing that Texas is facing a disaster, I see people using sarcasm to point out the hypocrisy of people when the shoe is on the other foot.

Of course we all have different abilities and perspectives, so it's possible I'm blind to what you have picked up on.
This reminds me of John Stewart's latest show and how sensitive people are these days that we need to start everything with a disclaimer.

"Discussion of Israel and Palestine is not meant to endorse or justify either side. Mentions of Hamas that fail to condemn Hamas do not mean we don't condemn Hamas. Listening to this segment is not advised for those predisposed to antisemitism or islamophobia...."
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Could you explain why this thread reminds you of a different thread that contained laughing at Texans? I only read through once - and it's possible I have some on ignore - but I don't see anyone gleefully laughing at the situation.

Do you think it's possible that you have difficulty identifying and comprehending the difference between laughing at people impacted by the wildfires and mocking the lunatics that blamed prior wildfires on raking forest ground and Jewish space lasers?

I don't see anyone rejoicing that Texas is facing a disaster, I see people using sarcasm to point out the hypocrisy of people when the shoe is on the other foot.

Of course we all have different abilities and perspectives, so it's possible I'm blind to what you have picked up on.
No one's laughing at Texans in harm's way; however, you're being obtuse if you don't see that a tragic event is being used as the platform to score political points. Ask yourself this, if Scuddy or H4aD opened a thread about California fires for the sole purposes to ridicule "blue state policies" all the liberals on here would toast him. I'm used to seeing it from the trolls, just a little surprised to see it from those who constantly berate the trolls for doing it. When in Rome, maybe?

Do I personally think people on here are pointing at someone who's lost a home or or loved one and laughing? No. Do I understand this is a message board and people are going to message board? Yes. Did I lose a single second of sleep thinking about this thread last night? Nope. Am I going to point out the hypocrisy? Yup.
No one's laughing at Texans in harm's way; however, you're being obtuse if you don't see that a tragic event is being used as the platform to score political points. Ask yourself this, if Scuddy or H4aD opened a thread about California fires for the sole purposes to ridicule "blue state policies" all the liberals on here would toast him. I'm used to seeing it from the trolls, just a little surprised to see it from those who constantly berate the trolls for doing it. When in Rome, maybe?

Do I personally think people on here are pointing at someone who's lost a home or or loved one and laughing? No. Do I understand this is a message board and people are going to message board? Yes. Did I lose a single second of sleep thinking about this thread last night? Nope. Am I going to point out the hypocrisy? Yup.

So you don't see what TennNole sees either, maybe he'll enlighten us, or maybe he just made a reading comprehension mistake because he was too eager to "score points".

I also don't agree with your assessment or analogy. I see this - is there an echo in here? - as a thread mocking two specific charges that specific right wing lunatics had made when there were fires in California: Jewish space lasers and raking the forest floor.

This isn't a red state or blue state policy thing, this is mocking pure lunacy. Jewish space lasers?? Really??

I don't blame you for a poor analogy, because there's not much "other side" material to raking the forest and Jewish space lasers.

And if you're into pointing out the hypocrisy, that was the point of this thread.
No. I already did in my post. You don’t see it, so I won’t elaborate further. 🤷

The gleeful laughing must be from a poster that both I and alaskanseminole have on ignore, that's certainly more likely than someone having difficulty comprehending sarcasm on the internet.
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The gleeful laughing must be from a poster that both I and alaskanseminole have on ignore, that's certainly more likely than someone having difficulty comprehending sarcasm on the internet.
As you said...comprehension might be my issue, or it might be yours.

Reminds of the threads laughing at Texans during the cold snap a few years ago. <<-Gleefully laughing at the situation because of the Governors actions/affiliations.

The frozen texas thread is where the glee was.

That thread reminded me of this one, in the way that a disaster was turned political dunking.
No one's laughing at Texans in harm's way; however, you're being obtuse if you don't see that a tragic event is being used as the platform to score political points. Ask yourself this, if Scuddy or H4aD opened a thread about California fires for the sole purposes to ridicule "blue state policies" all the liberals on here would toast him. I'm used to seeing it from the trolls, just a little surprised to see it from those who constantly berate the trolls for doing it. When in Rome, maybe?

Do I personally think people on here are pointing at someone who's lost a home or or loved one and laughing? No. Do I understand this is a message board and people are going to message board? Yes. Did I lose a single second of sleep thinking about this thread last night? Nope. Am I going to point out the hypocrisy? Yup.
but no one is "laughing" (or even referencing) actual red state policies

people are laughing about the ridiculous suggestions/conspiracies republican leaders have provided in response to wild fires in the recent past

and please...using awful circumstances or events to score political points is (based on my limited experience here) the whole point of this board
As you said...comprehension might be my issue, or it might be yours.

Reminds of the threads laughing at Texans during the cold snap a few years ago. <<-Gleefully laughing at the situation because of the Governors actions/affiliations.

The frozen texas thread is where the glee was.

That thread reminded me of this one, in the way that a disaster was turned political dunking.
Who dunked on texas?
As you said...comprehension might be my issue, or it might be yours.

Reminds of the threads laughing at Texans during the cold snap a few years ago. <<-Gleefully laughing at the situation because of the Governors actions/affiliations.

The frozen texas thread is where the glee was.

That thread reminded me of this one, in the way that a disaster was turned political dunking.

It could have been my issue, which is why I asked if you were willing to explain yourself. You refused. alaskanseminole tried to on your behalf, but he couldn't see it either.

I think you've made it clear that you have difficultly identifying sarcasm and comprehending the "meat" of the thread. I still don't get the sense that you "get" what this thread is about.

But based on this response, I think you also have writing problems.

"Reminds of the threads laughing at Texans during the cold snap a few years ago. Gleefully laughing at the situation because of the Governors actions/affiliations.

Anything to “score points” for your team"

Most reasonable readers would interpret that to mean that the laughing is the commonality between the old Texas cold snap threads and this current Texas wild fire thread. Said another way, the laughing in this thread about a disaster reminds you of the laughing in the other thread.

Apparently, what you actually meant was that this thread reminded you of the cold snap one because they were both disasters turned political dunking.

Can you see why a reader might interpret what you wrote rather than what you meant?
but no one is "laughing" (or even referencing) actual red state policies

people are laughing about the ridiculous suggestions/conspiracies republican leaders have provided in response to wild fires in the recent past
I mentioned policies as a converse example. What I've said repeatedly, is blue people are using a tragedy to score political points, but when red people do it those same people call them out for it.

"God's retribution for treating migrants so badly. Jesus was probably in one of those groups - REALLY pissed God off this time..."

"Karma is a bitch!"

"I bet Ted Cruz and family already hopped on a plane to Cancun."
<-----this one gets a pass. LOL

and please...using awful circumstances or events to score political points is (based on my limited experience here) the whole point of this board
However, maybe I've just misread all of this banter for years. THIS is apparently what brings people joy and is why threads about a really amazing singing performance on American Idol won't go past 15 responses, but a political argument will go 10 pages. I admit, I get sucked into them as well. It's like crack.

I finally understand and will gladly step down from my soap box.


Carry on, all. :cool:
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I mentioned policies as a converse example. What I've said repeatedly, is blue people are using a tragedy to score political points, but when red people do it those same people call them out for it.

"God's retribution for treating migrants so badly. Jesus was probably in one of those groups - REALLY pissed God off this time..."

"Karma is a bitch!"

"I bet Ted Cruz and family already hopped on a plane to Cancun."
<-----this one gets a pass. LOL

However, maybe I've just misread all of this banter for years. THIS is apparently what brings people joy and is why threads about a really amazing singing performance on American Idol won't go past 15 responses, but a political argument will go 10 pages. I admit, I get sucked into them as well. It's like crack.

I finally understand and will gladly step down from my soap box.


Carry on, all. :cool:
You jumped on me from the get go.
I posted an article about the fires and included a funny title.
A title that didn't attack texas. Yet you still took offense.
You sure that wasn't because we've been bickering about other things this week?
I graduated HS in Texas. Started college in Texas. Have family in Texas.
I don't always english well. The important thing, is I know what I meant.

Bravo. I am similar, I know that I am not a natural writer, so I make a deliberate effort to be clear, not always with success. I also try to realize that others may struggle in a similar way, so I tend to ask people to explain or to rephrase, before jumping down their throat. But I also realize some people are sensitive to any suggestion of mistake or error.
Bravo. I am similar, I know that I am not a natural writer, so I make a deliberate effort to be clear, not always with success. I also try to realize that others may struggle in a similar way, so I tend to ask people to explain or to rephrase, before jumping down their throat. But I also realize some people are sensitive to any suggestion of mistake or error.
You often ask me (politely) to clarify, I don't mind really haha.

I have opinions that are subjective, but lack no foundation in reality beyond my own experiences.
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You often ask me (politely) to clarify, I don't mind really haha.

I have opinions that are subjective, but lack no foundation in reality beyond my own experiences.

I do, because you are often willing to explain, and I appreciate that. I also do that because sometimes I genuinely am interested or genuinely seeking clarity.

There are other times where it is my suspicion that someone holds a unsupported view, or as you put it, a position with no foundation in reality. It's my impression that people don't like to admit that they believe something on blind faith, gut feeling, or "just because".

So they will either explain their rationale which could be interesting or they twist to avoid admitting to hold a groundless position, which can be amusing.

Or they ignore, which is probably more amusing.
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You jumped on me from the get go.
I posted an article about the fires and included a funny title.
A title that didn't attack texas. Yet you still took offense.
You sure that wasn't because we've been bickering about other things this week?
I graduated HS in Texas. Started college in Texas. Have family in Texas.
Actually, my original comment wasn't even directed at you specifically, it was more in general at the types of comments (overall) that were coming in from the get go (read the very first response) and the timing (of my response) was more about having a conversation earlier that day with a friend who has family in the panhandle, than anything. I read the thread comments as using a tragedy to score points.

It wasn't due to any other bickering...have we even been bickering this week? I can't remember. You and I tend to really only disagree on abortion.

Anyway, I'm probably just getting burned out on all the arguing that goes on here (coupled with our new overlords) This board just can't seem to get any sort of level-headed discussions going from opposing views before the thread goes to hell (or now gets nuked).
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Bravo. I am similar, I know that I am not a natural writer, so I make a deliberate effort to be clear, not always with success. I also try to realize that others may struggle in a similar way, so I tend to ask people to explain or to rephrase, before jumping down their throat. But I also realize some people are sensitive to any suggestion of mistake or error.
You often ask me (politely) to clarify, I don't mind really haha.

I have opinions that are subjective, but lack no foundation in reality beyond my own experiences.
We need more of this, gentlemen. Kudos.
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I do, because you are often willing to explain, and I appreciate that. I also do that because sometimes I genuinely am interested or genuinely seeking clarity.

There are other times where it is my suspicion that someone holds a unsupported view, or as you put it, a position with no foundation in reality. It's my impression that people don't like to admit that they believe something on blind faith, gut feeling, or "just because".

So they will either explain their rationale which could be interesting or they twist to avoid admitting to hold a groundless position, which can be amusing.

Or they ignore, which is probably more amusing.
This isn't court, I don't have to "prove" my opinion. Its as if people (not you) forgot the art of conversation- having opinions based on their experiences and knowledge- or lack thereof- and just own what they say. Then be open to listening to others opinions and points of view- and change your mind or not.

Speaking in absolutes drives me nutty.

I speak knowing I'm going to be wrong to someone, and I don't care. I've been married- dying on random hills no longer amuses me.
This isn't court, I don't have to "prove" my opinion. Its as if people (not you) forgot the art of conversation- having opinions based on their experiences and knowledge- or lack thereof- and just own what they say. Then be open to listening to others opinions and points of view- and change your mind or not.

Speaking in absolutes drives me nutty.

I speak knowing I'm going to be wrong to someone, and I don't care. I've been married- dying on random hills no longer amuses me.
There are a few people on this board who either don't ever think they are wrong or are so prideful they refuse to do so. Maybe they're tired of losing arguments with their spouses, so they take it out on us. :cool:
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Event: A bowl of cereal crashes to the ground in California

National Lunatics: It was the left wing Jew vaccine that did it

Event: A bowl of cereal crashes to the ground in Texas

HORT Libs: I guess there was too much left wing Jew vaccines in Texas huh? hehe, wink wink

alaskan: what about the cereal? Why politicize the cereal? Why laugh at the people who lost their cereal? You guys will use any tragedy to score political points!

HORT Libs: Forget the cereal, this is not about the cereal, it's about the National Lunatics and their hypocrisy, we're mocking them for talking about left wing Jew vaccines the first go around

alaskan: but what if HORT Lunatics made a thread about blue policies after a cereal bowl fell in California? You guys would roast them. I call out hypocrisy!

HORT Libs: You misunderstand, we're not making fun of the people who lost their cereal, we're making fun of the hypocritical National Lunatics. It doesn't have to be cereal, it could be anything, the subject is making fun of the National Lunatics

alaskan: But you guys are using the tragedy to score political points

HORT Libs: sigh