So who won the debate?

All of the fools saying Harris won are clearly wrong. As proof, here's the email I got from Lara Trump this morning:

Wed, Sep 11 at 10:26 AM

From the desk of Lara Trump

XXXX, did you see my father-in-law’s DOMINANT debate performance last night?

We’re already seeing a SURGE in momentum after he EXPOSED Comrade Kamala as the fraud that she is, and I need TRUE TRUMP PATRIOTS like YOU to keep it going.

Here’s what I need from you in the NEXT 45 MINUTES: Will you chip in whatever you can and make an Official Endorsement for DONALD J. TRUMP? >>


You were a critical part of my father-in-law’s debate preparation, and on behalf of the entire Trump family, we will ALWAYS love you for that.

This massive victory would NEVER have been possible without Allen!

That’s why it’s so important to me that I see YOUR NAME on the list of Official Endorsers. Please, chip in and let the world know: YOU ENDORSE TRUMP. >>

Thank you,

Lara Trump Official Headshot
Lara Trump


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She'd make more on OnlyFans lol.
Eat shit, racist.

Any average sixth grader could school you in a discussion of American civics so I won’t bother.

You deserve no more acknowledgment other than the observation you are a low IQ shit eating racist.

I hope a Haitian eats your dog.
You think you are so smart, but your ego won't allow you to admit someone else is right.

America is what it is because of the values the founders shared. Historically, people came to America because they thought our way of life offered better opportunity than what they had in their country.

If the illegals don't share our American values, then we will turn into the country that those same immigrants left.
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You think you are so smart, but your ego won't allow you to admit someone else is right.

America is what it is because of the values the founders shared. Historically, people came to America because they thought our way of life offered better opportunity than what they had in their country.

If the illegals don't share our American values, then we will turn into the country that those same immigrants left.
Well, you have been proven wrong many times here.
Abortion is still stopping a living human life. This should never be taken lightly. Abortion should not be used as a primary form of birth control (imo).

There is a certain level of accountability that we should demand from people.
Question: Who's saying abortion should be used as a form of birth control?
Answer: The same people who say babies are being killed in this country after birth. trumpers. Also the same people who say cats and dogs are being eaten by immigrants. Also the same people who think Sean Hannity is a "fact checker." Also the same people who think Hannibal Lector is a real person, and that windmills cause cancer.
I thought Harris won with little doubt. I do have grave concerns with her lack of border control and far left liberal views. Her winning POTUS would truly concern me. There is much to not like about Trump, but we have lived through 4 years of him as POTUS and I would say everyone was better off then than they are with the current Administration.
Trump was right about Democrat Virginia legislation attempting to legalize third term abortion up to 40 weeks. Beyond rape, incest, or physical health of the mother. “Mental health of the mother” could allow a single doctor to certify the abortion. Of a perfectly health baby, at 40 weeks.

Where were the ABC fact checkers on this one?

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I thought Harris won with little doubt. I do have grave concerns with her lack of border control and far left liberal views.
Well the good news is she is in favor of border control and is a slightly-left-of-center traditional liberal not far left.

Glad I could help!
Trump was right about Democrat Virginia legislation attempting to legalize third term abortion up to 40 weeks. Beyond rape, incest, or physical health of the mother. “Mental health of the mother” could allow a single doctor to certify the abortion. Of a perfectly health baby, at 40 weeks.

Where were the ABC fact checkers on this one?

That and the exhausted lies of Charlotte and the bloodbath comment. Both lies that continue to be rallying cries throughout the Biden and Harris Administration .🙄. It is embarrassing they continue to bring that up, but it resonates with Democrats who live in their own echo chambers.
I thought Harris won with little doubt. I do have grave concerns with her lack of border control and far left liberal views. Her winning POTUS would truly concern me. There is much to not like about Trump, but we have lived through 4 years of him as POTUS and I would say everyone was better off then than they are with the current Administration.
You mean worse off.
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Well the good news is she is in favor of border control and is a slightly-left-of-center traditional liberal not far left.

Glad I could help!
lol…… yeah, that has been shown over her interviews and time as VP. She has actually talked about decriminalizing border crossings, getting rid of ICE, and offering tax payer paid transgender surgeries to illegals. I’m sure she doesn’t think like that anymore and will hammer border crossings as POTUS. Dems continue to open the doors for illegals and then fight for them to be able to vote. It’s obvious what is going on.
I thought Harris won with little doubt. I do have grave concerns with her lack of border control and far left liberal views. Her winning POTUS would truly concern me. There is much to not like about Trump, but we have lived through 4 years of him as POTUS and I would say everyone was better off then than they are with the current Administration.

The end of Trump's term saw historic drops in the stock market, a massive spike in unemployment, supply chain disruptions etc...

I don't think everyone was better off then. The MAGAs excuse that period of time away as "covid" yet ignore covid's impact on inflation as if Biden came in and immediately cranked up the knobs on the costs of goods and services.
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The end of Trump's term saw historic drops in the stock market, a massive spike in unemployment, supply chain disruptions etc...

I don't think everyone was better off then. The MAGAs excuse that period of time away as "covid" yet ignore covid's impact on inflation as if Biden came in and immediately cranked up the knobs on the costs of goods and services.
Well, if Joe and Kackles didn't lie about where inflation and prices were when they were swore in, we wouldn't have this issue.
The end of Trump's term saw historic drops in the stock market, a massive spike in unemployment, supply chain disruptions etc...

I don't think everyone was better off then. The MAGAs excuse that period of time away as "covid" yet ignore covid's impact on inflation as if Biden came in and immediately cranked up the knobs on the costs of goods and services.
Both Trump and Biden spent like drunken sailors. Biden spent a lot more due to the amount of time in office. Both are culpable in the mess of inflation. Both would have done the same things in the others shoes relative to printing money. Maybe Donnie spends a little less.
Both Trump and Biden spent like drunken sailors. Biden spent a lot more due to the amount of time in office. Both are culpable in the mess of inflation. Both would have done the same things in the others shoes relative to printing money. Maybe Donnie spends a little less.

Can you share the total spend for both? Trump and Biden both had (or will have) 4 years in office.

Yes they both played a part. The point is that Trump would have faced the same inflation issues that are being blamed on Biden. i.e. the inflation wasn't a direct result of going from Trump to Biden ("we didn't have these problems before")
lol…… yeah, that has been shown over her interviews and time as VP. She has actually talked about decriminalizing border crossings, getting rid of ICE, and offering tax payer paid transgender surgeries to illegals. I’m sure she doesn’t think like that anymore and will hammer border crossings as POTUS. Dems continue to open the doors for illegals and then fight for them to be able to vote. It’s obvious what is going on.
You do know we had a bi partisan agreement to improve our immigration policies and someone killed it.

Why, because he perceived it would be to his benefit. The country be damned.