Spencer Lee wrestling.

Were you at wrestle-offs? Young won in an OT scramble. Glosser isn't a slouch and is maybe a half-step behind Young. If Glosser was the guy this year, I would bet he'd be top 10, so don't act like Young was benched for a room guy that will never see the mat except at Loras or Dubuque opens.
Never said Glosser isn't good. But at this point in the season I don't think Brands is considering starting Glosser over Young for Big 10's
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Never said Glosser isn't good. But at this point in the season I don't think Brands is considering starting Glosser over Young for Big 10's

Have you not followed Brand's coaching before? He has routinely pulled the starter and put the back-up in if the back-up is right there with the starter in terms of ability. He is a strong believer in competition and winning your spot. Young has been great this year, but has also had question mark matches and moments. This can be a motivator for Young and Glosser both and a way to prevent stagnation.

If you can tell me what Young is gaining from "ducking" by not wrestling Deakin (a guy who is already ranked/going to be seeded ahead of him), then I'll listen.
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Have you not followed Brand's coaching before? He has routinely pulled the starter and put the back-up in if the back-up is right there with the starter in terms of ability. He is a strong believer in competition and winning your spot. Young has been great this year, but has also had question mark matches and moments. This can be a motivator for Young and Glosser both and a way to prevent stagnation.

If you can tell me what Young is gaining from "ducking" by not wrestling Deakin (a guy who is already ranked/going to be seeded ahead of him), then I'll listen.
I really haven't followed it that closely. Are there other examples of top 5 or 10 ranked wrestlers that he pulled for the back up at the conference tournament?
I really haven't followed it that closely. Are there other examples of top 5 or 10 ranked wrestlers that he pulled for the back up at the conference tournament?

When did anyone say anything about doing it at the conference tournament?
It was my comment at the top of the page. You commented that I must not have followed tom brands coaching very much in response to it.
It was my comment at the top of the page. You commented that I must not have followed tom brands coaching very much in response to it.

Dude you can't even follow your own comments? Here is what you said:

"Never said Glosser isn't good. But at this point in the season I don't think Brands is considering starting Glosser over Young for Big 10's"

Then your next comment was:

"Are there other examples of top 5 or 10 ranked wrestlers that he pulled for the back up at the conference tournament?"

What Brands did vs NW was give Glosser a chance vs top competition. There is still a month and a half before Big Tens. Of course he's not going to put the back-up in at Big Tens when they haven't been the starter all season. However, he has in prior seasons - even last season look at Happel going vs Thorn, had the back-up wrestle matches to maintain competition for the position. If Glosser beat Deakin, then he could have potentially become the starter by the conference tournament.

We're a month and a half away. You skipped over that fact in your comments.

Brands does not want starters becoming stagnant or complacent. "You get what you earn". You have to earn your spot. Young did, by beating Glosser in a very, very close match at wrestle-offs, but Glosser has some significantly better matches vs common opponents than Young. I still think Young is the guy and will be the guy going forward, but that doesn't mean you don't allow for competition for the starting spot.
Dude you can't even follow your own comments? Here is what you said:

"Never said Glosser isn't good. But at this point in the season I don't think Brands is considering starting Glosser over Young for Big 10's"

Then your next comment was:

"Are there other examples of top 5 or 10 ranked wrestlers that he pulled for the back up at the conference tournament?"

What Brands did vs NW was give Glosser a chance vs top competition. There is still a month and a half before Big Tens. Of course he's not going to put the back-up in at Big Tens when they haven't been the starter all season. However, he has in prior seasons - even last season look at Happel going vs Thorn, had the back-up wrestle matches to maintain competition for the position. If Glosser beat Deakin, then he could have potentially become the starter by the conference tournament.

We're a month and a half away. You skipped over that fact in your comments.

Brands does not want starters becoming stagnant or complacent. "You get what you earn". You have to earn your spot. Young did, by beating Glosser in a very, very close match at wrestle-offs, but Glosser has some significantly better matches vs common opponents than Young. I still think Young is the guy and will be the guy going forward, but that doesn't mean you don't allow for competition for the starting spot.
I follow my own comments very well :) Maybe I didn't articulate it well enough for you. I said, I don't think Brands replaces Young (a top 5 wrestler) with Glosser this season. I wasn't talking about for one dual I was talking about for the season, hence why I said Big 10's. Not sure if you didn't read my post all the way through but you made it sound like Brands did this regularly when you stated I must not follow Brand's coaching regularly. That's why I asked for examples. I still think there is no way Brand's doesn't go with Young for the remainder of the season.
I follow my own comments very well :) Maybe I didn't articulate it well enough for you. I said, I don't think Brands replaces Young (a top 5 wrestler) with Glosser this season. I wasn't talking about for one dual I was talking about for the season, hence why I said Big 10's. Not sure if you didn't read my post all the way through but you made it sound like Brands did this regularly when you stated I must not follow Brand's coaching regularly. That's why I asked for examples. I still think there is no way Brand's doesn't go with Young for the remainder of the season.

And I also don't think Brands replaces Young with Glosser. Competition is a motivator and Brands knows that. That's the point.
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If Lee wasn’t going to go, wouldn’t it be a solid to announce it? Maybe Rivera then doesn’t have to make weight. Maybe some kids who are Spencer Lee fans went just because of that match. Seems like a decent thing to do.
When do wrestling coaches every share their secrets? They're the anti ncaa football /basketball, they keep everything close to the vest. And why would you let the cat out of the bag and announce ahead of time that Lee isn't wrestling?

Just so fans can temper their expectations? No, it's too force Rivera into another useless weigh in.
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I really haven't followed it that closely. Are there other examples of top 5 or 10 ranked wrestlers that he pulled for the back up at the conference tournament?

This isn't from the Brands era, but Gable pulled Paul Glynn's dad, who was highly ranked (I believe top 5, but maybe only top 10) for Brad Penrith at the end of the season, and he won a National Championship.
Very surprised at some of the takes on this subject

Brands has always said they will they take several things into consideration when making these kinds of decisions, the goal being what is best for the wrestler and the team

Of course the goal is to have everyone in peak mental and physical condition in March

Does that mean the regular season means nothing? No, it just don't mean as much.

I have heard that the team we ended up putting out there vs Iowa st might not have been the team they wanted to put out t(only rumors of course) But it looked like desanto was taped pretty heavily, Stoll, it didn't look, like was supposed to go, and I would bet Spencer needed more time

It looked like they had to keep using guys cause things were not going our way. Being able to sit guys for different reasons is a luxury. That day they didnt have the luxury and needed all hands on deck. If the duel meet meant nothing no way you see those guys

There is a huge difference between Nationals mean everything, and the regular season means nothing

The coaches also have never been shy about pointing out the fact that they don't talk about injuries. So when guys sit, that is between the coaches and the athlete. And honestly, that's the way it should be

I remember the last time something like this came up Clark sat vs Tomasello and maybe Seth Gross. How did that one work out? Forget it I remember
Spencer Lee
Wow, stop. You're embarrassing yourself. The more you wrestle a guy, the more you learn their attacks, their strengths. The set-ups. It becomes harder for each guy to score points on the other. When one guy is dominating the match-up to begin with, the more times they wrestle or practice against each other, the more opportunities and likeliness of the gap being closed. This favors the opponent who was losing in the first match-ups as it allows them to close the gap. This isn't some crazy assertion that I'm making. Pretty universally understood among wrestlers/coaches/athletes in general.
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I follow my own comments very well :) Maybe I didn't articulate it well enough for you. I said, I don't think Brands replaces Young (a top 5 wrestler) with Glosser this season. I wasn't talking about for one dual I was talking about for the season, hence why I said Big 10's. Not sure if you didn't read my post all the way through but you made it sound like Brands did this regularly when you stated I must not follow Brand's coaching regularly. That's why I asked for examples. I still think there is no way Brand's doesn't go with Young for the remainder of the season.
,,,,, I thought I would add a few commas for our good buddy hassling or did I mean rassling:) I do believe that if Glosser wins that match the weight is wide open and would be hotly contested for the spot in the Big 10 Tournament. ,,,,,,
Ironside told us and its obvious Kujawa fan has some knowledge and his post is 100% spot on.

Most important thing i got from Kujawa's post was Spencer is battling something that causes loss of appetite. Ironside said it is Mono like. My guess is Spencer is dealing with a stomack, Kidney, Thyriod type issue if he isn't hungry. I have heard chronic kidney stones but I have no idea. But the lack of appetite thing points to something of that nature.

Bottom line is let the University doctors do their thing and let the coaches get him ready for the big show. Spencer's seeding doesn't matter whatsoever if he is healthy. There doesn't have to be a perfect path for a guy with his talent.
Ironside told us and its obvious Kujawa fan has some knowledge and his post is 100% spot on.

Most important thing i got from Kujawa's post was Spencer is battling something that causes loss of appetite. Ironside said it is Mono like. My guess is Spencer is dealing with a stomack, Kidney, Thyriod type issue if he isn't hungry. I have heard chronic kidney stones but I have no idea. But the lack of appetite thing points to something of that nature.

Bottom line is let the University doctors do their thing and let the coaches get him ready for the big show. Spencer's seeding doesn't matter whatsoever if he is healthy. There doesn't have to be a perfect path for a guy with his talent.

Yet the flo dimwits think that Spencer freakin Lee would duck someone. Man they are setting themselves up to look really stupid come March for a second year in a row.
To be clear I do not want to divulge any inside info. And won’t. It is simply that people who know zero about the facts and how wrestling works like the CF and PSU trolls drive me nuts with BS rumors. Yeah Lee and Brands duck. So dumb. Anybody who has any idea on wrestling and Lee (obviously PsychoTwins and his dipshit followers and some PSU fans are clueless on wrestling) can see exactly the deal. This isn’t complex. You do not go out there on short weigh ins when you are getting strength and endurance back and the seed is irrelevant anyway. He will be the 2 seed. So to the trolls who clearly haven’t watched Lee this year, you want to put him out there as he is back to training. So for the ISU and PSU trolls read this and know you don’t know crap about the sport. Buff and Crab legs do. The rest have never seen the mat probably even a locker room.
To be clear I do not want to divulge any inside info. And won’t. It is simply that people who know zero about the facts and how wrestling works like the CF and PSU trolls drive me nuts with BS rumors. Yeah Lee and Brands duck. So dumb. Anybody who has any idea on wrestling and Lee (obviously PsychoTwins and his dipshit followers and some PSU fans are clueless on wrestling) can see exactly the deal. This isn’t complex. You do not go out there on short weigh ins when you are getting strength and endurance back and the seed is irrelevant anyway. He will be the 2 seed. So to the trolls who clearly haven’t watched Lee this year, you want to put him out there as he is back to training. So for the ISU and PSU trolls read this and know you don’t know crap about the sport. Buff and Crab legs do. The rest have never seen the mat probably even a locker room.

You clearly are in the know. Is he trending in the healthy direction and just needs time or is this a maintenance thing? Something he can be fully recovered from by March?
Were you at wrestle-offs? Young won in an OT scramble. Glosser isn't a slouch and is maybe a half-step behind Young. If Glosser was the guy this year, I would bet he'd be top 10, so don't act like Young was benched for a room guy that will never see the mat except at Loras or Dubuque opens.

At this point, I would like to remind people that Glosser is a one time 1A state champ (his junior year).
Chips - I have an idea. But don’t want to say too much obviously. I will say I think Lee will be just fine in March. I just hate lies and crap. Anybody that thinks Lee or the Coaches “duck” are just stupid. People who have had to do weigh ins would understand. And would I love to have seen Lee go Sunday of course. But you make decisions based on what is best for the kid and team. My gosh people, watch Lee in his last few matches. Compare the beginning and end. And Lee does not gas if 100 percent or hell whatever percent. So I won’t say anything more except Lee and the coaches do not run from matches. And safe to say what Rivera said will provide some motivation. We shall see come March a Lee on feed and training looks. Leave it at that.
Chips - I have an idea. But don’t want to say too much obviously. I will say I think Lee will be just fine in March. I just hate lies and crap. Anybody that thinks Lee or the Coaches “duck” are just stupid. People who have had to do weigh ins would understand. And would I love to have seen Lee go Sunday of course. But you make decisions based on what is best for the kid and team. My gosh people, watch Lee in his last few matches. Compare the beginning and end. And Lee does not gas if 100 percent or hell whatever percent. So I won’t say anything more except Lee and the coaches do not run from matches. And safe to say what Rivera said will provide some motivation. We shall see come March a Lee on feed and training looks. Leave it at that.

Thanks for your input Kujawa.

It's a needed and welcome response to idiotic and uninformed posts made by some of our own fans, as well as trolls (Flyingkitten et al). It's sad that folks can be so dogmatic and cocksure about things they really know very little about.
This isn't from the Brands era, but Gable pulled Paul Glynn's dad, who was highly ranked (I believe top 5, but maybe only top 10) for Brad Penrith at the end of the season, and he won a National Championship.
In 1988-89, didn't the spot for 118 not get settled until the end of the season?Steve Martin beat out Terry, but I don't remember if Terry got matches or not. I know Steve finished ahead of him at Midlands because he won in 1988.
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Other than the fans getting jobbed out of watching the match - getting to be a big turnoff for college wrestling - I have no problem sitting Lee vs Rivera

Looking at the risk/reward, Lee had everything to gain and virtually nothing to lose taking on Rivera. If he loses, hes still #2, if he wins, hes likely back to #1 and top seed.

So cant find a real motivation to duck Rivera. Also been watching SL since HS and he's not gonna duck anyone. If anything, others will duck him
To be clear I do not want to divulge any inside info. And won’t. It is simply that people who know zero about the facts and how wrestling works like the CF and PSU trolls drive me nuts with BS rumors. Yeah Lee and Brands duck. So dumb. Anybody who has any idea on wrestling and Lee (obviously PsychoTwins and his dipshit followers and some PSU fans are clueless on wrestling) can see exactly the deal. This isn’t complex. You do not go out there on short weigh ins when you are getting strength and endurance back and the seed is irrelevant anyway. He will be the 2 seed. So to the trolls who clearly haven’t watched Lee this year, you want to put him out there as he is back to training. So for the ISU and PSU trolls read this and know you don’t know crap about the sport. Buff and Crab legs do. The rest have never seen the mat probably even a locker room.
Great post again Kujawa. I hate that I even feel compelled to say this, but the BS of this thread is too much. PLEASE my fellow wrestling fans take note of the few posters that may have a little extra actual info and know that we aren't sticking up for Spencer because we have our Hawkeye colored glasses on. He is dealing with some S^%T right now and is not "ducking" anyone. Every decision made about when and who he wrestles has a valid reason behind it. It will work itself out. Trust this please! We are the greatest wrestling fans in the country, lets act like it! And for the non-Iowa trolls out there chiming in on this situation with zero actual knowledge. GFY.
And that is what drives me nuts. I do know certain things but anybody who knows Lee and the coaches and has seen him this year should easily see the deal. And even if you know nothing use your head. I heard that idiot PsychoTwins on CF is already talking who we will duck against Nebraska. I just hate idiot trolls who know nothing about wrestling, never been in a room, never laced it up challenging kids or coaches for no other reason than to be a prick and get clicks. Makes me sick. Anyway, we will see come March how Lee is and how he does against Rivera.
So I have been reading all the posts about Lee, Iowa, etc. never noticed any information about Northwestern

Are we sure Rivera trots out there if Lee is going? Surely Northwestern knows Lee didn’t weigh in at the start of the meet.

Just another angle no one has talked about
So I have been reading all the posts about Lee, Iowa, etc. never noticed any information about Northwestern

Are we sure Rivera trots out there if Lee is going? Surely Northwestern knows Lee didn’t weigh in at the start of the meet.

Just another angle no one has talked about

The thought had crossed my mind as soon as the Midlands match was on the books. However, since Rivera did make weight, my bet is he was going to wrestle regardless.
I don’t have FloPro to watch the video.

Regardless. It’s easy to say anything 3 hours after weigh in, and 2 hours after you beat a backup
I don’t have FloPro to watch the video.

Regardless. It’s easy to say anything 3 hours after weigh in, and 2 hours after you beat a backup

Ok. Rivera just answered your question but you don’t believe his answer?

Good take...:rolleyes: