Sun Star DiJonai Carrington Shades Caitlin Clark With Blunt Message

white privilege barbie doll Caitlin who grew up in lily white Des Moines, born with a silver spoon in her mouth and she votes for trump and she hangs out at skinhead white supremist meetings and she goes to a megachurch and she goes out shooting at the range with special forces dudes, then she knows a prison gang dude with a nazi SS tatoo and he's gonna get outta jail and whack her enemies. ok. this is an interesting story the dems are dreaming up
And Carrington is probably someone who has experienced a lot of racism and discrimination in her life; while her response here was over the top, perhaps folks could muster a bit of empathy for someone who probably made her way thru women's BB experiencing what CC claims "she's never seen". Because CC has never seen any of it, and never will.
You are a pathetic excuse for a man. My god.
yes because there is no other form of racism that exists anywhere on the planet
yes because there is no other form of racism that exists anywhere on the planet
Maybe a Mexican in Texas…..
Catlin needs to grit it out and play through her rookie season. Most of this stuff will go away in her second year. In the meantime, she rakes in huge money through endorsements.
Money can’t buy happiness.
It was literally her quote: "I've never seen it" referring to her name/likeness being used for justifying discrimination, etc.

CC didn't do or say anything wrong; her quote was taken/understood as if "she's oblivious" to the discrimination that others in her league deal with on a regular basis.
You don’t understand the definition of “literally” or how quotation marks work, do you?

That was not “literally her quote” and she was not implying what you claim she was. Nor was that even the context of the question she was asked or the answer she gave to the question.

You altered both the words she said and the message she was conveying.
OiT….You claiming MSNBC is driving this shit? Perhaps…..but I listen religiously to Mornin’ Joe daily and in the past couple of weeks I cannot recall more than a passing comment on #22….but I really doubt “M<SNBC” is a driving force behind this story….no more than FOX or some other right wing news media outlets…..That is a bullshit, loose cannon statement you make….Political people/tribal folks will run with Caitlan’s noise as it easily fits into their agendas…..but that is more social media driven than news network driven.
Excellent! Reason 1009 to avoid the WNBA like the plague! Trash league with a bunch of drama queens
This is from Whitlock. He breaks down all parties who were involved in these questions and answers.

The Caitlin Clark ‘Fyre Festival’ should get a lot of people fired​

Trotter, Carrington, and Boyd are all black and very obsessed with race. Clark is white and very obsessed with basketball. Clark’s agenda is basketball. Trotter, Carrington, and Boyd share a race-centric agenda. Other so-called journalists quickly spun out stories that Clark denounced racists for using her name for their agenda. ESPN celebrated. Caitlin Clark likely searched for an aspirin to relieve a justifiable headache.

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You don’t understand the definition of “literally” or how quotation marks work, do you?
"And to be honest, I don't see a lot of it"

Apparently, other players who are not Caitlin Clark see enough of it.

Maybe Clark brushes off things that other players can't - perhaps because of systemic discrimination those players have dealt with all their lives.
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Systematic as in preferential treatment.
It’s been a hard-knock life for Carrington. Father is a former NFL player and now a church leader. Private school upbringing in San Diego. Fully paid college education at a world-class institution.

I don’t know where she draws the strength to get out of bed every morning.
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Stephen A Smith and everyone else has lost their shit claiming Clark is popular simply because of her race. It is unfathomable. Nobody claimed the Williams sisters in Tennis or Tiger Woods in golf benefited from being black in their respective sports. They were good at what they did and people gravitated towards them. Nobody gives credit to the tens of thousands of Hawkeye fans that filled arenas throughout her tenure at Iowa. Nobody seems to think that maybe a person shooting 32 footers and hitting them draws awes from crowds.

She is entertaining and does what others have not. Why can’t people just accept people are interested and entertained by her game? Everything has to revolve around racism and black women not getting their due. There are many white women including Kelsey Plum that didn’t benefit either. If Clark attended a college that brought 6000-7,000 fans every game, she wouldn’t get nearly the attention she has. Carver selling out and road games by avid Hawk fans traveling making sellouts also played a big role in promoting Clark. Nobody seems to have a brain to be able to look at that. They only see skin color. 🙄🤨
now all our resident liberals here, are going on the basketball board here and claiming.... wait for it... it's russia!!! great. now we got russia making a comeback. of course. when race fails, russia did it!!
Rather silly thing to say
It seems like a valid point. Why not address it?

Carrington could have transferred anywhere in America. She talked at the time about wanting to go someplace where she felt like she was valued as a player and a person.

So she chose to play for arguably the most homophobic coach in all of women’s college basketball.

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