Teasdale now back?

If you had paid attention to earlier posts, you would know this is not the case. The same rules apply for all NCAA institutions. This isn't high school. If an athlete dots the proper Is and crosses the proper Ts the rules are the same. I'll be rolling out to Lancaster tomorrow to see an athlete compete in a match or two before he medicals out that withdrew and completed zero credit hours this past semester at a University not named PSU.

Your take has been rolled out there before and it is the same as everyone who either doesn't care to get knowledgeable or is incapable of it.

Hey dice, any chance you're going to the Brown dual in 3 weeks?
So are you saying besides the slush fund, Cael has government taking $ outta my paycheck for his wrestlers?? The nerve!!! ;)

I think Ironbird saw him on camera rummaging through people's purses and wallets at the Scuffle as well. That bobble-head clown has to be stopped!
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LOL!!! WOW thats a great answer!!!! of course the ROTC Programs that I am aware of are generally 2-4 years! Manville being in school already for something like 3 or 4??? and being listed as a redshirt Freshman has me somewhat confused again!!!!

He will need to graduate in a maximum time of 4 years once enrolled! So once again, something isn't right over at good ol F*** St. Maybe he is just going to throw away his remaining eligibility just to be part of the JV squad for the great Karol!!!!

You get funnier every time you post. Honestly, thank you for the free entertainment.
I'm pretty sure this is Manville's 2nd year at PSU.
2015-16 HS senior
2016-17 OTC Greco program
2017-18 RS at PSU
2018-19 RS Fr season at PSU

so yeah his path has not been the norm (wasn't in HS either) but nothing illegal. old for his class, yes? illegal, no.

Stop posting facts. That Bobble-Headed coach Karol is Cheating damn it! Cheating!
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Hey dice, any chance you're going to the Brown dual in 3 weeks?
YES!!! One of my best friends is a 2x EIWA champ from Brown and a former head coach there. Been planning on making the trip up with him.

Fingers crossed that everything goes well over the next couple of weeks though. You a Brown Bears fan? I've sat with those guys a few years at nationals.
14.4.3 Eligibility for Competition. Fulfillment of Credit-Hour Requirements. Eligibility for competition shall be determined based on satisfactory completion of at least: (Revised: 1/10/92, 10/31/02 effective 8/1/03, 3/10/04, 4/28/05) (a) Twenty-four semester or 36 quarter hours of academic credit prior to the start of the student-athlete’s second year of collegiate enrollment (third semester, fourth quarter); (b) Eighteen semester or 27 quarter hours of academic credit since the beginning of the previous fall term or since the beginning of the certifying institution’s preceding regular two semesters or three quarters (hours earned during the summer may not be used to fulfill this requirement) (see Bylaw; and (c) Six semester or six quarter hours of academic credit during the preceding regular academic term (e.g., fall semester, winter quarter) in which the student-athlete has been enrolled full time at any collegiate institution (see Bylaw for postseason certification). Waivers of Progress-Toward-Degree Rule. The Division I Progress-Toward-Degree Waivers Committee shall establish appropriate criteria for waivers of this legislation. The following waivers shall be administered by the conference members of the Association or, in the case of an independent institution, by the Division I Progress-Toward-Degree Waivers Committee. (Revised: 1/9/96, 10/28/97, 4/27/00, 10/31/02 effective 8/1/03, 3/10/04, 4/28/05, 1/17/09 effective 8/1/09, 1/14/12, 5/22/13, 3/27/18) (a) Medical Absence. The credit hours required under the progress-toward-degree regulation of Bylaws,, and may be prorated at nine hours per term of actual attendance during an academic year in which a student misses a term or is unable to complete a term as a full-time student as a result of an injury or illness. Such an exception may be granted only when circumstances clearly supported by appropriate medical documentation establish that a student-athlete is unable to attend a collegiate institution as a full-time student as a result of an incapacitating physical injury or illness involving the student-athlete or a member of the student-athlete’s immediate family. Credits earned by the student during the term to which the waiver applies may be used to satisfy the 24/36 hour [see Bylaw], percentage-of-degree (see Bylaw and grade-point average requirements (see Bylaw However, a term to which a medical absence waiver applies does not count as a term of full-time enrollment for purposes of the 24/36 credit-hour requirement, percentageof-degree requirements or grade-point average requirements.

Maybe I'm reading too much into it but I found it interesting that PSU's official statement said Teasdale left for "personal reasons" and did not say anything about his health (I believe Cael only said "personal reasons" in an interview as well). You'd think if they were going to get a "medical waiver" they wouldn't call it "personal reasons"...
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YES!!! One of my best friends is a 2x EIWA champ from Brown and a former head coach there. Been planning on making the trip up with him.

Fingers crossed that everything goes well over the next couple of weeks though. You a Brown Bears fan? I've sat with those guys a few years at nationals.

Nice. I live nearby and had been thinking of trying to get over for the Cornell dual, then noticed Binghamton on the schedule the same weekend. If I can swing it, it would be cool to meet you.
Lol, I know. Now we will have a half dozen ijuts around here spouting Ironcuckoo's knowledge of ROTC programs as gospel. Not too mention that Manville has been at PSU for 3-4 years already (Ironbird may post at close to the speed of light, so maybe there is an Einsteinian thread of truth there-it works the other way around, but what the hell this is a cesspool). How in the hell are we PSU fans ever going to clean this board up????;)

Hey dicebag, How many times was he listed with the team and removed?
YEA YEA, Wrestling started when they started winning right?

Nope, but, your claims of them cheating likely started then. My Dad started taking me to Rec Hall when I was 5 years old in 1979. I never once accused Iowa of cheating during their run of championships. I also never made fun of the way their legendary coach looked, or found funny ways to say his name.
Hey dice, any chance you're going to the Brown dual in 3 weeks?

Keep bumping this thread with small talk to other PSU fans so you can take it back to BWI and mock HR for this being the longest thread in board history.
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Don't think 4 posts out of 657 is making much difference. Well, I guess you can make it 6 (if you include yours) posts out of 658 now.

Everytime the thread is about to drop off the front page, one of you PSU guys bumps it. Better not let Ironbird get in the last word.
Damn - you posted before I hit reply. 10 out of 662? This could go on forever...

It might make sense to include a percentage in the stat line. Once you get to 10 posts (or I suppose it is 11 now), you're in double-digits, which on it's face could be perceived as unnecessary. But if that 11 is really only 1.66% of posts in the thread, it pales in comparison to the unecessary exclamation mark-to-post ratio in IronBird's demands for answers about Teasdale's eligibility.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it but I found it interesting that PSU's official statement said Teasdale left for "personal reasons" and did not say anything about his health (I believe Cael only said "personal reasons" in an interview as well). You'd think if they were going to get a "medical waiver" they wouldn't call it "personal reasons"...
I have left Penn State this fall semester for health issues. I will be returning to Penn State University this January at full capacity.- Gavin Teasdale

Has Cael ever released anything with specific detail? Who knows what the actual details are. I simply posted a couple of actual NCAA rules as there seems to be a lot of debate/confusion about hours needed for eligibility etc..
I have left Penn State this fall semester for health issues. I will be returning to Penn State University this January at full capacity.- Gavin Teasdale

Has Cael ever released anything with specific detail? Who knows what the actual details are. I simply posted a couple of actual NCAA rules as there seems to be a lot of debate/confusion about hours needed for eligibility etc..

Cael didn't give anything with specific detail of course, I thought I saw him just say "personal issues" in one interview but now can't find it. He did also talk about the possible waiver though.

So again, maybe I'm reading too much into PSU's statement but I think as a result of this situation (and not really specific to Teasdale), I think there a couple questions that Cael/PSU should be answering:

1. Was it truly a medical issue? If so, why would the school's official statement only say "personal issues"? If it's just "personal issues," is that really worthy of getting a medical waiver? This seems like it could be setting a bad precedent for NCAA basketball, football, etc.

2. If it was truly a medical issue serious enough to get a waiver for withdrawing from all classes, was it really appropriate for him to be wrestling in an official competition so soon after it was announced that there was a personal/medical/health issue? And maybe even moreso, I can't imagine it was healthy for him to be cutting much weight in light of having a health issue serious enough to withdraw from all classes, and of course his weight seems to be the ultimate reason why he did not wrestle at the Scuffle
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Cael didn't give anything with specific detail of course, I thought I saw him just say "personal issues" in one interview but now can't find it. He did also talk about the possible waiver though.

So again, maybe I'm reading too much into PSU's statement but I think as a result of this situation (and not really specific to Teasdale), I think there a couple questions that Cael/PSU should be answering:

1. Was it truly a medical issue? If so, why would the school's official statement only say "personal issues"? If it's just "personal issues," is that really worthy of getting a medical waiver? This seems like it could be setting a bad precedent for NCAA basketball, football, etc.

2. If it was truly a medical issue serious enough to get a waiver for withdrawing from all classes, was it really appropriate for him to be wrestling in an official competition so soon after it was announced that there was a personal/medical/health issue? And maybe even moreso, I can't imagine it was healthy for him to be cutting much weight in light of having a health issue serious enough to withdraw from all classes, and of course his weight seems to be the ultimate reason why he did not wrestle at the Scuffle

Any sort of health/medical issue is between the student and the University, with parents and coaches involved as needed. It is not a public issue, and so the team and university are under no obligation to provide any detail. And I believe HIPPA prohibits disclosure of health/medical issues without consent of the student.

Regarding your second point, the Scuffle was 6 weeks after Teasdale disclosed his withdrawal from school. Even if the withdrawal happened right at the time of the disclosure, I can't say I (or anyone here) know sufficient detail of the circumstances to conclude 6 weeks is "soon" after the withdrawal.
A couple BWI guys setting up a playdate with each other on HR. That's cute:confused:

Didn't mean to exclude you, WT. You're welcome to join us!

Any sort of health/medical issue is between the student and the University, with parents and coaches involved as needed. It is not a public issue, and so the team and university are under no obligation to provide any detail. And I believe HIPPA prohibits disclosure of health/medical issues without consent of the student.

Regarding your second point, the Scuffle was 6 weeks after Teasdale disclosed his withdrawal from school. Even if the withdrawal happened right at the time of the disclosure, I can't say I (or anyone here) know sufficient detail of the circumstances to conclude 6 weeks is "soon" after the withdrawal.

I didn't say they needed to give any detail about the alleged health/medical issue, but to my knowledge they never even said there was one at all (even though Gavin himself did publicly).
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I am guessing you are the son of the Ref. from the Midlands who Brands had to unload on for being so pathetic! LMAO- you SUCK TOO!!!
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I didn't say they needed to give any detail about the alleged health/medical issue, but to my knowledge they never even said there was one at all (even though Gavin himself did publicly).

Fair enough. I was responding in the context of the following part of your post:
. . . I think there a couple questions that Cael/PSU should be answering:

1. Was it truly a medical issue? If so, why would the school's official statement only say "personal issues"? . . .

Despite the student disclosing on his own accord that he had "health issues", it is probably just standard policy that the university doesn't give any explicit indication whether an "issue" is a health/medical one, outside of a run-of-the-mill physical injury. "Personal issues" is a catch-all that excludes physical injury from other health issues, without disclosing the specific kind of "other".

IMO, some health/medical issues (e.g., mental health, substance dependency) are just off-limits to identify publicly. A sort-of analogy would be how obituaries handle death by suicide. They never indicate explicitly that the deceased took his/her own life -- only that the person "passed away unexpectedly", or something along those lines. Certain "issues" have stigmas that lead to ambiguous reference in public media.
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Any sort of health/medical issue is between the student and the University, with parents and coaches involved as needed. It is not a public issue, and so the team and university are under no obligation to provide any detail. And I believe HIPPA prohibits disclosure of health/medical issues without consent of the student.

Regarding your second point, the Scuffle was 6 weeks after Teasdale disclosed his withdrawal from school. Even if the withdrawal happened right at the time of the disclosure, I can't say I (or anyone here) know sufficient detail of the circumstances to conclude 6 weeks is "soon" after the withdrawal.
But, the posters on this board demand answers! They deserve to know, because, well, Penn State.
Maybe I'm reading too much into it but I found it interesting that PSU's official statement said Teasdale left for "personal reasons" and did not say anything about his health (I believe Cael only said "personal reasons" in an interview as well). You'd think if they were going to get a "medical waiver" they wouldn't call it "personal reasons"...

He left campus for about 28 days...... the average length of Inpatient Addiction treatment---- that could be considered both personal and medical.
He left campus for about 28 days...... the average length of Inpatient Addiction treatment---- that could be considered both personal and medical.
As I posted earlier, a PSU booster from W. PA and friend of family told me that his problem was/is cocaine. He went to rehab. Hopefully he has this behind him and he does well. This booster was very surprised that Gavin was back on the team and wrestling.
As I posted earlier, a PSU booster from W. PA and friend of family told me that his problem was/is cocaine. He went to rehab. Hopefully he has this behind him and he does well. This booster was very surprised that Gavin was back on the team and wrestling.

That’s none of anyone’s business and that PSU booster shouldn’t trust you with that kinda info again.