I know you're the guy who makes the most ridiculous, over-the-top predictions on this entire website. It's like knowing which guy who hangs out at the bus station yells the craziest stuff at people as they walk by.
And "out of context"? Please. When you say a prediction is "a little low" you can't turn around and pretend you're only giving a best case scenario.
Unless you just don't know what words mean.
What words do you not understand? A PREDICTION is just that. It is not saying I guarantee anything. You just read one part and have ALL the answers.
It was my guesses on best case for my team. You don't know much and obviously were never a college wrestler or you would understand it is a LONG season and a lot happens.
My PREDICTION of our line up was pretty good. I believe only Kemerer and Young were flipped. That was very early on with many unknowns. We have new faces at 33, 41, 49, 57, 74, 84, 97.
Many of those were easy to PREDICT! 197 for example. others were a bit more difficult. 41 being the toughest to call in my opinion. You have to know wrestling and when watching see things that others may miss.
DeSanto for example has everyone talking about his "non-stop motor " or great conditioning. Many picked this up long ago. He is a very tough guy to wrestle because he has that asset in his back pocket!
That is why I said early on he will be much better then many think. Also when your people were jumpingg on rby's bandwagon, my guess is Desanto is better. I stick with it.
All this being said. Lets hear your great wisdom? You talk about others but say nothing for yourself.