Texas woman asks judge to let her terminate pregnancy after lethal fetal diagnosis

LOL - which is it? Am I directly insulting or passive aggressive? I've not been passive at all. That's just you throwing words out again. You're such a dumbass.

I don't give a shit if you have a good night or not, but I am done for tonight. And, unlike you, I will follow through on that.


And tomorrow you can go back to insulting people all day.

Get some help, Riley. I'm putting you on ignore now.

You have a lot of issues and are a very strange man.
Lots of posters have argued that abortion isn't killing because there's no human life involved.

Hawkbirch is one. Wendy is another.
I’m another. Until it’s viable, I don’t believe a fetus is at a status that gets the full rights of a human. I say this as someone absolutely wrecked by 2 miscarriages. If we want to flip that and give fetuses full rights, then as others have noted, child support, welfare/WIC/etc and all the rest should kick in at conception. It’s a person or it’s not. Right now, it’s not.
I’m another. Until it’s viable, I don’t believe a fetus is at a status that gets the full rights of a human. I say this as someone absolutely wrecked by 2 miscarriages. If we want to flip that and give fetuses full rights, then as others have noted, child support, welfare/WIC/etc and all the rest should kick in at conception. It’s a person or it’s not. Right now, it’s not.

A fetus can be human life without being a fully formed human.

And the fetus would become a human most likely if it wasn't aborted.
A fetus can be human life without being a fully formed human.

And the fetus would become a human most likely if it wasn't aborted.
I’ll agree to disagree on that one.

In any case, we’re somehow 13 pages of inanity in that mostly does not address the story in the OP. The fact that the woman had to petition a court, then won and the state DA is still threatening felony prosecution for a baby that will, at best, survive for 24 hours and potentially kill the mom or leave her infertile is absolutely insane.
I’ll agree to disagree on that one.

In any case, we’re somehow 13 pages of inanity in that mostly does not address the story in the OP. The fact that the woman had to petition a court, then won and the state DA is still threatening felony prosecution for a baby that will, at best, survive for 24 hours and potentially kill the mom or leave her infertile is absolutely insane.

I posted this link about how 95% of biologists agreed that life begins at conception.

The "pro-choice" crowd disagreed but didn't explain why. Lol

I posted this link about how 95% of biologists agreed that life begins at conception.

The "pro-choice" crowd disagreed but didn't explain why. Lol

I saw that, but it’s not compelling to me in the context of this thread. In question here is a life that is not going to make it.…but Texas is threatening to prosecute for life in prison if this woman uses the exception she was granted by Texas courts to end this pregnancy. They would rather her continue to suffer through with a baby she desperately wants, but will never have. That’s cruel, inhuman and evil. I don’t want to use this thread to distract into inanity around who considers what is life. If you are going to cite the science, then the science says this pregnancy has no chance.
I saw that, but it’s not compelling to me in the context of this thread. In question here is a life that is not going to make it.…but Texas is threatening to prosecute for life in prison if this woman uses the exception she was granted by Texas courts to end this pregnancy. They would rather her continue to suffer through with a baby she desperately wants, but will never have. That’s cruel, inhuman and evil. I don’t want to use this thread to distract into inanity around who considers what is life. If you are going to cite the science, then the science says this pregnancy has no chance.

Yeah. That's a fair point.

I was trying to show why life begins at conception but that link didn't convince anyone.
Jesus was executed on Nisan 14 of 33 CE
It does vary from year to year based on the Jewish calendar. And as far as his birthdate goes there’s no evidence he was born on Dec 25.
I mean, if you want to be technical about it, there's also no evidence that he was actually resurrected either.
I’ll agree to disagree on that one.

In any case, we’re somehow 13 pages of inanity in that mostly does not address the story in the OP. The fact that the woman had to petition a court, then won and the state DA is still threatening felony prosecution for a baby that will, at best, survive for 24 hours and potentially kill the mom or leave her infertile is absolutely insane.
I really want to applaud @BrianNole777 in particular. Been a long time since I saw a thread go this off the rails. Might have to go all the way back to Bonney for that.
Yeah. That's a fair point.

I was trying to show why life begins at conception but that link didn't convince anyone.
No, what you keep refusing to see is that most agree that life BEGINS at conception, but it's still a very long way from being a life. Most of us do not agree that abortion, at least in the first trimester before the major organs, body, etc have formed and could live outside the womb =/= murder.

Studies also consistently show that abortions after the first trimester are statistically rare, and nearly always involve medical emergencies of some sort.

All other arguments regarding whether or not you believe abortion = murder from day 1; you'll never convince me that an abortion in the case of a fetus that is nonviable, or places the life of the mother at significant risk, is wrong.
Studies also consistently show that abortions after the first trimester are statistically rare, and nearly always involve medical emergencies of some sort.
This is a really key point. For all the stuff tossed out by the right, women are just not getting to week 20+ and deciding, “shit, I don’t want this kid, let’s kill it”. That’s just not reality.
This is a really key point. For all the stuff tossed out by the right, women are just not getting to week 20+ and deciding, “shit, I don’t want this kid, let’s kill it”. That’s just not reality.

Most abortions happen before 20 weeks but the reason most abortions happen is essentially what you posted...the woman just doesn't want the kid; it's not that her health is in danger.

It's for convenience/birth control.
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I think you may have mis-written this post.

If you agree that life begins at conception, wouldn't the embryo be a life?
No, you read it correctly; you just continue to be obtuse and demand we give you black and white answers when the real world is not so simple.

It's late, so i'm not giving any late-night research for you on this - besides the reasons I've already stated: at the earliest points of a pregnancy the embryo/fetus doesn't possess anything like what is needed to survive outside the womb (even the "heartbeat" that can be detected at 6 weeks or so is really just a mass of cells that generate a signal that could be defined as a heartbeat), there's god only knows how many times where conception initially occurs and for a few days or even a couple weeks a woman could be pregnant without knowing yet; but something goes wrong biologically and the fetus stops developing.

If you want to continue to obsess over this point, be my guest - but clearly you and most of the posters in this thread do not agree on this point, and it's also besides the point of the thread itself: a woman in Texas whose pregnancy is doomed to end tragically, is being forced to petition a court for permission to do what most people would consider the morally right thing to do, and terminate the pregnancy before even more complications develop that could increase the risk to the mother. And now the Texas AG is threatening to prosecute any doctor or clinic who assists her in doing so, if she attempts to go through with it.

This seems not only morally bankrupt to me, but there's also the financial, practical side that will cause even more harm - being forced to continue with the pregnancy and all the medical bills related to it, but the legal costs as well. You seem to agree that in this case at least the woman is justified in seeking the abortion, yes?

If that's the case, what say we just agree on that point and let this thread (finally) end, and you can start a separate, larger thread regarding life itself?
This case is disgusting. I mean it is just pathetic that this is where we are in 2023. Also, this is not some uncommon thing where a child is not viable, or will face life as a vegetable or will threaten the mother’s life. Nor sadly are the 1,000 of very young girls pregnant from being raped, often by family members, across the US.
I think you may have mis-written this post.

If you agree that life begins at conception, wouldn't the embryo be a life?
What should be done about what must be millions of non-implanted human embryos just sitting in fertility clinics? Is there a moral obligation to make sure that all are implanted, or is it okay to initiate their lives only to dispose of most of them out of convenience?
I posted this link about how 95% of biologists agreed that life begins at conception.

The "pro-choice" crowd disagreed but didn't explain why. Lol

I see you continued on with your lying. I explained very clearly that beginning human life does not equate to being a human life. I even gave you a tadpole analogy and there are countless others. Your "science" is irrelevant. As are you.

You have issues with lying, projecting, rationality and being able to let go.
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No, you read it correctly; you just continue to be obtuse and demand we give you black and white answers when the real world is not so simple.

It's late, so i'm not giving any late-night research for you on this - besides the reasons I've already stated: at the earliest points of a pregnancy the embryo/fetus doesn't possess anything like what is needed to survive outside the womb (even the "heartbeat" that can be detected at 6 weeks or so is really just a mass of cells that generate a signal that could be defined as a heartbeat), there's god only knows how many times where conception initially occurs and for a few days or even a couple weeks a woman could be pregnant without knowing yet; but something goes wrong biologically and the fetus stops developing.

If you want to continue to obsess over this point, be my guest - but clearly you and most of the posters in this thread do not agree on this point, and it's also besides the point of the thread itself: a woman in Texas whose pregnancy is doomed to end tragically, is being forced to petition a court for permission to do what most people would consider the morally right thing to do, and terminate the pregnancy before even more complications develop that could increase the risk to the mother. And now the Texas AG is threatening to prosecute any doctor or clinic who assists her in doing so, if she attempts to go through with it.

This seems not only morally bankrupt to me, but there's also the financial, practical side that will cause even more harm - being forced to continue with the pregnancy and all the medical bills related to it, but the legal costs as well. You seem to agree that in this case at least the woman is justified in seeking the abortion, yes?

If that's the case, what say we just agree on that point and let this thread (finally) end, and you can start a separate, larger thread regarding life itself?

It's a dreadful case all around, that's for sure.

Most posters here have 0 qualms about killing an unborn life for any reason so I know I'm a minority view.

There's nothing I can do to change minds.
What should be done about what must be millions of non-implanted human embryos just sitting in fertility clinics? Is there a moral obligation to make sure that all are implanted, or is it okay to initiate their lives only to dispose of most of them out of convenience?
He hasn't thought about these things or doesn't have a strong opinion. Conveniently.
I see you continued on with your lying. I explained very clearly that beginning human life does not equate to being a human life. I even gave you a tadpole analogy and there are countless others. Your "science" is irrelevant. As are you.

You have issues with lying, projecting, rationality and being able to let go.

We agree that at conception, a human life begins. It's not fully formed at that point, obviously.

A tadpole is still life so it's still able to be killed. A tadpole is an early life.

I don't believe killing an embryo is the same as killing a 20 week fetus, but it's still killing.
I’m another. Until it’s viable, I don’t believe a fetus is at a status that gets the full rights of a human. I say this as someone absolutely wrecked by 2 miscarriages. If we want to flip that and give fetuses full rights, then as others have noted, child support, welfare/WIC/etc and all the rest should kick in at conception. It’s a person or it’s not. Right now, it’s not.
Such a thorny issue, in general. This is exactly the type of case, however, for which it should be allowed. Your counterpoints are interesting. I would be all for providing the expectant mother with WIC and such to maximize the chances of a healthy baby, mom, and birth. As a kid adopted at birth I am grateful for whatever support my biological mother had allowing me to be born and cared for by loving parents.
What should be done about what must be millions of non-implanted human embryos just sitting in fertility clinics? Is there a moral obligation to make sure that all are implanted, or is it okay to initiate their lives only to dispose of most of them out of convenience?

I don't know. I don't have all the answers.
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We agree that at conception, a human life begins. It's not fully formed at that point, obviously.

A tadpole is still life so it's still able to be killed. A tadpole is an early life.

I don't believe killing an embryo is the same as killing a 20 week fetus, but it's still killing.
And, as pointing out before, so is whacking off. You have a real problem maintaining relevancy.
I don't know. I don't have all the answers.
Right on cue. And you don't want to think about those questions and others. It would require you to see some major flaws in your argument and you have no interest in anything that might counter the script you've been following.
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Right on cue. And you don't want to think about those questions and others. It would require you to see some major flaws in your argument and you have no interest in anything that might counter the script you've been following.

No one has all the answers. We're only human.

Even you.
What should be done about what must be millions of non-implanted human embryos just sitting in fertility clinics? Is there a moral obligation to make sure that all are implanted, or is it okay to initiate their lives only to dispose of most of them out of convenience?
That is another excellent example of the dilemmas surrounding reproductive medicine and abortion. Abandoned frozen embryos and what should ethically be done with them is vexing.
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Feel free to show why the post is wrong
It's for convenience/birth control.

This seems framed as that whoever is considering an abortion is just making a non chalant decision in an “oops, i forgot to take my pill, ima just head to the clinic” sort of way.

If you think most people would rather go through with an abortion and use it as a form of birth control, i dont know what to tell you.

Now you can make arguments of why there aren’t precautions taking place prior (pills, condoms etc) and i may agree with you on some of those