Texas woman asks judge to let her terminate pregnancy after lethal fetal diagnosis

This seems framed as that whoever is considering an abortion is just making a non chalant decision in an “oops, i forgot to take my pill, ima just head to the clinic” sort of way.

If you think most people would rather go through with an abortion and use it as a form of birth control, i dont know what to tell you.

Now you can make arguments of why there aren’t precautions taking place prior (pills, condoms etc) and i may agree with you on some of those

Most abortions are for birth control.

My Aunt (no pics) is a nurse at a major hospital in D.C. Most of the nursing assistants (no pics) working under her have had abortions.

Some of them have had several abortions; all for birth control. They talk about it openly like it's no big deal.

My Aunt went to a work related dinner with several of them and one was drinking wine.

Her co-worker said to the wine drinker: "Why are you drinking wine? You're pregnant!"

The wine drinker responded: "What's the big deal? I'm not keeping it."

A week later, she had the abortion.
Most abortions are for birth control.

My Aunt (no pics) is a nurse at a major hospital in D.C. Most of the nursing assistants (no pics) working under her have had abortions.

Some of them have had several abortions; all for birth control. They talk about it openly like it's no big deal.

My Aunt went to a work related dinner with several of them and one was drinking wine.

Her co-worker said to the wine drinker: "Why are you drinking wine? You're pregnant!"

The wine drinker responded: "What's the big deal? I'm not keeping it."

A week later, she had the abortion.

I haven't killed any animals myself except a bird I shot with a pellet gun when I was 10.

I felt guilty and buried it with my brother. Lol
Whatever you need to say to justify you supporting a killing industey to your god, killer.
Most abortions are for birth control.

My Aunt (no pics) is a nurse at a major hospital in D.C. Most of the nursing assistants (no pics) working under her have had abortions.

Some of them have had several abortions; all for birth control. They talk about it openly like it's no big deal.

My Aunt went to a work related dinner with several of them and one was drinking wine.

Her co-worker said to the wine drinker: "Why are you drinking wine? You're pregnant!"

The wine drinker responded: "What's the big deal? I'm not keeping it."

A week later, she had the abortion.
LOL, is your aunt's name, Jim?
  • Haha
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It’s evil and it’s exceedingly cruel.
It's a cult at this point.
Barry Goldwater warned Republicans that this would happen, and the transition fully started when Reagan partnered up with the pro life movement and evangelical leadership.
To the point of this thread, there is no compromise or middle ground. The zealots will not allow for anything other than birth with no exceptions when it comes to a pregnancy. It's why I continually use the phrase Christian Sharia Law to describe the entire movement and their quest to rule everyone's personal life by their moral/religious code.
MF religous pieces of sh11. I don t generally wish bad things on people but in this case. texas AG and any religous person should have been aborted along time ago. This is going to backlash horrible for the mouth breeding inbred republicans. I hope I live to see the day there is actuall majority rule.
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I didn’t read the article but why not quietly go somewhere that would allow the procedure to take place? Why is it something that needs to be in the public square?
It’s simply no one else’s business.
Because Texas has a bounty to snitch on would be abortion seekers. Now the AG (which himself is a corrupt crook) is threatening to sue any doc that would provide services.

The 2021 Texas law, known as SB 8, prevents government officials from enforcing the ban, instead giving private citizens that power by enabling them to sue anyone who provides or "aids or abets" an abortion after six weeks and if successful collect a $10,000 reward, described by critics as a "bounty."

The private enforcement mechanism was crafted to avoid direct legal challenges before the U.S. Supreme Court's June ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health overturning the right to abortion established five decades earlier in Roe v. Wade. Since that decision, a Texas law criminalizing all abortion except to save the mother's life has taken effect.
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Because Texas has a bounty to snitch on would be abortion seekers. Now the AG (which himself is a corrupt crook) is threatening to sue any doc that would provide services.
I wish she would just go to a state that allows the procedure and then let that state fight with Texas with the hope it ends up at the Supreme Court.
I’m going out on a limb here and thinking most Texans with any level of an IQ above room temperature are just embarrassed by Paxton. And there are plenty of them.
I wish she would just go to a state that allows the procedure and then let that state fight with Texas with the hope it ends up at the Supreme Court.
I’m going out on a limb here and thinking most Texans with any level of an IQ above room temperature are just embarrassed by Paxton. And there are plenty of them.
As usual you're not paying attention. The AG is threatening to prosecute the woman and any doctor or facility that performs the abortion. But MAGAs like you will continue to brush it aside with comments like "just go to another state" as if that is a reasonable solution.
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Most posters here have 0 qualms about killing an unborn life for any reason so I know I'm a minority view.
That's quite the leap - feel free to post anyone who stated they weren't 100% ok with an abortion for any reason. For me, I would like any woman to only do so as a last resort, but I also don't believe I have the right to make that decision for others.
That's fine.

It's a 100% true story.
No, it's a story you have secondhand from your aunt, god only knows how long it had been between when that conversation took place and when she relayed it to you. Not to mention, it's also entirely possible that both of you let your prejudices color your interpretation of the conversation, as well as not knowing the thought process/circumstances behind the woman who is making that decision.

But unless you have a video or audio recording of the conversation, it by definition can't be 100% true.
I wish she would just go to a state that allows the procedure and then let that state fight with Texas with the hope it ends up at the Supreme Court.
I’m going out on a limb here and thinking most Texans with any level of an IQ above room temperature are just embarrassed by Paxton. And there are plenty of them.

Didn't he just get reelected last year? Of course, that might just mean there AREN'T many Texans with an IQ above room temp :(
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How do you know it is true? You don't. That's the point. Just another in a long line of things you say you know that you don't.

Women have abortions for a myriad of reasons. You claiming you know why they choose is absurd.

I trust her. Using your logic, we shouldn't believe anyone.
That's quite the leap - feel free to post anyone who stated they weren't 100% ok with an abortion for any reason. For me, I would like any woman to only do so as a last resort, but I also don't believe I have the right to make that decision for others.

No, it's a story you have secondhand from your aunt, god only knows how long it had been between when that conversation took place and when she relayed it to you. Not to mention, it's also entirely possible that both of you let your prejudices color your interpretation of the conversation, as well as not knowing the thought process/circumstances behind the woman who is making that decision.

But unless you have a video or audio recording of the conversation, it by definition can't be 100% true.

Didn't he just get reelected last year? Of course, that might just mean there AREN'T many Texans with an IQ above room temp :(
It's not a leap - it's him telling another lie.
I trust her. Using your logic, we shouldn't believe anyone.
Is it possible she could be misremembering the conversation at all? Did she have a positive/negative opinion of this other woman to start with? Is it possible she's letting her own opinion on abortion slant her memory of the conversation?

All I saying is you weren't there, and are relying on the recollection of someone else. There's a reason why eyewitness testimony is unreliable.
Is it possible she could be misremembering the conversation at all? Did she have a positive/negative opinion of this other woman to start with? Is it possible she's letting her own opinion on abortion slant her memory of the conversation?

All I saying is you weren't there, and are relying on the recollection of someone else. There's a reason why eyewitness testimony is unreliable.

She remembered it well. It was pretty stunning and the group was laughing when it happened. That was just one woman she worked with that had abortions for convenience.

I also went fishing with a guy that paid for several abortions. He tried to get his ex-wife to abort his only son but she refused.

All the abortions were for birth control.