Texas woman asks judge to let her terminate pregnancy after lethal fetal diagnosis

You're terrible at making rational, logical arguments based on something other than your beliefs. You would fail a middle school debate class.

You're far, far away from convincing. You should strive for getting to a level of non-absurd.

OK then, we can stop engaging now.

It's been a long day. :)
I showed the science regarding life beginning at conception.

The letter from Ignatius of Antioch shows how Catholicism is early Christianity.
That's not relevant, no one is arguing that a zygote is not alive. This is another example demonstrating you have no ability to make a rational argument.
That's not relevant, no one is arguing that a zygote is not alive. This is another example demonstrating you have no ability to make a rational argument.

Lots of posters have argued that abortion isn't killing because there's no human life involved.

Hawkbirch is one. Wendy is another.
Lots of posters have argued that abortion isn't killing because there's no human life involved.

Hawkbirch is one. Wendy is another.
Now your changing your argument to a zygote being a human life. It's not. As your scientists indicated it is "the beginning" of human life. This type of misrepresentation is another reason you can't be taken seriously.
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Now your changing your argument to a zygote being a human life. It's not. As your scientists indicated it is "the beginning" of human life. This type of misrepresentation is another reason you can't be taken seriously.

The link stated 95% of biologists believe life begins at conception.
No you didn't. That's a lie. You avoided questions.

You must have gone very early - you've been posting consistently since 9 am CST this morning.

Some questions I don't have the answer to.

I went at 6 PM eastern time.

What'd you do tonight? We're you HROTing and driving or posting at the dinner table?
It is.
Most of the evidence suggests Jesus was not born on Christmas.
Early Christians did not celebrate Jesus' birthday as its not even known when he was born. The earliest Christmas celebrations were noted no earlier than around 243 CE. More than a century after the last of the apostles died.
Christmas was chosen because the romans celebrated Saturnalia at this time to celebrate the rebirth of the sun as the days started to grow longer again. The church seemed to choose this time as the supposed birth of Christ to coincide with pagan festivals held on or around the winter solstice.
These festivals were marked by feasting and gift giving, many of the same customs we see today.
The other symbols like Santa Claus, Christmas trees etc. are all of pagan origin.
Actually early Christian theologians came up with idea that Jesus was conceived and crucified on the same date. The supposed date of his crucification was March 25. So they assigned his birth to December 25 9 months later.
Do you believe on any limits on abortion?

10 weeks?

20 weeks?


Why or why not?
As I said before, answer the questions posed to you and I will be happy to oblige. I won't reward your curiosity while you're being so cowardly.
It is diabolical, evil, and irrational to punish children for the crimes of their parents. This is self- evident to anybody who hasn’t been brainwashed via groupthink.
Blame Adam .
He screwed us all. You must think of the challenge issued by the devil. In effect he stated before other intelligent creation(other angels) that humans don’t need Gods ruler ship. That they could rule themselves and decide what was right and wrong . So God had to allow time to settle this challenge . In effect he has given the devil and humans the opportunity to show whether they can rule themselves. Well mans rulership, no matter the type of government tried has been a failure , and we’ve seen the results around the earth of poverty, greed, corruption,hatred, war, violence, the environment is collapsing around us and it goes on and on.
Only through a perfect man could mankind be redeemed . That was Christ who gave his life so we could have a chance to be bought from the sentence of sin and death. So God has provided a way out of the situation we find ourselves in.
It’s not him punishing humans, it’s the result of our first parents condemning us to death by their choice. Place the blame where it belongs. God has given us a way out .
I already answered them. And I answered about 100 others from you.
No. You side stepped them. Multiple times.

Does life occur at conception? If so, what do you feel about the other issues that are related? Death of a baby while she is pregnant? Taxes? Etc. Should the state treat a woman who is pregnant as someone who actually has a baby?

I believe that a fetus is not a baby until birth, but the state should have a say on abortion restrictions at some point. Viability as an option.
These were among the first you avoided.
Blame Adam .
He screwed us all. You must think of the challenge issued by the devil. In effect he stated before other intelligent creation(other angels) that humans don’t need Gods ruler ship. That they could rule themselves and decide what was right and wrong . So God had to allow time to settle this challenge . In effect he has given the devil and humans the opportunity to show whether they can rule themselves. Well mans rulership, no matter the type of government tried has been a failure , and we’ve seen the results around the earth of poverty, greed, corruption,hatred, war, violence, the environment is collapsing around us and it goes on and on.
Only through a perfect man could mankind be redeemed . That was Christ who gave his life so we could have a chance to be bought from the sentence of sin and death. So God has provided a way out of the situation we find ourselves in.
It’s not him punishing humans, it’s the result of our first parents condemning us to death by their choice. Place the blame where it belongs. God has given us a way out .
Wow - even BrianNole isn't this looney. JFC
Actually early Christian theologians came up with idea that Jesus was conceived and crucified on the same date. The supposed date of his crucification was March 25. So they assigned his birth to December 25 9 months later.
Jesus was executed on Nisan 14 of 33 CE
It does vary from year to year based on the Jewish calendar. And as far as his birthdate goes there’s no evidence he was born on Dec 25.
@the24fan is a Jehova's Witness.

Jehovas Witnesses don't believe in the Trinity, they don't believe Jesus was God or in Hell, they don't serve in the military, don't celebrate Christmas or Easter, get blood transfusions or pledge allegiance to the flag.

It's a different belief system from traditional Christianity and was founded in the 1870 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

All due respect to my friend @the24fan, of course. I am curious why he only types in bold. Can you enlighten us?

No real reason .
Just gives people something to complain about other than Iowa’s terrible offense 😉
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Jesus was executed on Nisan 14 of 33 CE
It does vary from year to year based on the Jewish calendar. And as far as his birthdate goes there’s no evidence he was born on Dec 25.

You don't believe Jesus is God, correct?
I told you I don't have a strong opinion on them, so, no specific answer.
Well, at least you're admitting that you aren't answering the questions despite saying you answered all of them previously.

You can't be taken seriously.
You don't believe Jesus is God, correct?
Believe he is the only begotten son of God.
Colossians 1:15 says Jesus was” the firstborn of all creation”
If Jesus was God he would not have been firstborn?
Revelation 3:14 says Jesus was the “ beginning of the creation by God”
John 14:28 Jesus himself said he was not as great as the Father.
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Well, at least you're admitting that you aren't answering the questions despite saying you answered all of them previously.

You can't be taken seriously.

I answered them before by stating I don't have much of an answer.

Now you can answer my simple abortion questions.

1.) Should there be any limits on abortions?

Why or why not?
Jesus was executed on Nisan 14 of 33 CE
It does vary from year to year based on the Jewish calendar. And as far as his birthdate goes there’s no evidence he was born on Dec 25.
Agree the date was arbitrary. Orthodox folks have a January date I think the 6th. I think the most likely explanation was that it was assigned based on the idea that he was conceived on the same date that he was crucified.