Texas woman asks judge to let her terminate pregnancy after lethal fetal diagnosis

What happened to the original God? The one in the Old Testament? They one that Jesus references?

Jesus is Him in human form.

Jesus is Him in human form.

FFS - you guys have more twists in the story than Agatha Christie.

So there was no God before Jesus?
Jesus is God, according to Christianity.

The Trinity is one God in three parts.
The trinity dogma did not become assimilated into Christian belief until 300 years after the death of Christ.
Only by force did several bishops at the counsel of Nicea accept the false belief of a triune God . Many of them against their will .
Jesus disciples and the apostles did not teach or accept the idea of a trinity .
The Catholic encyclopedia admits “The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century.”—New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967), Volume 14, page 299
The trinity dogma did not become assimilated into Christian belief until 300 years after the death of Christ.
Only by force did several bishops at the counsel of Nicea accept the false belief of a triune God . Many of them against their will .
Jesus disciples and the apostles did not teach or accept the idea of a trinity .
The Catholic encyclopedia admits “The formulation ‘one God in three Persons’ was not solidly established, certainly not fully assimilated into Christian life and its profession of faith, prior to the end of the 4th century.”—New Catholic Encyclopedia (1967), Volume 14, page 299


Jehova's Witnesses didn't come into being until 1870 in Pittsburgh yet you believe it. :)
Blame Adam .
He screwed us all. You must think of the challenge issued by the devil. In effect he stated before other intelligent creation(other angels) that humans don’t need Gods ruler ship. That they could rule themselves and decide what was right and wrong . So God had to allow time to settle this challenge . In effect he has given the devil and humans the opportunity to show whether they can rule themselves. Well mans rulership, no matter the type of government tried has been a failure , and we’ve seen the results around the earth of poverty, greed, corruption,hatred, war, violence, the environment is collapsing around us and it goes on and on.
Only through a perfect man could mankind be redeemed . That was Christ who gave his life so we could have a chance to be bought from the sentence of sin and death. So God has provided a way out of the situation we find ourselves in.
It’s not him punishing humans, it’s the result of our first parents condemning us to death by their choice. Place the blame where it belongs. God has given us a way out .

You are too far gone on this topic to even begin to comprehend logic and fundamental fairness. It is illogical, evil, and irrational to punish children for the sins of their parents.

You are too far gone on this topic to even begin to comprehend logic and fundamental fairness. It is illogical, evil, and irrational to punish children for the sins of their parents.
Ok . Well we will just have to agree that we see it differently . I appreciate you are a deep thinker. We all see the world and things in it differently
How so?

We've discussed atheist philosophy in the past and you admitted you haven't read much.

I read Nietszche, Schopenhauer, Camus and Sartre weekly from 2008-2016.

None of that has anything with your inability to understand logic. You didn’t grasp my stamp collector reference and just went off on a non sequitur.

You are in illogical person. Which is why it’s difficult to have an honest discussion with you; you reject logical conclusions.
None of that has anything with your inability to understand logic. You didn’t grasp my stamp collector reference and just went off on a non sequitur.

You are in illogical person. Which is why it’s difficult to have an honest discussion with you; you reject logical conclusions.

I grasped your stamp collector reference just fine and explained how atheism is different.

What's an "illogical person?"

I accept vaccines and reject Trump, as do you and probably for the same reasons.

Does that make me illogical?
Yes, the word "Trinity" isn't in Scripture nor is the word "Bible."

The short answer is yes, the word Bible does appear in the Bible. The word is used in a variety of contexts in different translations of the Bible, but it most commonly appears in the book of Revelation. However, the word Bible does not appear in the King James Version (KJV), nor does it appear in the popular New International Version (NIV).

You're getting exposed widely.

The short answer is yes, the word Bible does appear in the Bible. The word is used in a variety of contexts in different translations of the Bible, but it most commonly appears in the book of Revelation. However, the word Bible does not appear in the King James Version (KJV), nor does it appear in the popular New International Version (NIV).

You're getting exposed widely.

They may be referring to this verse in Revelation. It says "book" and not "Bible."

They may be referring to this verse in Revelation. It says "book" and not "Bible."

Actually it is you not knowing what you're talking about.
What about Hell?

It's in Scripture yet you don't believe it?

Job a faithful man prayed to go to hell
After going through his suffering . Do you really think he was praying to go to a place of fiery torment ? Do you think God would send him there ? No he was referring to the relief of the common grave, awaiting to be resurrected in Gods due time .
Also Acts 2:31 in the King James Bible says Christ was not left in hell , nor did his flesh see corruption. So do you think Jesus was in a place of fiery torment? Hardly! It meant he was not left in the grave ! He was resurrected to spirit life 3 days after his death.
Hell is the word as Sheol or Hades and refers to the common grave.
Also think about this . Ecclesiastes 9:5-For the living know* that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward,*because all memory of them is forgotten.”
How could people who are not conscious of anything suffer in a place of fiery torment?
Or let’s go a step further . God told Adam his penalty for disobeying was death correct? He said from dust you are and to dust you will return . Do you think God would go back on his word by sending Adam to a fiery hell? Nope. He simply died and returned to the ground from which he was taken.
Job a faithful man prayed to go to hell
After going through his suffering . Do you really think he was praying to go to a place of fiery torment ? Do you think God would send him there ? No he was referring to the relief of the common grave, awaiting to be resurrected in Gods due time .
Also Acts 2:31 in the King James Bible says Christ was not left in hell , nor did his flesh see corruption. So do you think Jesus was in a place of fiery torment? Hardly! It meant he was not left in the grave ! He was resurrected to spirit life 3 days after his death.
Hell is the word as Sheol or Hades and refers to the common grave.
Also think about this . Ecclesiastes 9:5-For the living know* that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward,*because all memory of them is forgotten.”
How could people who are not conscious of anything suffer in a place of fiery torment?
Or let’s go a step further . God told Adam his penalty for disobeying was death correct? He said from dust you are and to dust you will return . Do you think God would go back on his word by sending Adam to a fiery hell? Nope. He simply died and returned to the ground from which he was taken.

You've copied and pasted that response before.

It doesn't change the fact that the word "Hell" and vivid descriptions of it are in the Bible dozens of times.
I know some things and don't know others, like everyone else.
Problem is you think you know things that you don't.

It's funny that you cite life being a mystery while simultaneously stating that you know what the afterlife is. Again, you don't.
Job a faithful man prayed to go to hell
After going through his suffering . Do you really think he was praying to go to a place of fiery torment ? Do you think God would send him there ? No he was referring to the relief of the common grave, awaiting to be resurrected in Gods due time .
Also Acts 2:31 in the King James Bible says Christ was not left in hell , nor did his flesh see corruption. So do you think Jesus was in a place of fiery torment? Hardly! It meant he was not left in the grave ! He was resurrected to spirit life 3 days after his death.
Hell is the word as Sheol or Hades and refers to the common grave.
Also think about this . Ecclesiastes 9:5-For the living know* that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have any more reward,*because all memory of them is forgotten.”
How could people who are not conscious of anything suffer in a place of fiery torment?
Or let’s go a step further . God told Adam his penalty for disobeying was death correct? He said from dust you are and to dust you will return . Do you think God would go back on his word by sending Adam to a fiery hell? Nope. He simply died and returned to the ground from which he was taken.
If you believe the world is about to end but you no longer exist after death, what is your purpose on Earth?
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Problem is you think you know things that you don't.

It's funny that you cite life being a mystery while simultaneously stating that you know what the afterlife is. Again, you don't.

I didn't claim I know what the afterlife is specifically.

You keep claiming I've claimed things I haven't. That's your weak spot.

Have you checked your screen time today?
I didn't claim I know what the afterlife is specifically.

You keep claiming I've claimed things I haven't. That's your weak spot.

Have you checked your screen time today?
You most certainly have. And it's exposed your weak arguments.

This is another thing that amuses me about you - you will question others and ignore your own behavior.

To answer your question - several hours less than yours.
You most certainly have. And it's exposed your weak arguments.

This is another thing that amuses me about you - you will question others and ignore your own behavior.

To answer your question - several hours less than yours.

It's odd how you ask a thousand questions but won't answer many yourself. Weird.

My screen time today is 10 hours and 46 minutes but 4 hours was while driving using Waze.

It's alot. Tomorrow, I'll try to beat the cell phone addiction. :)
It's odd how you ask a thousand questions but won't answer many yourself. Weird.

My screen time today is 10 hours and 46 minutes but 4 hours was while driving using Waze.

It's alot. Tomorrow, I'll try to beat the cell phone addiction. :)
Well, you've been posting on here consistently since 9 am CST and it's 10 pm now.

I didn't answer a couple questions because you pussied out of answering those posted to you. I told you exactly why I wouldn't answer. I didn't make up some story and try to sell not answering as an answer. That is you and your deception.
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Well, you've been posting on here consistently since 9 am CST and it's 10 pm now.

I didn't answer a couple questions because you pussied out of answering those posted to you. I told you exactly why I wouldn't answer. I didn't make up some story and try to sell not answering as an answer. That is you and your deception.

I answered like 100+ questions of yours and told you which ones I couldn't answer. You have barely answered any.

You're a different type of person, Riley. It's tough to dialogue with you.

You really are a very strange person.
I answered like 100 questions of yours.

You're a different type of person, Riley.

It's tough to dialogue with you. You really are a strange person.
It's tough with anyone who doesn't buy your bullshit and challenges you on it. You make stuff up. You don't have a good grasp on the topic yet here you are 13 hours later still showing your ass. And that's after several times indicating you were done responding. It's no wonder you are in a cult, you can't quit anything.
  • Haha
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It's tough with anyone who doesn't buy your bullshit and challenges you on it. You make stuff up. You don't have a good grasp on the topic yet here you are 13 hours later still showing your ass. And that's after several times indicating you were done responding. It's no wonder you are in a cult, you can't quit anything.

It's just your posting style overall on the board, Riley.

You insult people all day here and are one of the most passive aggressive posters.

You really are a weird person. I hope you can get some help for your issues.
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It's just your personality and posting style.

You insult people all day here and are one of the most passive aggressive posters.

You really are a weird person.
LOL - which is it? Am I directly insulting or passive aggressive? I've not been passive at all. That's just you throwing words out again. You're such a dumbass.

I don't give a shit if you have a good night or not, but I am done for tonight. And, unlike you, I will follow through on that.