The Fall of Minneapolis

Have you watched the documentary?

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This is paradise for little flick, torbee, ree and lunch box.
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Dr Pimplepopper wants a crack at that thing over his eye…
I'm surprised Jacob is still mayor. Just a couple years ago they chanted "go home Jacob, go home" and also "shame". Rioters wanted him to abolish the police.
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I just checked in with some friends who live in Minneapolis. They've been regulated to the underground shelters but are still fighting to survive. They're doing OK but can only rely on the advice of the great people who post in Iowa message boards to pull them through this horrific time they're experiencing. The city is disintegrating before their eyes, in fact, some of the people reporting on the disintegration also had their eyes disintegrating while looking at it.

Just overall... ****ing Minneapolis is probably dead, they lost the war, 35W will never be the same, it's going to be even more boring whilst driving to Canada now.
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I've lived in the city of Minneapolis for almost 20 years. Other than the riots, have had zero issues.
I have several friends/former co-workers who live in/near Minneapolis (for instance, St. Louis Psrk) and they say that over the last 10 or 15 years some crimes, such as thefts, have gone up noticeably. However, I assume that’s likely the case in some other larger cities.
My son rides the light rail five days a week to work and back, he's never had anything other than the occasional smelly bum episode. It's like any metro area, mind your own business, and don't present yourself as a target. He lives in Minneapolis, and has no plans to leave. In all the years he has lived in Minneapolis he has yet to be murdered, much less mugged. Crime ridden seems a bit much to say. It's like any metro area as I said. Good areas and tough areas. I find a lot of the neighborhoods to be amazingly vibrant, with great dining options, and plenty of nice houses. Some parts, not so much.
I wish some of the people in this thread condemning Minneapolis would take a drive to Keokuk/Ottumwa/Denison... and report back about how wonderful those small towns in Iowa are. Gleaming new storefronts, no meth heads, and new families racing to move in...
Tell your son to not ride the Minneapolis light rail later in the evenings.
So, not a documentary, and you have never been to Minneapolis? Got it.
I have been there a dozen or more times in the last six years, and have gone to quite a few areas. My son lived on campus at UM, and off campus. He lives in Minneapolis now. I know far more about the status of campus security than you can ever pretend to know having attended a seminar on campus safety, and several zoom call updates. One of my best friends is a prosecutor for the city, and I conversed with him several times about the areas my son chose to live in, and campus security. But, none of that overcomes the video that confirms your pre-existing beliefs.
That’s good your son had no issues while going to the U of M. I had two former co-workers who had kids that attended the U of M. One also had no significant issues while on campus, while the other had a son that got mugged/had his wallet stolen.
Not sure if this is the line you’re talking about, but when I traveled to Minneapolis and was going to be solely downtown and not renting a car, I’d take the rail to/from the airport. I think it was the Lake St station/area that was always interesting and usually some crazy people got on and off around that station or the one before. But nothing that you wouldn’t see in any other large city.

None of my co-workers would ride it and would instead take a taxi or Uber. I’d spend $1.25 each way but they didn’t want to mess with it. Many of them were afraid of their shadows.

But just to clarify - as I mentioned in an earlier post, I haven’t traveled there much in the last 4-5 years.
Apparently, you didn’t ride that light rail system later in the evenings?
That’s good your son had no issues while going to the U of M. I had two former co-workers who had kids that attended the U of M. One also had no significant issues while on campus, while the other had a son that got mugged/had his wallet stolen.
Was that back in 1978? This is Dinkytown in 2024 >

I was up in the Twin Cities this weekend. My oldest lives up here during the summer and we have several family friends here. Most of them live out in 3rd ring suburbs in the North Metro. They all agree Minneapolis has gone to hell and they avoid it now. Just stay out in the suburbs where there is plenty to do.

Have a friend that lives in Brooklyn Park, a second ring suburb, on the good side (north) of 610. If you know the area you know what I mean. They had their house broken into a few years back and their TV stolen while they were in the house sleeping. Blew my mind that something like that would happen in his neighborhood but that is the current state of things there. He said he's sick of it and would like to move to Wisconsin (Hudson Area).

So, for those of you that are saying "nothing to see here" you are wrong. It's still a great place but it is trending in the wrong direction and is in need of some changes. #1 thing being getting the loons out of control of the inner cities and bringing back some law/order & stability.
I was up in the Twin Cities this weekend. My oldest lives up here during the summer and we have several family friends here. Most of them live out in 3rd ring suburbs in the North Metro. They all agree Minneapolis has gone to hell and they avoid it now. Just stay out in the suburbs where there is plenty to do.

Have a friend that lives in Brooklyn Park, a second ring suburb, on the good side (north) of 610. If you know the area you know what I mean. They had their house broken into a few years back and their TV stolen while they were in the house sleeping. Blew my mind that something like that would happen in his neighborhood but that is the current state of things there. He said he's sick of it and would like to move to Wisconsin (Hudson Area).

So, for those of you that are saying "nothing to see here" you are wrong. It's still a great place but it is trending in the wrong direction and is in need of some changes. #1 thing being getting the loons out of control of the inner cities and bringing back some law/order & stability.
Brooklyn Park you say?

I was up in the Twin Cities this weekend. My oldest lives up here during the summer and we have several family friends here. Most of them live out in 3rd ring suburbs in the North Metro. They all agree Minneapolis has gone to hell and they avoid it now. Just stay out in the suburbs where there is plenty to do.

Have a friend that lives in Brooklyn Park, a second ring suburb, on the good side (north) of 610. If you know the area you know what I mean. They had their house broken into a few years back and their TV stolen while they were in the house sleeping. Blew my mind that something like that would happen in his neighborhood but that is the current state of things there. He said he's sick of it and would like to move to Wisconsin (Hudson Area).

So, for those of you that are saying "nothing to see here" you are wrong. It's still a great place but it is trending in the wrong direction and is in need of some changes. #1 thing being getting the loons out of control of the inner cities and bringing back some law/order & stability.
Second hand anecdotes are fun
I was up in the Twin Cities this weekend. My oldest lives up here during the summer and we have several family friends here. Most of them live out in 3rd ring suburbs in the North Metro. They all agree Minneapolis has gone to hell and they avoid it now. Just stay out in the suburbs where there is plenty to do.

Have a friend that lives in Brooklyn Park, a second ring suburb, on the good side (north) of 610. If you know the area you know what I mean. They had their house broken into a few years back and their TV stolen while they were in the house sleeping. Blew my mind that something like that would happen in his neighborhood but that is the current state of things there. He said he's sick of it and would like to move to Wisconsin (Hudson Area).

So, for those of you that are saying "nothing to see here" you are wrong. It's still a great place but it is trending in the wrong direction and is in need of some changes. #1 thing being getting the loons out of control of the inner cities and bringing back some law/order & stability.
Good thing your friend doesn't live in my neighborhood.
You were there when the house was broken into? I must have misread your post as I read it as that story was told to you by a friend. My mistake.
Ok, no. I was not there at the time of the burglary. But seriously, this isn't a Ferris Bueler case where I heard it from a friend who, heard if from a friend who, heard it from another. So no, I don' consider this anecdotal.
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