The only time I was more scared was when a bigfoot laid on me when I was 12


HR Legend
Mar 29, 2002
So on Sunday nights the wife and I sometimes watch Naked and Afraid. Right now they're doing this big last man standing thing in south africa.
Anyways, after that is over they tend to show re-runs. So we're in bed with the re-run on and this dude is all alone because his partner bailed after 3 days. He's built this whole swiss family robinson house with flip up doors and cots and all sorts of shit.
I'm dozing off when I hear him get spooked by a noise at night and he says "This is the most scared I've been since a big foot laid on me when I was 12!"
I was instantly awake. I look over at the wife (no pics) and she starts laughing her ass off. Apparently I wasn't dreaming and he really said that.
Can you imagine screening this guy for the show? "So yeah, I have good shelter building skills, I can start fire multiple way, oh and I'm afraid of the dark because bigfoot molested me when I was 12."
Yeah, that all sounds great....wait, what?

Here he is on Reddit talking about it.
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