The wheels have fallen off for republicans in Kentucky

So yes is the answer.
No, that’s not a correct characterization to your question because they aren’t going with the guy. They are stuck with the guy. You poor lads need to invent counterpoints, the scales of deplorability are so unbalanced. I feel for you. Perhaps you should switch teams and make things easier for yourself.
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I’m beginning to think the best thing for Dems in 2020 is Trump impeached in the House with a damaging open trial phase, and then watching the Senate let a clear criminal swamp creature walk due to festering corruption in the Republican Party. It’s becoming clear that suburban voters will destroy them.
Wow! The new First Lady of Kentucky is the kind of woman who Donald Trump needs to grab by the ... to get any contact from:
1,2... would do 2 to get to 1.
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I’m beginning to think the best thing for Dems in 2020 is Trump impeached in the House with a damaging open trial phase, and then watching the Senate let a clear criminal swamp creature walk due to festering corruption in the Republican Party. It’s becoming clear that suburban voters will destroy them.
I hope that’s the way it plays out.
I’m beginning to think the best thing for Dems in 2020 is Trump impeached in the House with a damaging open trial phase, and then watching the Senate let a clear criminal swamp creature walk due to festering corruption in the Republican Party. It’s becoming clear that suburban voters will destroy them.
In some ways it would be ideal if Ds could get the Senate and then keep Trump around to represent republicans for another 4 years.
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I'm actually referencing Republicans , in general. as to what the Florida Sec. of State did with the "hanging chads' that gave the Bush/Gore election to Bush in 2000.

BTW: It was actually Katherine Harris, not Bondi, in Florida.
O look someone pushing conspiracy theories.
Have to wonder what effect last night has on the Republican arrogance and insistence on defending Trump at all costs.

Trump has pretty much destroyed many of the current crop of republicans who aren't in deep, deep red states. If they push back against Trump, his cult will absolutely turn on them and try to destroy them. If they don't, the more sane voters who would normally vote Republican are going to turn on them.

I do hope that this sets up Moscow Mitch going down.
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I do hope that this sets up Moscow Mitch going down.
I don't. I want the Senate to turn blue, and I want that prick to have to sit in the minority and have a little broom closet in the basement for an office and watch Dems change rules, slow walk legislation, and generally undo as much of the shit as the can that he has greenlighted during his career.

Unfortunately, I don't know if a sitting Senate Leader has ever lost an election. But a guy can always hope.
In some ways it would be ideal if Ds could get the Senate and then keep Trump around to represent republicans for another 4 years.

I have never wanted him to be impeached - I want someone to beat his ass in 2020. If Trump is actually removed, he will have bought himself lifetime relevance. Every tweet, every public speech, will be in the news everyday.

The Fed is going to change interest rates - what does Trump think? Troop deployment - what does Trump think? Congress declares Tuesday the Official Day of the Taco - wonder what DT thinks?
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There is definitely a trend developing. A lot of the GOP members of the House and Senate are going to have things to consider as impeachment goes further. For example, Moscow Mitch has even worse approval numbers than Bevin...

There is a dramatic rise in young voters showing up for Democrats and independents are not buying into the Trump cult the GOP has become. If they were smart, they would stop protecting him from the obvious impeachable offenses and let him hang next month. They have plenty of time to reverse this course by November 2020. Another 52 weeks of Trump debasement, and they will likely lose White House and Senate.
Defend the Constitution, or defend Trump? Golly. Tough decision.
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Don't leave out the punchline, he wasn't well liked because he was trying to take away healthcare options. Every GOP Senator and Representative has the same problem.
That's your take. Others - including the Dem candidates - think Warren is the one with the "problem" as it relates to taking away healthcare options.
We will see.
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Bevin losing has absolutely nothing to do with Trump, but I am sure liberals will spin it that way, since they don't have much else to clingto

Kentucky has had 3 Republican governors since 1945 and Bevins was hated more than Obama in Kentucky.

Its really not a big deal.
When I grew up there, everybody voted for the democratic party. Going back to 1851 or so, 80% of KY governors have been democrats. Andy's daddy has been involved in KY politics forever.
So 1.8 million voted in Kentucky in 2016. only 1.4 million voted in an election where Governor was the only thing on the ballot. The Dem got about 60,000 more votes than Hillary did and 500,000 Trump people did not vote
I have never wanted him to be impeached - I want someone to beat his ass in 2020. If Trump is actually removed, he will have bought himself lifetime relevance. Every tweet, every public speech, will be in the news everyday.

The Fed is going to change interest rates - what does Trump think? Troop deployment - what does Trump think? Congress declares Tuesday the Official Day of the Taco - wonder what DT thinks?
I don’t necessarily want him removed either, impeachment doesn’t do that. I want him and his supporters chastised. Impeachment is more about revenge and payback in my book. I don’t expect the Senate to convict.

I think it would be great to keep Trump around as the face of the GOP for as long as possible. I hope he lives another thirty years defining conservatives. He promises to cripple that deplorable political philosophy for a generation or more. Let’s do everything we can to keep him relevant.
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LOLz at this. KY GOP has a super majority in both chambers. Dems will be able to do jack shit. KY governor was wildly unpopular and lucky it was as close as it was thanks to Trump.
Agreed. Bevin pissed off teachers trying to save save their pensions and saying a few things he wished he didn’t. Republicans rolled to large victories everywhere else. The MAGA effect is still strong. Surprised Bevin didn’t lose by a much larger margin.
Agreed. Bevin pissed off teachers trying to save save their pensions and saying a few things he wished he didn’t. Republicans rolled to large victories everywhere else. The MAGA effect is still strong. Surprised Bevin didn’t lose by a much larger margin.
I don’t necessarily want him removed either, impeachment doesn’t do that. I want him and his supporters chastised. Impeachment is more about revenge and payback in my book. I don’t expect the Senate to convict.

I think it would be great to keep Trump around as the face of the GOP for as long as possible. I hope he lives another thirty years defining conservatives. He promises to cripple that deplorable political philosophy for a generation or more. Let’s do everything we can to keep him relevant.

Yeah, but in 30 years, I'll be dead. :(;)
In a far lesser known election tonight, the Democrats have won a majority in the City Council elections in Columbus, IN tonight for the first time in...evah?

"So what?", you say?

Well, Columbus, IN is the home town of our current VP, Mike Pence.

Indiana hated what Pence did as Governor. If he somehow was the Republican candidate in 2020 it wouldn't surprise me if he lost that state.
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Lexington has always been a liberal stronghold. Hillary won Lexington and Fayette county in 2016. Again, no news. A three-legged moose loaded on PCP could win Lexington if it had a D next to its name.
It was way more than Lexington, and you know it. See that glob of 5 counties in the south east? That's coal country, man. Coal country.

That's a whole lot of gold counties that Trump won that Beshear won as well. 21 to be exact. Compared to the 2 that Clinton and he won. A lot of em are rural too.

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@Hawk It Up

You're right. He wasn't trailing 12 points. He was trailing 19 points.

Most recent
Governor approval ratings:
50. Gov. Matt Bevin (R) - Kentucky

> Popularity: 34% approve; 53% disapprove
> Current term: Dec. 2015 - Dec. 2019
> Governor's salary: $148,781 (23rd highest)
> 2018 state unemployment: 4.3% (10th highest)]

Trump dragged his sorry, pathetic ass 19 points and almost got the most unpopular governor in the country re-elected.

You can now return to your previously scheduled knob slobbering.
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@Hawk It Up

You're right. He wasn't trailing 12 points. He was trailing 19 points.

Most recent
Governor approval ratings:
50. Gov. Matt Bevin (R) - Kentucky

> Popularity: 34% approve; 53% disapprove
> Current term: Dec. 2015 - Dec. 2019
> Governor's salary: $148,781 (23rd highest)
> 2018 state unemployment: 4.3% (10th highest)]

Trump dragged his sorry, pathetic ass 19 points and almost got the most unpopular governor in the country re-elected.

You can now return to your previously scheduled knob slobbering.
So they polled 5,000 voters across the country... or an average of 100 per State. LOeffingL
I was hoping you'd try harder.
Don’t make excuses, don’t try to deflect. Accept that you have made some poor choices and there are consequences.
No excuses. I don't live in Kentucky.
Trump was not on this ballot, but the leftists are making this about Trump.
That was my point. If you and your fellow dims insist otherwise, not my problem.
Got it?
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Indiana hated what Pence did as Governor. If he somehow was the Republican candidate in 2020 it wouldn't surprise me if he lost that state.
Yeah, Trump probably resurrected his political career with the VP position. He may have been defeated for re-election as governor if he hadn't gone the VP route. I know he wouldn't have had my vote.