There is no genocide in Gaza

Can you answer these questions, please?

Should they be free to bomb the ‘civilian spaces’ that Hamas utilizes?
Or should Hamas utilization of ‘civilian spaces’ give them immunity to the IDF?

So because hamas has had weapons in hospitals before all hospitals are free game? All schools?

Anywhere Hamas puts weapons is fair game in my eyes.

It really is amazing how differently you view this conflict than others.

I think you’re confusing the prosecution of war with my preference for our nation not to join other nation’s wars and make them our own, or worse instigate new wars abroad.
I hate that shit, but a lot of people still want to elect warmongers, irrespective of their history and failures.

The IDF controls all of Gaza, they don't need to bomb the shit out of hospitals and schools. If they think there are fighters or weapons somewhere, go in and get them.

Easier to do when the dust settles from the bomb.
Their data indicates that there are 30K total deaths, comprising 17K civilians and 13K Hamas fighters.

Can you answer these questions, please?

Should they be free to bomb the ‘civilian spaces’ that Hamas utilizes?
Or should Hamas utilization of ‘civilian spaces’ give them immunity to the IDF?

Anywhere Hamas puts weapons is fair game in my eyes.

I think you’re confusing the prosecution of war with my preference for our nation not to join other nation’s wars and make them our own, or worse instigate new wars abroad.
I hate that shit, but a lot of people still want to elect warmongers, irrespective of their history and failures.

Easier to do when the dust settles from the bomb.
Israel should be free to run operations on sites they believe harbor terrorists.
We should condemn when that action is dropping 1000lb bombs on civilian targets.
It's not that hard to understand. We have missiles made of freaking sword blades to avoid the kind of casualties that they seem to be happy to cause.
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Israel should be free to run operations on sites they believe harbor terrorists.
We should condemn when that action is dropping 1000lb bombs on civilian targets.

When Hamas uses a ‘civilian target’ to stockpile weapons, should Israel be ‘free to run operations’ on that site?

It's not that hard to understand.

Your caveats appear to be contradictory with regards to this scenario, that’s why I’m trying to get you to answer the question I asked instead of the one you construct for yourself.
When Hamas uses a ‘civilian target’ to stockpile weapons, should Israel be ‘free to run operations’ on that site?

Your caveats appear to be contradictory with regards to this scenario, that’s why I’m trying to get you to answer the question I asked instead of the one you construct for yourself.
One I construct myself? LOLOLOLOLOLOL

Me: Hamas sucks, but Israel should stop killing children.
You all: Why do you hate jews??!!
Me: Uh, Jews are great, but Israel is doing terrible shit under the cover of self defense.
You all: Hamas kills babies!!!!!!!!
Me: Right, they're terrible, they should be killed.
You all: Then why do you love them!!??!?!?!
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Maybe Belem would believe it if UNWRA said it.

Let’s see:

UNRWA condemns placement of rockets, for a second time, in one of its schools

Probably never did it again. I’d bet Belem’s life on it.


22 July 2014

Hey, Smart Guy. Look at the date on your posted link.

You come across as just another disinformation spreader, too.

Do better.

UNRWA Jabalia Elementary “C” and Ayyobiya Boys School on 22 July 2014

The Secretary-General convened a UN HQ Board of Inquiry (BOI) on 10 November 2014 in order to investigate a number of incidents between 8 July and 26 August 2014 affecting or involving United Nations personnel, premises and operations, including the report of the presence of weaponry at this school. The Secretary-General released a summary of the BOI report on 27 April 2015 (S/2015/286). The summary indicates that the items found were not rockets; the Board concluded that it was highly likely that a Palestinian armed group might have used the premises to hide weapons but was unable to confirm with certainty what type of weapon might have been hidden at the school.
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It is truly incredible the lengths the Israelis are going to in order to limit civilian casualties. They should be commended.
Bibi is a disgrace of a leader. He's as big of a warmonger as they come. His stance is what got PM Rabin assassinated back in '95 and should have ended Bibi's political career, but unfortunately didn't.
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Yeah, you got it exactly right, that's right when the conflict started. Nothing before that.
Like 1948 when the Arab community attacked Israeli 24 hrs after the UN put the stamp on statehood?

Like 1967 and the 7-day war when the Arab community attacked Israel?

Which prior conflict would you suggest lumping in with October 7th?

Further, can you suggest one military tactic the IDF could utilize to attack Hamas and ensure there are no civilian casualties?
My point is, this board gets tiresome when the only "news source" seems to be some random person I've never actually heard of. Maybe everyone knows Ido Halbany, but I've never heard of this guy.
Well, I’ve heard of Charlie Kirk but I don’t give any credence to his opinions either.
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22 July 2014

Hey, Smart Guy. Look at the date on your posted link.

You think they quit doing that?
That’s the hill you’re standing on?
That Hamas reformed, and moved on to gunning down kids at concerts?
That date makes my point. This shit ain’t new, even if it’s news to Belem.

You come across as just another disinformation spreader, too.

How is it disinformation to show Hamas has a history of repeatedly using UN schools to hide weapons by citing the UN’s press release on their website?
Should I have cited some dude on Twitter for authority instead?
It's has become a BS defense for the killing of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians. Bibi is a monster and warmonger. He only knows force.

It’s estimated that at least 3,000 French civilians were killed on D-Day. Many of them would have died in Allied bombardment, which went on for months after the initial invasion. Counting the long years of the war, the total number of French civilians killed by American and British bombing is estimated to be 50,000.
Who made the choice to corner a majority of Palestinians into an even smaller area and then bomb it, knowing full well they were sending thousands of children to their deaths?
a) that didn’t happen (no attacks in central Rafah and extreme SW Gaza)

b) do you have any ideas to propose that would help eliminate Hamas and ensure no civilian casualties? Or, do you just like to criticize and offer no helpful suggestions??
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a) that didn’t happen (no attacks in central Rafah and extreme SW Gaza)

b) do you have any ideas to propose that would help eliminate Hamas and ensure no civilian casualties? Or, do you just like to criticize and offer no helpful suggestions??
Hamas won’t be eliminated. Its naive to believe they will be. So what’s the goal?
You think they quit doing that?
That’s the hill you’re standing on?
That Hamas reformed, and moved on to gunning down kids at concerts?
That date makes my point. This shit ain’t new, even if it’s news to Belem.

How is it disinformation to show Hamas has a history of repeatedly using UN schools to hide weapons by citing the UN’s press release on their website?
Should I have cited some dude on Twitter for authority instead?
You're the one who cited a false source to justify killing innocent women and children, not me. Your own source acknowledged from 10 years ago that no Rockets were found.

The hill I am standing on is that people that think Hamas can be destroyed are clueless and actually believe that Hamas can be totally destroyed. Hamas is an ideology and cannot be destroyed by people who think a hammer is the solution to all problems.

The only solution to destroying "Hamas" is itself an ideology of genocide, and yet you claim to not support genocide. You cannot see that.

Ideologies live on.

Tell me this if you want to "destroy" Hamas. Why hasn't Israel already done this after multiple failed attempts?

Better yet. Do we still have Nazi idealism in the world today? If so why? Didn't we kill all of the Nazis in WWII?

Where is the end to the killing, especially for the innocents?

I don't think there is anything real about an actual cage match, is there?

Think about it.
You're the one who cited a false source to justify killing innocent women and children, not me. Your own source acknowledged from 10 years ago that no Rockets were found.

False? It’s the UN’s press release on the UN’s website, dipshit.
What is your evidence it is false? Zero.

You’re quibbling about the type of weapons found in the school.
Can you clarify what type of weapons you consider acceptable for Hamas to stockpile at a school?

The hill I am standing on is that people that think Hamas can be destroyed are clueless and actually believe that Hamas can be totally destroyed. Hamas is an ideology and cannot be destroyed by people who think a hammer is the solution to all problems.

Is the Nazi ideology ‘destroyed’, or does it still have adherents?
Is the Nazi ideology running any countries today and attacking their neighbors?

The only solution to destroying "Hamas" is itself an ideology of genocide, and yet you claim to not support genocide. You cannot see that.

Is the argument that Palestinians will never renounce war?

How did the Allies instill pacifism in post-WW2 Germany and Japan?
What was the method?

Tell me this if you want to "destroy" Hamas. Why hasn't Israel already done this after multiple failed attempts?

Israel hasn’t tried to remove Hamas from power in Gaza before.

Better yet. Do we still have Nazi idealism in the world today? If so why? Didn't we kill all of the Nazis in WWII?

Where is the end to the killing, especially for the innocents?

Which countries are the Nazis running? Did we leave them in power to ‘save’ innocents?
Why not?
Why didn’t FDR seek a ceasefire after the Normandy invasion killed thousands and thousands of innocent French civilians?
Can you name a reason? Can you even think of one?
All the people wanting an Israel to stop and leave Hamas in power NEVER answer this question.
They can’t ever explain why it was ok to kill 190,000 civilians on Okinawa to get at 90,000 troops, and then not offer a ceasefire, but just keep on killing until the Japanese surrendered.
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With that attitude it won’t be.

The goal is to eradicate Hamas.
That won’t happen, though. While they can certainly harm the top leadership of Hamas, complete elimination will remain elusive. With tens of thousands of Palestinians dead, new recruits continue to join Hamas daily.

Did you know that Bibi played a pivotal role in shaping Hamas into its current form? He not only allowed but actively encouraged funding—billions of dollars—from Qatar to flow into Hamas.

Bibi’s leadership style tends to escalate conflicts, pushing his country toward war with misguided policies. His track record reflects this propensity. Israel would likely benefit from his removal from a leadership position.
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