This is a defining moment in US history. Time to declare sides- America or Russia

I didn't ask about collusion - I asked if Putin had stated "we did it" would you believe him. Stop making up crap that isn't there.
I don't have to believe anything he says. The question is do YOU take his word over the unanimous findings of the US intelligence community? Yes or no? Answer the damn question.
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Oh man Tradition, emotionally defending an Orange surrender monkey who debased himself in front of a dictator and former KGB agent. Nixon and Regean both turned over in their graves.


Debased himself? That's an odd characterization of what Trump said today.

I guess it might have been demoralizing for our spooks, but Trump has been their boss for a year and a half and maybe he's not impressed with their work?

So....the options are down to "He made a mistake and must correct it immediately" or "He is complicit in treason".

Neither of those make you look so good, Newt.
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Oh how the mighty have fallen, Tradition, inspired by Regean and now reationalyzing Trump as if he was capable of the FBI.

It's almost like Trump's the "dumb kid" of all world leaders, and Putin just wanted to see if he'd ACTUALLY DO IT...

All the rest of the oligarchs are like:

"No WAY, Putin!!! You'll NEVER get him to do that! I got 5% shares in Gazprom against your $200M that he won't do it"

I didn't ask about collusion - I asked if Putin had stated "we did it" would you believe him. Stop making up crap that isn't there.

Let me jump in here. Hell no I would not believe Putin. I would not believe trump. In order to believe someone, I would need a history of him telling the truth, and we have none of that from either one. We do have facts from our intelligence community. If you trust Putin or trump over them, then you are one sorry person.
The same US intelligence that gave the go ahead to get the WMD's in Iraq?[/

No, it was the intelligence community that could not find WMDs, but Bush and Cheney lied and pushed that narrative until people believed their lies. Do you see a pattern here with your republicans?
Already debunked. Nor would this be happening if Obama didn't overthrow a democratically elected leader in Ukraine and then back an ethnic cleansing program in SE Ukraine by financing and arming the neo-nazi, Right Sector. Why cleanse there? Because 90% of SEU voted for Yanukovych. If we care about democracy, why didn't we put him back in office?
You didn't even answer my question.

What makes you trust the Russian government?
I don't trust any elected official...Putin included. Government accomplishes their goals at the barrel of a gun. With the private sector, I can always vote with my wallet.
Right, right, it was really Obama and Hillary throwing their voices.
You bore me russian troll.
God. what a tired phrase. It's the internet's rubber stamp. Get new material. Who is closer to Ukraine? Russia or the USA? Who sticks their nose with 800 bases in 100 plus countries? And you have the chutzpah to claim we're innocent?

There was zero outrage when FDR snuggled his head in Uncle Joe Stalin's lap when he had 35 million murdered under his regime. Maybe because friends in high places like Averrill Harriman received a 20 year monopoly concession on the production of all magnesium coming out of the USSR. But, post Communism, where the USSR has retracted its reach, is the Devil himself. Saudi Arabia and Israel are our allies as they commit genocide and host the largest outdoor concentration camp respectively. Maybe our Oligarchs are pissed because Putin got rid of Yeltsin (Clinton's puppet), who betrayed his countrymen as western businessman were draining Russia of its natural resources and taking their money out. For that, Putin is enemy #1. So, keep your head in the sand, you ignorant twit.
God. what a tired phrase. It's the internet's rubber stamp. Get new material. Who is closer to Ukraine? Russia or the USA? Who sticks their nose with 800 bases in 100 plus countries? And you have the chutzpah to claim we're innocent?

It is YOU, who have the gall to claim we are "the same". The US government doesn't run around killing political opposition, and reporters.

Whataboutism is your 'thing', Komrade.
God. what a tired phrase. It's the internet's rubber stamp. Get new material. Who is closer to Ukraine? Russia or the USA? Who sticks their nose with 800 bases in 100 plus countries? And you have the chutzpah to claim we're innocent?

There was zero outrage when FDR snuggled his head in Uncle Joe Stalin's lap when he had 35 million murdered under his regime. Maybe because friends in high places like Averrill Harriman received a 20 year monopoly concession on the production of all magnesium coming out of the USSR. But, post Communism, where the USSR has retracted its reach, is the Devil himself. Saudi Arabia and Israel are our allies as they commit genocide and host the largest outdoor concentration camp respectively. Maybe our Oligarchs are pissed because Putin got rid of Yeltsin (Clinton's puppet), who betrayed his countrymen as western businessman were draining Russia of its natural resources and taking their money out. For that, Putin is enemy #1. So, keep your head in the sand, you ignorant twit.
Your posts are always so long and always include lots of "stuff," but that's all it is...just "stuff," and you come off sounding like the schizophrenic from A Beautiful Mind.

Nobody reads your crap anymore. It's all Russia noise from you.
Your posts are always so long and always include lots of "stuff," but that's all it is...just "stuff," and you come off sounding like the schizophrenic from A Beautiful Mind.

Nobody reads your crap anymore. It's all Russia noise from you.
I'll dumb it down for your level next time. Maybe a bumper sticker.
It is YOU, who have the gall to claim we are "the same". The US government doesn't run around killing political opposition, and reporters.

Whataboutism is your 'thing', Komrade.
You're a frigging hypocrite and a John Bircher. Here come the Commies. Look out! Don't panic, Chief. Russia has the GDP of Italy. OTOH, the neocons(think Joe's Place) lust for nuclear primacy.

But you're a looney-tunes Russian sympathizer. You effin' commie.
I'm not the one posting Instagram posts from Commie John Brennan encouraging a revolt in our country. You're being manipulated. And it's your statist ass that votes for candidates that endorse the 2nd and 5th planks of the Communist Manifesto, you frigging POS. See how that works? Probably not. Look who I'm conversing with.
It is YOU, who have the gall to claim we are "the same". The US government doesn't run around killing political opposition, and reporters.

Whataboutism is your 'thing', Komrade.
Unfamiliar with LBJ, huh? A list as long as the Dead Sea Scrolls of people who dared cross the Clinton's. Seth Rich disagrees also.
You're bringing up THAT myth?

Guess who's NOT mentioned in the DNC hacking indictments? Yep. Seth Rich.
They also don't talk about the Podesta e-mails and how the primary was fixed against Bernie. I always love when Barney Fife makes a ruling before an investigation begins.
Oh for sure GOP would have crapped bricks. I get your point of "at the time" but if were gonna scream accountability for Trump here it still means under Obama's admin this stuff shouldn't have happened! Just because we weren't fully aware doesnt make it ok.. Means there were several holes. I also agree though that you wont stop everything and stuff is going to happen! Its not easy..

Solving a mystery before you have the evidence or even know for certain the extent of which a crime was even being committed. Sounds like FDR should be blamed for Pearl Harbor. Both are ridiculous arguments.
Seriously, for the first time since that man was elected, I am actually fearful of the future of this country.

This administration is showing us all just how far the people who have hitched-their-wagon to Donald Trump are willing to ride it. They are more attached to Donald Trump than they are the legacy of their country and ancestry.

They're more attached to "hating liberals" than they are to the larger preservation of the principles the country was supposed to be founded upon to persevere. It's pretty amazing to watch it happen in person.

Not this conservative
1. Same agency, there tactics don't change. Trust me was in for 12 years of military and 5 on FEMA.
2. Yep.
3. I can put an apostrophe where ever the hell I want to.
4. It all starts with dialogue, unless you just want all out war.
I read #4 as you would blow Putin also...just like your pathetic Trump.