This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

What are everyone’s thoughts on America implementing a no-fly zone?

Well I'm on record as saying we should have put a half a million troops in Ukraine once Russia's buildup started and told Putin to make our day.

So yes I'll take a no fly zone. We should be bombing the shit out of Russian military units in the Ukraine right now.

Yes it's scary standing up to a nuclear power but we have nukes too. Truman stood up to them with the Berlin airlift. Kennedy stood up to them with the blockade of Cuba.
What are everyone’s thoughts on America implementing a no-fly zone?
Not really sure that the risk:benefit makes sense.

First, it's harder to do than you think.
Second, I don't know that it makes sense in that I've honestly not really seen much to suggest that Russia's advances have been air (rather than ground) driven.
Third, while I am of the view that we should have been on the ground before this started (to make the risk of starting it in the first place higher), I get the rationale of not doing so so as to be able to say we are not escalating to threaten Russia. This would change that, and probably in a bad way in terms of the Russian mindset.

To be extra clear, I would very much be against a us air role in air-to-ground attack, for the reasons in "third" and because we don't need another set of highway of death pics on the internet. My bro was there for that one and wasn't a fan.
"Mom, you raised an idiot"

I wish we could stop feeling bad for these morons or the Russian people that are now suffering economically. They could take to the streets, en masse, whenever they truly wanted in order to stop this
Many are conscripts. You cannot blame them. They had no choice, literally.
Ukraine should be the ones calling for a no fly zone with the exception of who can fly over its airspace. The US and any Ukrainian ally should be able to land supplies and weapons as requested by Ukraine - it's a sovereign and this is simply international trade. If/when Russia shoots down one of our aircraft, that's an act of war
China is Russia, but with WAY more money and control over their population

Not remotely comparable, and a far greater threat if they started "colonizing" the world's resources.
China has been a civilization far longer than Europe, or Russia. They are content to play the long game. And they have had near-zero colonial aspirations for centuries. They want to "win" by becoming economically powerful. They have little-to-no interest in physical empire building or colonizing -- that is too expensive in blood and treasure when you can reap far more benefits by being among the wealthiest of the global superpowers without trying to manage recalcitrant overseas possessions with your military.
We should promise Kazakstan some serious dinero if they invade Southern Russia and promise them they can keep all the minerals and Oil of land they conquer. At least it would distract Putin. They don't have any forces left to deploy.
Hopefully this thread can make it to 100 pages without it turning into a complete political pissing match. Can some of you please stop with your politics in this thread. This thread is meant for updates on the war, not your stupid politics.
Again, you cannot discuss war without discussing politics. How about we ask people to refrain from personal attacks instead?

Time to warm up the C-17's for a modern day Berlin airlift.

And I still think it's time to at the very least declare a no fly zone over Ukraine. . . for Russian aircraft that is.

I've been thinking about the Berlin air lifts a lot. Especially when people get weak knee-ed about Putin's nukes. If they legit siege Ukrainian cities, I think you'll see it.

And then we'll see if Putin has the poor sense to shoot down an American plane.

As for a no-fly zone...I don't think anyone really wants to go there, but I think they will if they have to. If you get a true siege situation, and especially if they attack Western attempts to resupply Kyiv...yeah I think you could see it.

I may be wrong, but I think the West is too far in on this to back out now. I think this goes all the way, even if I'm not sure what all the way means. But I think no fly is on the table.

Every western country has their populace strongly behind Ukraine. Western businesses have sacrificed billions to divest and disrupt their interests in Russia. Ukraine rules social media. Any political leader that says "Ok, we're serious, but we're not THAT serious" is going to pay with their political futures.
I feel like we should be doing something more with our allies. What that is, I don't know. But if we stand by and let him shell innocent civilians, history will frown on us as well
Can't imagine the angst of the people who make those decisions. Seeing and knowing what is happening, but fear risking so much more if decide to intervene in a way that would set Putin off against NATO.
I've been thinking about the Berlin air lifts a lot. Especially when people get weak knee-ed about Putin's nukes. If they legit siege Ukrainian cities, I think you'll see it.

And then we'll see if Putin has the poor sense to shoot down an American plane.

As for a no-fly zone...I don't think anyone really wants to go there, but I think they will if they have to. If you get a true siege situation, and especially if they attack Western attempts to resupply Kyiv...yeah I think you could see it.

I may be wrong, but I think the West is too far in on this to back out now. I think this goes all the way, even if I'm not sure what all the way means. But I think no fly is on the table.

Every western country has their populace strongly behind Ukraine. Western businesses have sacrificed billions to divest and disrupt their interests in Russia. Ukraine rules social media. Any political leader that says "Ok, we're serious, but we're not THAT serious" is going to pay with their political futures.

If you ask me Ukraine can only hold off so long, even with re-supplies constantly coming in from the US. And Putin does not seem likely to back down unless Ukraine disarms itself so his next invasion will be easy.
What are everyone’s thoughts on America implementing a no-fly zone?
Against it.

Broadening the conflict at this time could lead to full scale Euro war -a disastrous development - and would likely cause the Russian populace to rally around Putin at a time when his domestic support is eroding rapidly. Isolating Russia is proving effective so far.

Continue to supply Ukranians with armaments and necessary supplies while ratcheting up the sanctions and pressure.
I can say this, if US soldiers did this...BIG BIG BIG trouble. back in paper days, losing your SOI was really bad, like way worse than losing all of your equipment bad.

Probably shouldn't have put it on twitter. Now the Russians will likely change their frequencies.

But the Russian army doesn't seem all that well trained. We've seen people in tractors stealing Russian equipment. They look like amateurs.
Against it.

Broadening the conflict at this time could lead to full scale Euro war -a disastrous development - and would likely cause the Russian populace to rally around Putin at a time when his domestic support is eroding rapidly. Isolating Russia is proving effective so far.

Continue to supply Ukranians with armaments and necessary supplies while ratcheting up the sanctions and pressure.


Just pour weapons and foreign soldiers into Ukraine.
You guys ever seen a A-10 from up close do its thing? As much as I love the sechs, that right there is a rekshun. She's designed for one thing only. Decimating armor. Seeing that and his wingman fly and having a harrier jump set essentially levitate at my nose height are memories that I will take with me forever. Ahh I can still smell the jet fuel. The A-10 used to come to the now canceled/deceased qca air show. It was a great time.
Saw where former General Petraeus is urging caution as to how far the West pushes Putin into a corner.
I can see the concern but am more on the side that this is our chance to get rid of the monster.

He's another boomer that thinks this is the cold war. Russia is stretched too thin, can't take Ukraine, and its economy has collapsed. You go for the jugular and rid the world of their tyranny once and for all
You guys ever seen a A-10 from up close do its thing? As much as I love the sechs, that right there is a rekshun. She's designed for one thing only. Decimating armor. Seeing that and his wingman fly and having a harrier jump set essentially levitate at my nose height are memories that I will take with me forever. Ahh I can still smell the jet fuel. The A-10 used to come to the now canceled/deceased qca air show. It was a great time.
They can also fly with B-17 levels of damage. God bless the noble Warthog.
He's another boomer that thinks this is the cold war. Russia is stretched too thin, can't take Ukraine, and its economy has collapsed. You go for the jugular and rid the world of their tyranny once and for all
They have nuclear weapons. We do need to be careful. Putin’s lost it, and we need to make sure he doesn’t take everyone down with him.

Just pour weapons and foreign soldiers into Ukraine.
We have hundreds of virtually invisible stealth fighter and bombers, and we need to start having them hitting Russian columns and concentrations, and especially those TOS fuel-air bomb launchers.