This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

There are a plethora of ways for people close enough to him and his inner circle to assassinate Putin without using conventional weapons, somebody just has to actually do it.

Can't believe I just wrote that, but it might be the only option available to prevent the absolute worst possible outcomes, on the world stage.

Putin is officially in an absolute no-win scenario, even if does eventually succeed in taking Kyiv & Ukraine through force. And a desperate Putin, backed into a little dark corner, is not a position anyone wants to see happen.
pocket knifes/caesar?
Against it.

Broadening the conflict at this time could lead to full scale Euro war -a disastrous development - and would likely cause the Russian populace to rally around Putin at a time when his domestic support is eroding rapidly. Isolating Russia is proving effective so far.

Continue to supply Ukranians with armaments and necessary supplies while ratcheting up the sanctions and pressure.

Not a history buff I see. Go back and study Red October of 1917.
He's another boomer that thinks this is the cold war. Russia is stretched too thin, can't take Ukraine, and its economy has collapsed. You go for the jugular and rid the world of their tyranny once and for all

I think they eventually will take Ukraine.

I don't think people in my generation are used to full on hot wars of intense fighting going on for a long time. But this could go on for a long time.

Poland took 6 weeks for the Nazi's to over-run and we talk about it in history as though the Poles were helpless against the Nazi onslaught.

We shouldn't get too excited because the Ukrainians have managed to hold on for a week.

Granted I don't think Putin expected it to take this long but I also don't think he's close to giving up nor do I think he's really close to losing power.

Of course I hope I'm wrong about that. I'd be happy as hell if in 15 minutes we read reports of Russians storming the Kremlin and hauling Putin out.
As the two delegations sit and have 'peace talks' in Belarus.

F* Putin!!!

The lowest levels of Hell are too good for this POS.

There is a near zero percent chance these talks are for show and an intentional distraction for Russia to pursue their goals.

The Russians will not negotiate in good faith.

I repeat: the Russians WILL NOT not negotiate in good faith.
You guys ever seen a A-10 from up close do its thing? As much as I love the sechs, that right there is a rekshun. She's designed for one thing only. Decimating armor. Seeing that and his wingman fly and having a harrier jump set essentially levitate at my nose height are memories that I will take with me forever. Ahh I can still smell the jet fuel. The A-10 used to come to the now canceled/deceased qca air show. It was a great time.

I watched an A-10 do it's thing for real. It was great until we started realizing there were actual people on the receiving end, then we got kind of depressed.
I'm beginning to think the Russian military is not what Putin wants everyone to think it is. We know we can't believe anything that Putin says. The past 40 years have been a struggle financially for Russia. I don't think they have invested the money in the military like everyone else. Putin loves using scare tactics. I think they are reeling. The scary part is at some point the nukes will be all they have left. Let's hope he doesn't use them,
You guys ever seen a A-10 from up close do its thing? As much as I love the sechs, that right there is a rekshun. She's designed for one thing only. Decimating armor. Seeing that and his wingman fly and having a harrier jump set essentially levitate at my nose height are memories that I will take with me forever. Ahh I can still smell the jet fuel. The A-10 used to come to the now canceled/deceased qca air show. It was a great time.
I periodically golf at a place in South Central PA near Gettysburg, not too far from Camp David and Raven Rock. So pretty hilly with narrow valleys. One day A-10-s were taking runs up the valley - they'd come out of nowwhere from behind a mountain top, streak down the valley, and be gone. But you could see the whole maneuverability/loitering ability even then.
I wish it did anything other than burn their own arms.
This is a conversation about ehat is currently happening in Ukraine. If you want to talk about Natos response I don't think anyone would complain. Pisspants bring Trump in every chance he gets is not needed and has been directly requested to GTFO.
It’s not just about what is happening in Ukraine. It’s also about how it got to this point and Trump is a part of that discussion. I understand why you don’t want to discuss it but it doesn’t make it any less true. I’d argue it needs to be discussed to avoid putting someone in the WH again that doesn’t have the USA’s best interests in mind.
You just can't f***ing admit reality, can you?

No, denial is the most powerful human emotion. @Whiskeydeltadeltatango pulls denial over himself when he goes to sleep at night.

Admitting he was wrong about Trump would be tantamount to emotional hari kari for him. Trump support is a large part of his sense of self.

He is incapable of decoupling support for Trump from his own being because he is mentally and emotionally immature and or damaged. He likely needs intensive therapy for various personal disorders. He is not getting the help he needs, so he will continue to vent here in support of #PutintsPuppet and his political positions that he has co-opted as his own.
Seeing what the US military has at it's disposal, it's kind of depressing that the previous President took $$$ from the military budget to erect that 193 feet of wall at the southern border.

The power of the US military is a huge deterrent to fvck with Merica.
Things are getting tight around here.

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I thought the Russian force would be more updated than we're seeing. It reminds me of a story a colleague had. He was invited to give a talk at a Russian agricultural college. He saved his powerpoint to a thumb drive and didn't think much of it. When he got there, they didn't have a computer with a usb port or anything to connect his laptop. All their tech was outdated. It was like living 40 years in the past.
Amazing thread, which I have followed from the beginning. I have lurked on HROT for years, so I get al the inside jokes on here. Anyways, as some have mentioned, I can't kick this feeling that that Nat Algren guy was actually, literally, a Russian Bot. I mean that is all he ever posted and he hasn't been back since. And it seems insane to think a Russian Bot would post on an Iowa Hawkeye Off Topic Message Board, but WTF do I know. Honestly it seems like the most logical answer is he actually was a Russian bot.

Occam's Razor. He always defended the Kremlin position, always.

The first thing one needs to do to defend the Kremlin position, is to know what it is. What legit American would seek out the Kremlin position on anything and then bother to go to the trouble to defend it on a message board?

Simple answer: a Russian troll.