This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...


DERP...sTaY oN ToPiC!!


No, denial is the most powerful human emotion. @Whiskeydeltadeltatango pulls denial over himself when he goes to sleep at night.

Admitting he was wrong about Trump would be tantamount to emotional hari kari for him. Trump support is a large part of his sense of self.

He is incapable of decoupling support for Trump from his own being because he is mentally and emotionally immature and or damaged. He likely needs intensive therapy for various personal disorders. He is not getting the help he needs, so he will continue to vent here in support of #PutintsPuppet and his political positions that he has co-opted as his own.

I don't read Urkainian, but I do believe the red circles and arrows are there for a reason.

I know, I'm just trying to determine how likely they are to succeed. A molotov just sets fire to something. But the fire doesn't seem hot enough to melt anything on the tank.
I know, I'm just trying to determine how likely they are to succeed. A molotov just sets fire to something. But the fire doesn't seem hot enough to melt anything on the tank.
I wish I could say more but at this time, we have exhausted my knowledge of molotov cocktails.
I know, I'm just trying to determine how likely they are to succeed. A molotov just sets fire to something. But the fire doesn't seem hot enough to melt anything on the tank.
I think the goal is that a fire over the engine bay will damage the engine or at least overheat it. Their equipment hasn’t exactly been robust so far.
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Seeing what the US military has at it's disposal, it's kind of depressing that the previous President took $$$ from the military budget to erect that 193 feet of wall at the southern border.

The power of the US military is a huge deterrent to fvck with Merica.
Yes it is. You felt the need to bring the wall into it but dont forget that when you are ready to bitch about mil spending.
So, from of the things that's going to make it really hard for someone to take out Putin, besides his lifetime dedicated to security, spycraft and that over 20 years he's basically MADE himself the government.

It isn't so much that he's the dictator head of a government, he's personally indispensable to the operations of the government. It isn't so clear a situation where he can just be taken out and the second in command take over. Apparently, it's not clear how anything would work without him...who would take over, how decisions would be made, etc.

That seems slightly overblown, after all, the guy's pushing 70, there has to be SOME idea. But to an extent taking him out it's like shooting the pilot of your plane. Besides all the practical obstacles of just getting to him, anyone looking to take him out will need a plan to prevent outright collapse of the government as an institution. Which doesn't happen fast, especially when you can't trust anyone you talk to.
So, from of the things that's going to make it really hard for someone to take out Putin, besides his lifetime dedicated to security, spycraft and that over 20 years he's basically MADE himself the government.

It isn't so much that he's the dictator head of a government, he's personally indispensable to the operations of the government. It isn't so clear a situation where he can just be taken out and the second in command take over. Apparently, it's not clear how anything would work without him...who would take over, how decisions would be made, etc.

That seems slightly overblown, after all, the guy's pushing 70, there has to be SOME idea. But to an extent taking him out it's like shooting the pilot of your plane. Besides all the practical obstacles of just getting to him, anyone looking to take him out will need a plan to prevent outright collapse of the government as an institution. Which doesn't happen fast, especially when you can't trust anyone you talk to.
Yep, literally the Death of Stalin committee meetings. Nobody knows who's in charge.
Not a history buff I see. Go back and study Red October of 1917.
I just went back and re-studied Red October of 1917.... nothing there about nuclear warheads, intercontinental ballistic missiles, space satellites, supercomputers, international monetary exchanges, or the like.

You can go back a century or even further to get whatever lessons you think may apply. This is 2022 not 1917 - we have since moved into the information age, advanced technologies, and globally connected economies.

Putin is living in his Soviet era dreams. The rest of the world is applying a 21st century response to a mid-20th century military action.
So, from of the things that's going to make it really hard for someone to take out Putin, besides his lifetime dedicated to security, spycraft and that over 20 years he's basically MADE himself the government.

It isn't so much that he's the dictator head of a government, he's personally indispensable to the operations of the government. It isn't so clear a situation where he can just be taken out and the second in command take over. Apparently, it's not clear how anything would work without him...who would take over, how decisions would be made, etc.

That seems slightly overblown, after all, the guy's pushing 70, there has to be SOME idea. But to an extent taking him out it's like shooting the pilot of your plane. Besides all the practical obstacles of just getting to him, anyone looking to take him out will need a plan to prevent outright collapse of the government as an institution. Which doesn't happen fast, especially when you can't trust anyone you talk to.

His current prime minister is the former president ...I think you're overthinking it.
China has been a civilization far longer than Europe, or Russia. They are content to play the long game. And they have had near-zero colonial aspirations for centuries. They want to "win" by becoming economically powerful. They have little-to-no interest in physical empire building or colonizing -- that is too expensive in blood and treasure when you can reap far more benefits by being among the wealthiest of the global superpowers without trying to manage recalcitrant overseas possessions with your military.
Except for Tibet.
They can also fly with B-17 levels of damage. God bless the noble Warthog.
During the first Gulf War one of the networks aired footage of a warthog that successfully returned to base after taking anti-aircraft fire. It had a hole in one of its wings the size of a car hood. Like a big 70’s sedan car hood. Freakin’ incredible.
I think the goal is that a fire over the engine bay will damage the engine or at least overheat it. Their equipment hasn’t exactly been robust so far.
Also, from Quora -
For one, Molotov Cocktails could be used by being thrown into open hatches. If properly thrown, it could land inside the tank, with deadly consequences. In the past, the crew would usually burn to death, but with modern day extinguishing systems like Halon tanks this may not happen.

However, electronics can still be damaged or destroyed, and overall the tank will most likely be rendered inoperable. In WWII, if thrown at the engine bay (back) of the tank, it will knock out the engine resulting in a M-Kill, or mobility kill. However, the tank could be mostly operable (turret can be traversed with a hand-crank, gun can also fire).


Example text provided by Anonymous for easy copy and paste:

Еда была отличной! К сожалению, Путин испортил наши аппетиты, вторгшись в Украину. Противостаньте своему диктатору, прекратите убивать невинных людей! Ваше правительство лжет вам. Вставай!


The food was great! Unfortunately, Putin spoiled our appetites by invading Ukraine. Stand up to your dictator, stop killing innocent people! Your government is lying to you. Get up!

Do not give negative reviews just because the restaurant is in Russia!
There is a near zero percent chance these talks are for show and an intentional distraction for Russia to pursue their goals.

The Russians will not negotiate in good faith.

I repeat: the Russians WILL NOT not negotiate in good faith.
Of course not. But you still go to them. Just make sure you won't settle for anything less than a complete withdrawal from Ukraine territory, including the Crimea territory. When the Russian's say "but..." you say no. If they stay silent, you get up and leave.