This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Example text provided by Anonymous for easy copy and paste:

Еда была отличной! К сожалению, Путин испортил наши аппетиты, вторгшись в Украину. Противостаньте своему диктатору, прекратите убивать невинных людей! Ваше правительство лжет вам. Вставай!


The food was great! Unfortunately, Putin spoiled our appetites by invading Ukraine. Stand up to your dictator, stop killing innocent people! Your government is lying to you. Get up!

Do not give negative reviews just because the restaurant is in Russia!
That’s genius
Farnaz Fassihi

Feb. 28, 2022, 2:45 p.m. ET9 minutes ago
9 minutes ago
Farnaz Fassihi
Russia's ambassador to the U.N. held a news conference, paused and took a phone call on his cellphone. He then announces that U.S. authorities told the Russian mission to the U.N. that they were declaring 12 diplomats from the Russian mission as “persona non grata” and demanding they leave the U.S. by March 7. They just visited Russia’s mission and delivered a note to us.
Has the U.S. taken any credit for supplying the Ukrainian military with intelligence or any cyber attacks? I have to believe some of the work done by "anonymous" had to be the U.S. and they're hiding behind the name. Also, Ukrainian intelligence seems to be top notch. They've been in the right place, shooting at the right targets quite a bit.
I'd prefer they not take any credit.

Keep under the radar. We can learn about it later in the history books.
Of course not. But you still go to them. Just make sure you won't settle for anything less than a complete withdrawal from Ukraine territory, including the Crimea territory. When the Russian's say "but..." you say no. If they stay silent, you get up and leave.
Ukraine has gained world support by how well they have handled this. If they lobbed bombs back or made a bunch of gross propaganda videos they wouldn't have the support that they do. People all over are actively rooting for them.
From your own link -

While many analysts credit Trump with putting pressure on allies to do more, the idea he singularly is responsible for increased spending is not accurate, they say.

So he does deserve some credit, just not all of it. I’m not a Trump fan, just believe in giving credit where it’s due. Very glad Biden is President the last few weeks. This is why I voted for him.
I saw that too, but I posted it in response to people thinking he singlehandedly changed NATO which is completely untrue.
Wait, you don't think there is such a thing as "NATO Dues"? You should look into that just a little bit more. Funding is broken down into direct and indirect funding. Direct funding obligations have been met.

1) NATO Funding includes two parts. Direct and Indirect, per NATO themselves. common-funded budgets and programmes are funded by,of the Organization, its commands and military infrastructure.

Allies make direct and indirect contributions to the costs of running NATO and implementing its policies and activities.

  • Indirect – or national – contributions are the largest and come, for instance, when a member commits capabilities and/or troops to a military operation and bears the costs of the decision to do so.
  • Direct contributions are made to finance the NATO budgets and programmes for requirements that serve the interests of all 30 members – and cannot reasonably be borne by any single member – such as NATO-wide air defence or command and control systems.
2) I'm not a "MAGAt" nor ever been confused with one, except just now apparently by your dumbass.

3) STFU and let this be about Ukraine.

Jesus, dude....The MAGA talking points were NOT about "NATO Budgets". EVERYONE contributes.

The talking point was about the 2% level. PERIOD. So, get the propaganda bullshit OUT of this thread - the people PUSHING it.

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Russia has proven to have only one playbook - intimidate from a position of “strength”. The world must keep calling their bluff it is the only way to put down the strongman mindset.

I am all for delivering lethal aid, establishing a no fly zone and creating a safe airspace for the Ukrainians to piss pound the Russians back to their own borders.
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I think the goal is that a fire over the engine bay will damage the engine or at least overheat it. Their equipment hasn’t exactly been robust so far.
All the tubes/belts etc are the sweet innards of a tank. They don't like fire. On top of that, these are essentially homemade napalm. Gasoline mixed with styrofoam, which turns into a gel. They burn plenty to take down a tank if you hit them right.
Now Monaco, how many enclaves are left?

"Monaco, a small city-state on the French Riviera that is often decried as a tax haven for the wealthy, said it would freeze assets and impose economic sanctions on certain Russians in response to the war in Ukraine. The office of Prince Albert II of Monaco said in a statement that Monaco would quickly “adopt and implement” measures that are “identical to those taken by most European states.”"
In case you don't want to scroll through all the separate tweets:

It could be true. I'm hoping we have not seen the larger portion of the military because they frankly dont. have the money to mobilize it. That foes make it seem like it's inevitable Ukraine gets the shit bombed out of it no.matter what.
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