All the tubes/belts etc are the sweet innards of a tank. They don't like fire. On top of that, these are essentially homemade napalm. Gasoline mixed with styrofoam, which turns into a gel. They burn plenty to take down a tank if you hit them right.
Well I know what I am doing in the backyard today. I'll let you guys know how a grand cherokee holds up. I assume they are similar to Russian equipment.
They can have all the guns in the world if someone isn't there to fire them it's just loot for Russia. It would be real nice to see something about one of these arriving forces kicking ass.
2006, never maintained and gets old is the Cherokee?
I make "napalm" on the reg. Good for bonfires.Well I know what I am doing in the backyard today. I'll let you guys know how a grand cherokee holds up. I assume they are similar to Russian equipment.
Makes sense. ThanksMy guess is they are expensive to replace and if any puppet government is going to survive, they will have to provide basic necessities to the people.
I wish those doctors and nurses the best of luck. The Russians, meh.
That's what I'm talking about! Get those bitches in the air!
Just sending a message to his underlings that he'll have them butchered if it suits his interests.Check out the masked/helmeted armed all in black guy standing in the back of the room. Vlad's paranoia is out of control
If you are going to just torch your Cherokee I will give you like 50k roubles for it.Well I know what I am doing in the backyard today. I'll let you guys know how a grand cherokee holds up. I assume they are similar to Russian equipment.
Might have to fly over the 17 mile convoy on way back.
When Ukraine can get Elon Musk to deliver something on time, you know they’re special.
Wow! Covid must be really bad. Stupid of Putin to send unvaxed soldiers to war.
Damn, I read through the comments and watched the follow up video. Both father and son were found in the ditch next to the car. One dog didn't make it as well. The other dog, survived and was sitting next to their bodies watching over them.
This one has had me frustrated. How has anyone allowed this train to just keep rolling. I know it's been slowed, but how hard to just take it out?
Hey, this post got me to threaten Spotify to cancel my subscription. I have the Premium Family Plan so that’s $15.99 or the equivalent ten billion rubles.
Can fly with only one engine and half of a wing missing. The defense dept wanted to moth ball the A10 years back. Would have been a huge mistakeDuring the first Gulf War one of the networks aired footage of a warthog that successfully returned to base after taking anti-aircraft fire. It had a hole in one of its wings the size of a car hood. Like a big 70’s sedan car hood. Freakin’ incredible.
Just as long as this guy doesn't need to sprint 10 yards,
Man that’s terrible . Just at a loss for words with this pointless invasion and killing. MadnessDamn, I read through the comments and watched the follow up video. Both father and son were found in the ditch next to the car. One dog didn't make it as well. The other dog, survived and was sitting next to their bodies watching over them.
Sure, but there are a dozen other threads on this board to do that in. The same 6 people hijack every ****ing thread on this board, they even do it on the basketball board. Is it so wrong for them to be adults and stfu for once?It’s not just about what is happening in Ukraine. It’s also about how it got to this point and Trump is a part of that discussion. I understand why you don’t want to discuss it but it doesn’t make it any less true. I’d argue it needs to be discussed to avoid putting someone in the WH again that doesn’t have the USA’s best interests in mind.
Some were asking how many MIGs they were getting...looks like 29 from Poland. Have to assume more from Bulgaria, etc.
And let’s be real; the world needs more HD footage of A-10’s getting starter reps.Hopefully that new air support is available. That tidy column is a wet dream for A-10s....