This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Who's to say that video won't show up on PornHub at some point? Not the slightest hint of nudity involved, but still enjoyed by guys.

I mean, there's a fetish for every thing else, so why not Tank Porn?? ;)
Wasn't she poking her head out of the top of the tank?

Tank Top Porn? Yeah....I'm good with that...
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For those that don't know what MIG 29 looks like.

Contemplating that as my new avatar but who am I kidding, Bo Jackson breaking an ISU bat over his head cannot be improved upon.
Blocking foreign dollars from leaving the country and forcing businesses to trade theirs in for rubles can only last so long, maybe prop up the Russian economy for a few days at most without a total collapse - which puts Putin's mindset into perspective.

Taking Ukraine and trying to afford an occupation is impossible. They can take Kiev and Kharkiv, but it's pointless and only goes so far as it can afford to occupy it. That leads me to believe that Putin's gone mad and Russia's finance ministry/central bank bought enough time to put together a succession plan. Nothing about this is rational - he's not the sly former spy that's playing the west against itself, even Turkey blocked him from moving warships west.

As soon as Putin's gone and Russia retreats/agrees to rebuild Ukraine, the sanctions likely disappear and we can begin integrating Russia into the west because the alternative for them is perpetual poverty.

I can say this, if US soldiers did this...BIG BIG BIG trouble. back in paper days, losing your SOI was really bad, like way worse than losing all of your equipment bad.

Could you explain what this is in girly man never served in the military terms? I’m interpreting this as Russia’s communications frequencies over which they’d be discussing their plans. Its falling into the enemy’s hands would obviously be a nightmare for them.

Am I right?
Is anyone else concerned for Poland? I wonder if Pooty will decide to attack them as punishment for the enormous amount of help they’ve given thus far.
Poles are NATO - they hate the Russkies - and they have a very capable military.
Russia cannot attack Poland because of the NATO treaty. If that happens our airpower will make this Desert Storm III.
Is anyone else concerned for Poland? I wonder if Pooty will decide to attack them as punishment for the enormous amount of help they’ve given thus far.
Poles are NATO - they hate the Russkies - and they have a very capable military.

I doubt it, but he's proven to be insane already. Russia doesn't want any of the Poles. And certainly not NATO.
Is anyone else concerned for Poland? I wonder if Pooty will decide to attack them as punishment for the enormous amount of help they’ve given thus far.
Poles are NATO - they hate the Russkies - and they have a very capable military.
I don't think k it is the craziest thought in the world to think he wanted to take Ukraine with minimal force in hopes of it daisychaining to others. But he doesn't want that fight now.
Is anyone else concerned for Poland? I wonder if Pooty will decide to attack them as punishment for the enormous amount of help they’ve given thus far.
Poles are NATO - they hate the Russkies - and they have a very capable military.

Not in the least bit, if Russia decides to go after the Poles it will finally be the kick in the pants we and NATO need to stand up to this bully.

But I doubt he will. He's gotten enough from the Ukrainians.
I’ve been spending multiple hours on this thread the last few days, and I just hit page 68. I’m home with a sick kid today, so hope to be caught up by this afternoon. For reference page 68 is 20 hours ago and on par with most news headlines this morning. Legendary thread.
Just made it to page 100 (with a few speed bumps along the way). My eyes need a break, lungs need some fresh air, and belly needs a bourbon. Hoping to catch up by bedtime! Thanks again for the thread! I know where my breaks will be spent for the foreseeable future.
Not in the least bit, if Russia decides to go after the Poles it will finally be the kick in the pants we and NATO need to stand up to this bully.

But I doubt he will. He's gotten enough from the Ukrainians.
If they commit enough war crimes killing civilians - like the ones linked earlier in this thread - the Russians could provoke us into direct military intervention.
Not in the least bit, if Russia decides to go after the Poles it will finally be the kick in the pants we and NATO need to stand up to this bully.

But I doubt he will. He's gotten enough from the Ukrainians.
I'll ask you, again, since you're keen on beating on the drums to get the US into a full scale war with a nuclear power -

Have you signed up for the Ukrainian Foreign Legion yet? They're paying well and looking for anyone.
Plus we have a ton of troops, equipment, and air power stationed in Poland. I'm sure we probably have a couple of dozen subs up there as well.

If Russia thought they would wipe out Ukraine in 4 days. NATO would completely anihilate everything Russia has in less time than that.
I think Russia has proven they want no part of a fight with a modern military. NATO's air superiority would devastate Russia.
If Russia doesn't figure this shit out pretty quick they are going to get their ass beat by Ukrainians flying nato shit.

Think about that shit for a second: these guys are getting like 4 hours OJT to fly fighter jets that are like spaceships to them. Talk about drinking from the fire hose.
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