This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...



I was informed by NatAlgren that the Russians took Bakhmut over a week ago
And Kiev was next.
I think this kid is a patsy and the US Govt is up to something with the deliberate leak.
My dream scenario is that the US knew of the leaker for a while and gave him access to bullshit intelligence as a deliberate false flag. The dude would still be guilty of treason and we would have been able to push a confusing narrative just in advance of the Ukrainian assault. That would be awesome if true.

However Occam’s razer would say we simply did not know he was doing it and the intel, while slightly dated, is factual.
My dream scenario is that the US knew of the leaker for a while and gave him access to bullshit intelligence as a deliberate false flag. The dude would still be guilty of treason and we would have been able to push a confusing narrative just in advance of the Ukrainian assault. That would be awesome if true.

However Occam’s razer would say we simply did not know he was doing it and the intel, while slightly dated, is factual.

It just seems the release of some of it seems very timely...thats all I will say.
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My dream scenario is that the US knew of the leaker for a while and gave him access to bullshit intelligence as a deliberate false flag. The dude would still be guilty of treason and we would have been able to push a confusing narrative just in advance of the Ukrainian assault. That would be awesome if true.

However Occam’s razer would say we simply did not know he was doing it and the intel, while slightly dated, is factual.
Occam really needed a shave, that is for sure... Kidding, I was just going to bring up Occam's Razor but you beat me to it.
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Occam really needed a shave, that is for sure... Kidding, I was just going to bring up Occam's Razor but you beat me to it.

But if you do gaslighting well, and I am a sociopath and know, it is very effective. You have people guessing what they know and remember and doubting themselves.
Yes...very advantageous for the government to have this leak that shows spying on our allies and calls into question our ability safeguard intelligence.

:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: would want your enemy to think just that....

If I was leaking it I would do it exactly the way they did it; leak what you want out with some other stuff so no one thinks it was just a leak of a certain fact.
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If I was leaking it I would do it exactly the way they did it; leak what you want out with some other stuff so no one thinks it was just a leak of a certain fact.
There are a lot more subtle ways to funnel disinformation to the Russians.

Totally disagree with your premise...
I know you hope its a Biden screw up. Its Ok

You're contention would be a "Biden screwup" not mine.

If we deliberately leaked this with the resulting international blow back I'd call that pretty f'ing stupid and a screwup.

I think the dipshit 21 yr old did it on his own....and isn't Biden's fault. I haven't even alluded to that...
I think this is being way overcomplicated. The kid had access to docs as part of his job on base. He took cell phone pics of them and shared them with a closed chat group to stroke his own ego. From there, people saved and shared them all over the place. Now he'll spend the rest of his life in jail. Stupid is as stupid does. I know a kid that has top secret status, and just got it pretty recently, and I was one of the references he used. I got a call from the military branch and went through 20 questions with them, but they weren't all that deep. I'm sure the digital background check and personal history went a lot deeper, but my part wasn't that terribly hard to deal with.
Russian tank propaganda I thought interesting.

They are trying to turn the narrative that their equipment sucks, and that they are relying on increasingly obsolete equipment. Most of those guys working on those tanks were probably drunk, and the quality of their work will be reflected.
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Point #3 is a good one. They are withdrawing in an orderly fashion after making the Russians expend men and material. It’s a brutal battle, but in holding they are bleeding the Russians out while organizing their new armor and infantry units in the rear.
The question is was the effort worth severe were the Ukrainian casualties in that effort?

Guess we'll find out in the coming weeks.
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I think this is being way overcomplicated. The kid had access to docs as part of his job on base. He took cell phone pics of them and shared them with a closed chat group to stroke his own ego. From there, people saved and shared them all over the place. Now he'll spend the rest of his life in jail. Stupid is as stupid does. I know a kid that has top secret status, and just got it pretty recently, and I was one of the references he used. I got a call from the military branch and went through 20 questions with them, but they weren't all that deep. I'm sure the digital background check and personal history went a lot deeper, but my part wasn't that terribly hard to deal with.

I had top secret clearance when I was in the service. I'm not sure why. I never saw or discussed any top secret material ever. The process was pretty quick and easy; seemed to be kind of a 'matter of fact', everyday sort of thing for the people printing me doing the paperwork.

Probably lots of of people in the US armed forces that have TS clearance but don't need it based on what I experienced. It needs cleaned up.
Point #3 is a good one. They are withdrawing in an orderly fashion after making the Russians expend men and material. It’s a brutal battle, but in holding they are bleeding the Russians out while organizing their new armor and infantry units in the rear.
I'm pulling this our of my rear but maybe another sign of the impending offensive is Ukraine moving back to their defensive line near there. They will probably be able to defend it with less men and equipment, freeing them up to do harm elsewhere.

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