This might be a little tougher than Putin thought...

Yeah the threat of 20 years in prison will give one pause. I have no ill will towards the Russian people.
They are a very fatalistic bunch and frankly are delighted with their lives over the last twenty years. Like I said they can go into a grocery store and find food, and into a department store and buy clothes. There’s a Mercedes Benz factory there for heavens sake. They think things are pretty decent.
Here's the thing about deterrence. If there is one thing we have learned from this episode, it is that the threat of pain, as opposed to actually feeling it, has little deterrent effect on this numbnuts.
That is also a salient point. However, the intent is to get the oligarchs to act, not Putin.
Joe is saying threaten to do so. I think it makes some sense.
I think it’s better to show them the rewards of action vs. potentially pushing them to stay loyal to Putin. I would image the good guys would apply a bit of both approaches though.
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You should take a break from this thread for the day. Go calm down someplace.
You are trying way to hard little man. I get it my presence threatens you but cool your ****ing little tits, we are making our way through it. If Joe wants to continue that conversation he and I will do so in the other thread.
Here's the thing about deterrence. If there is one thing we have learned from this episode, it is that the threat of pain, as opposed to actually feeling it, has little deterrent effect on this numbnuts.

Threat of death and pain is what keeps them in line with Putin.

I'm not saying we should start executing oligarch's kids in the streets, but I would hope our covert services are making it very clear to oligarchs how easily we can get to them...financially, but also physically as well.

And the oligarchs themselves? I would imagine there are a few of them with enough blood on their hands that we could afford to make an example of them.
Imagine aliens coming upon a radioactive rock in outer space and upon studying it, concluding that it used to be earth. One says to the other, “that planet existed for billions of years, but its inhabitants couldn’t wait 15 more for a run of the mill thug to die of old age.”

“Yeah, but at least they weren’t his bitch. They really showed him,” says the other. “Oh well, let’s keep looking for intelligent life somewhere else.”

Pretty stupid, huh?

You think if we let this continue that Putin's successor is going to suddenly be a peaceful man?? Or will he learn from Putin that if you riddle the nuclear saber everyone will just roll over for you.

We are teaching future Russian leaders a lesson here.
Once they get arrested for protesting the government twice, they are blacklisted and cannot get a job anywhere in the country.

It's amazingly similar to what a majority in one US political party would like to do as well.

It’s past time to have EVERYONE in this thread to just put you on ignore.
You start arguments every day just for your own entertainment.
Huge old man PAIN IN THE REAR syndrome,

I have so enjoyed and appreciated the information and sharing of thought by 98% of the folks who’ve been participating- if I put you on ignore I can continue to do so.
Carry on everyone. Y’all have been awesome. 👍
And this is why the Russians might be being "risk averse" with their troop deployments...they're not worried about getting them killed, they're worried about them quitting...

I've been wondering if the Ukrainians or someone else could offer payment to Russian soldiers that surrender and give up their weapons. Their families at home must be suffering and we know the troops are starving.
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So we are back to wimping out again.

Here Mr. Putin have Ukraine, have Finland too.

We need to stand up to him even if that risks nuclear war. I don't want to to nuked, no one does, but at what point do we say enough is enough?

We talk about this weakening Putin but that may only be for so long. He takes Ukraine and it's resources and eventually we get bored, let him have it and start trading with him again because we can't abide by high gas prices.

Then he goes for Finland and we play this whole game over again. And he wants for us to get a president that loves him like Trump or DeSantis so he can go after NATO while we flake out.

So tired of being Russia's bitch.
Were you alive in 1962?
“Risk nuclear war?” Are you nuckin futs?
You think if we let this continue that Putin's successor is going to suddenly be a peaceful man?? Or will he learn from Putin that if you riddle the nuclear saber everyone will just roll over for you.

We are teaching future Russian leaders a lesson here.
I think it's going to be crazy interesting to see what they do with government moving forward. They have seen enough of the "west" now to atleast want to try it. (The people not the oligarchs)
I have to keep reminding myself that there is absolutely nothing I can do to help this situation otherwise I sit around getting overly angry and frustrated. But it is hard. Part of me wants us to just go in with our troops and put an end to this, but that risks not only an actual nuclear war, but also many of our allies turning their back on us because it shows we don't care if nuclear war comes to them. There are far more people than just Ukranians we have to be concerned with here. Alliances are stronger than they've been in a long time, the EU is growing in unity, and NATO likely comes out of this stronger as well. There is no way that Putin really wins if we stay united on this front. But that's a long game and it's going to leave us frustrated and Ukraine likely getting overrun unless someone in Russia takes care of the problem for us.

I do think we need to continue to escalate the sanctions every few days. Start seizing all financials for every Russian oligarch. Deport all of Putins family back to Russia and then begin doing the same with ALL Oligarchs and their families. There is no reason for any Oligarchs being anywhere outside of Russia right now.
Hello friend Russia, this is the World Bank. I am having trouble wiring funds out. I am willing to compensate you for your help. I will send you a check for $100 billion and all I need is for you to wire me $10 billion in return. This is a fantastic opportunity for you. Do not let it go to waste.
I've been wondering if the Ukrainians or someone else could offer payment to Russian soldiers that surrender and give up their weapons. Their families at home must be suffering and we know the troops are starving.
Ukraine already offered Russian soldiers that surrender amnesty and 50,000,000 rubles or something like that. That's like 50k US even at the Rubles deflated value.
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The Russian Orthodox Church has been basically a fully integrated tool of Russian security forces, first under the Soviets and since under Putin. This is something...these people are completely surrounded by government collaborators and risk tremendous consequence. This is not the kind of "safe" statement we would consider it in the West.

I think some of you are way, way ahead of yourselves after five days.

I don't think any options should be off the table, including a no fly zone. Russia doesn't get to just do whatever they want because they can scream "nukes!". It wasn't like that for 40 years of the Cold War (when the world was much more closely balanced on each side), and it's not like that now.

On the other hand...its been five days. War is hell and we haven't seen this kind of war for a long time, our whole lives for most of us, and we've NEVER seen it this up close. We're not, nor should we be, shooting down Russian planes in less than a week.

This is very likely going to take a while, and it's going to be horrifying. Ukraine is going to continue to receive weapons and supplies from the entire world. Russia has almost no support and they won't be able to keep this up indefinitely. We shouldn't be scared, but there's a long, long way to go before we need to engage directly.
Patience is something we have lost with the information boom.
Kennedy did it by blockading Cuba. He was willing to sink Russian ships if he had to.

He stood up to them and they backed down.

When Western direct involvement, I think that's what it's going to look like. Protecting the border with Poland, protecting humanitarian convoys, etc. It will be a position that dares the Russians to fire on us, not one that sets us up to fire on them (like a no-fly zone).