I think the full text is worth reposting here for those who will not click or don’t use twitter.One of my favorite Twitter Ukraine follows last two years. Worth the quick read:
“No, this was never about 'the U.S. 'owing' Ukraine something. Yes, 25 years ago, our leaders of the past stupidly gave up on our nuclear stockpile and strategic bombers, which were decommissioned or, moreover, handed over to Russia, just like that. Yep, there were multilateral 'security assurances' - but who is here to blame for the fact that we once gave up on our tactical nukes and cruise missiles for basically a piece of paper with words of encouragement written on it.
Our leaders thought there'd be no tomorrow and that a war was impossible. Their direful attitude toward our military for decades has been tragically known. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are right now paying the ultimate price for that colossal crime of historic scale. It's been happening all this damned decade -- ever since the days of February 2014, when Russia unfolded its punitive war on its former colony embraced by a victorious revolution.
The thing is that in our own Revolutionary War, the empire generally failed to bring its colony back on its knees, yet it spilled rivers of blood.And in 2022, it came back for the final solution fueled by a propaganda-driven irrational cult of revenge, hatred, territorial grabs, and perpetual war on the West as a ruling narrative. The last thing that we, as a struggling 40-million democracy, wanted was a grand, all-out invasion by one of the world's largest military powers hellbent on eliminating Ukraine as an independent nation.
We did not choose this hell.
Yet, the delusional aging dictator in the Kremlin, drunk with lust for power and willing to crown himself a new emperor, decided that he needed yet another splendid little war. You know what happened next - the biggest European war of aggression since WWII. In which, against expectations, Ukraine managed to stem the enemy onrush, stabilize the front line, and even take large amounts of the national territory back.
Russia, in the first month of its war, the active part of which was supposed to last nearly 10 days, suffered a tremendous defeat at Ukraine's capital city, Kyiv, which effectively derailed the entire war's initial goal.Now it's been two years of a tremendously large battle of million-strong armies.Just think of the scale.
Right now, for instance, Oryx has documented and confirmed the loss of a total of 2,714 Russian tanks. That's more than the entire fleet of M1 Abrams in active use by the U.S. Army (2,645 per Military Balance 2023). That's a square full of destroyed tanks measuring 360 by 360 yards. That's tanks alone.
There's really a handful of nations in this world that could successfully wage an all-out war of defense against such a gargantuan armada, and, moreover, aspire towards a victory in such a war. All this time, this has been a story of Ukraine literally begging for weapons and munitions, getting as little as it gets from the hypercautous and undetermined West, and carrying on with its war of national survival.
And we and our friends, particularly in media, again and again, managed to break our heads through the wall and persuade the West to take one more step forward. Artillery, munition, tank killers, air defense, missiles, jets, tanks. Reluctantly, slowly, amid long wars of words, the West did that - simply because most do understand that helping Ukraine is necessary and that it works.
No wonder that so-called 'opponents' of the Ukraine aid against the Russian invasion can't give any mature and rational explanation as to why the free world should just let Russia devour a 40-million European nation. It's always either about primitive 'pRoXy wAr' conspiracy theories that comfortably ignore the simple timeline of events or just outright lies -- like "they want to send American soldiers to fight" or "we don't really know where our taxpayers' cash money goes", or "we're spending 40% of American GDP on Ukraine as there are poor people in Philadelphia."
Or it's about something as childish as "let them all burn, it's not my problem."
Well, dictatorial regimes in Moscow, Tehran, Pyongyang and elsewhere are only glad to see you step aside and do nothing -- very soon, they will be very much of YOUR problem, and that's what's happening right now in the news.
This world is now too small and interconnected to just put heads into the sand.The thing is that we NEED EACH OTHER.
Not because somebody 'owes' something but because it's wise, smart, and mutually advantageous.
With Ukraine's defense aid, America has been supporting a truly decent and simple cause, morally and practically, that is admittedly a pretty rare thing in human history.
Moreover, it was doing it with absolute support from European allies, which had not always been the case in the past. The United Europe is also bringing a lot to the table, although the temptation to close its eyes and do nothing is strong. Moreover, it was rendering assistance to Ukraine at a very moderate cost, with not a single American soldier to be sent to fight - but with a whole range of American enterprises getting government contracts and providing American jobs, American salaries, and American taxes in America.
And Ukraine asks for tools to neutralize the worst European war of aggression since Adolf Hitler with its own hands.
Over the last two years, Ukraine has demonstrated it so many times that this is absolutely possible and vital to the safety of the world we live in. How is this any worse than spending billions and billions and billions on decades-long, pointless wars somewhere in the Middle East, with folded American flags sent back home? We need America to rejoin the rest of the free world in one of the most dangerous moments in modern history.
It's not too late yet - but cheap politics and listening to irresponsible demagogues have given way too much time and resources to the aggressor. There's still time to prevent a catastrophe but the time is running very short. Support my work: https://buymeacoffee.com/saintanger “
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