Former Russian take.
Tucker the Traitor Extraordinaire interviewing Putin. Musk’s dumbass is reposting it.
1. Musk is seeking controversy and engagement numbers to boost ad revenue.
2. Musk is beholden to Putin for some financial or otherwise blackmail reason. However, this take is implausible considering he has DOD clearance and is almost certainly under surveillance by the DHS, the DOD/DOJ, and or the CIA/FBI under Biden’s administration.
3. Musk wants dialogue to prevail over further escalation logically resulting in WW3. Musk has publicly stated numerous times of his fear of the Russia/Ukraine conflict to escalate out of control.
@billanole @h-hawk what do you think?
“This is not journalism. By his logic, he would have been on the first boat to Germany to interview Hitler after the invasion of Poland and the destruction of Warsaw, purportedly, to get “the other side of the story!” I lived in Russia for 20 years. I left because life was becoming unbearable for anyone with a moral compass and an appreciation for the very same rights Carlson purports he stands for but have been completely decimated by Putin. Freedom of speech? Independent journalism? Democratic principles? Liberty? Right to personal property? None of this exists in today’s Russia. But if the people adore their disctaros and enjoy their slavish existence, it is their right to live as they like. What is intolerable and inexcusable is when they preemptively attack a peaceful neighbor in an effort to impose their rotten system. This is a cynical, ugly and irresponsible act of shilling for a truly horrendous, immoral human being who has condemned his country and his people to lives without a future and decided to take tens of thousands of lives along the way! Nothing to be applauded here, and anyone who supports this is doing so out of ignorance.“