The West wouldn't need to nudge very hard on Armenia to move them away from Russia. Putin has been a terrible ally for Armenia.
I recognize this as a threat, but OPEC nations have often talked about cuts and caps, and then stabbed each other in the back with extra production. And, the Biden Administration has quietly stepped back from Venezuela. Their production abilities are creaky, but I would make that trade if I were Biden. Tell the Venezuelans to open up their spigot. They don't give a fig if that makes Putin mad given their shaky economy.Because oil is an international commodity, and Russia produces like 15% of the world supply.
Disrupt/end Russian production = gas price spikes
Gas spikes = bad for Biden's reelection.
American's LOVE driving guzzlers that support dictators in Saudi, Russia, Venezuela, Iran, and Syria, and are hypersensitive to price increases.
Two months before the '22 election, Saudi announced a big production cutback that was credited with helping the GOP take the House. I look for similar announcement and price spikes this fall from the Saudis and Russians to help get their client Trump back in the WH.
Ukraine's attacks have cut Russian production by 600,000-900,000 barrels a day, which has caused a price increase of 2-3%.
Ukraine's drone attacks on energy facilities have taken a bite out of Russia's oil exports, industry insider says
Ukrainian drone attacks on energy infrastructure have likely reduced Russian oil exports by hundreds of thousands of barrels, a top energy CEO
Every time Russia hits Kyiv, Ukraine should try to hit Moscow.
Be that as it may, lots of badness can be tossed from an F14 cruising along the border. Orcs will suffer muchly.
Not tit for tat, but much more worser. Make them feel it.
Not tit for tat, but much more worser. Make them feel it.
It's so odd that the Republicans who claim they view China as a threat refuse to support Ukraine, which is fighting the same fight for autonomy and freedom.